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This one looks a go-er....

James Harrison


Because the snow is finally beginning to melt the Royal Mail have managed to make their way up to my house today. Bringing with them *another* book about the Metropolitan Railway and a Hornby Patriot bodyshell (£3.99 from ebay- bargain!).


No sooner had I got the package open then down comes my copy of 'The Harmonious Blacksmith' by A C Hancox and I quickly turn to page 25...


... and lay the Hornby bodyshell on the 4mm drawing on that page of Great Central Railway #1097 'Immingham'.


It looks to be a fairly good match, in terms of major dimensions- a little too long perhaps but certainly closer than a B12 body is.


The complete list of points immediately notable runs to:


1. Running plate profile matches up pretty well.

2. Location of firebox on running plate matches that of the B4. (that is, when the front edges of both 'plates are aligned).

3. Firebox is about 4mm too long to the rear.

4. Boiler barrel is about 4mm too short to the front.

5. Smokebox is 4mm too long to the rear and 4mm too long to the front- possibility to thin down the back end to match the boiler?

6. Cab is about right in length and height.

7. Cab is set too far back due to point 3.

8. Cab sidesheets are completely wrong.

9. Splashers are in the wrong places, too low and too few of them.


Nothing there that immediately puts the brakes on the project (just wait 'til I get it on the B12 chassis and watch the problems mount up now....), so this one looks a go-er.


We'll start when a) the L1 (currently drying after a third coat of matt black) is finished, b) I've done my BEC D11 and c) I've finished my GC-esque matchboard brake third. Lots of work to do!


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