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Catching up on jobs

James Harrison


Work has tailed off somewhat dramatically this last week as I started my new job :) Whilst the job is great it does unfortunately mean a lot of travelling in the mornings and evenings, and an early bedtime. So the time I've got for my models has shrunk from about 4 hours each evening to 2, if I am lucky.


This means I can't do larger jobs in the week (so work on Jutland has slowed right down), but I can do smaller, quicker pieces.


One of which has been to fit three of my locomotives with curved handrails....






They still need painting and I anticipate that when painted matt black to match the straight rails they'll look much better. I experimented this time with using some brass wire I had to hand. It was useless for straight rails but I think worked beautifully for the curved smokebox ones. I still need to fit a smokebox handrail to my N5 and my C5, however my C5 I am working up a list of improvements I can make to. Which currently runs to;


- Curved handrail

- Replace twisted handrails

- Replace cabside lining

- Build out splashers

- Replace pony truck detailing.


Something for next year I think.


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