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Preparation, preparation....



To be honest not much work done this weekend, I'm still waiting for a point and large quantity of point motors. The points and motors I have received already are now mounted and ready for a weekend with the board on its side to do the wiring (it's just so much easier!).


I did escape to the country for a little jaunt to the Tenterden Model Railway show. Nice event guys! Well done!


However (and you probably knew that was coming), as this is very much a family show, why invite layouts where nothing seems to happen??? There are a lot of parents at such a show, with young children. The children want to see things move, they don't care about timetables, or proper signalling. A high speed line with trains nose to tail would be more fun than a Playstation (possibly).


OK, rant over....


On a side note, I have some leftover PECO 009 track, a piece of 3x3 foot MDF, so here is LinksÜberdorf (Left over village), since this picture was taken, I've managed to find a spot for the remaining two points that I had left as well.




The idea is that this will be a test bed for new loco's so there are lots of points and curves of varying radii. It is impossible to do a whole circuit without going through a diverging point. Initially the points will all be manually operated, but all points will have holes pre-drilled for motors, just in case.


I already have a tiny board, that I built as a test of how to lay HOe/009 flex track, so that and the new test track, will act as guinea pigs for things such as ballasting. So who knows? It might become a little portable layout, especially as the big layout will require 2-3 people at least an hour to get out of its room.


Anyway, I managed to get some wiring done on the test track this afternoon, in preparation for track laying, which might start this week!


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