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Im still going.....Just!



Hello :)


As the blog post says I am still managing to get some modelling done although the enthusiasm isnt what it should be.


Firstly I had a great time at the St Albans show, which is now I think my 4th year there. I thoroughly enjoy myself there and thanks goes to David and the CMRA for inviting me once again. It was a great opportunity to meet up with friends once again plus also meet and chat to others so thank you to all those that took the time to come and say hello.


As usual I didnt get that much modelling done at the show (but I never do!). I took the opportunity this year to have a go at my MkII version of City of Truro..




I managed to get a little bit done at the show but decided to try and do a little more today to check out a few more bits of the design. Unfortunately there are still a few errors and design improvements needed (it is my first ever engine!) so there will be a MkIII, the good thing though is that this time I got further than the MkI version!


Secondly, those of you that saw me may of noticed my yard crane, the majority of it is built now...






I now have to build the hook and pulley (as I lost the first one) and paint both of them. I will then assemble the whole thing together as I dont want to paint the chain I will be using. All I can say is thankfully I have two etches done!


Missy :)

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

That crane is a thing of beauty! Lovely work as always.



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You can't beat a nice 4-4-0. Look forward to seeing Truro finished - whichever 'mark' you are on by then.


Bet you can't wait to get on with the lining!


Regards, Andy

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Thanks Guys :)


Bet you can't wait to get on with the lining!


Thanks to Atso Steve the whole lining thing doesnt seem as terrifying as it was. I was going to use transfers but now thats changed.


Anyway, thats a while off yet...

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Beautiful... such is the effect of scale with the crane that the blue tak lump is transformed into a mighty boulder!


The cabside handrail of 'Truro looks particularly good.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Missy,


Brilliant work on CoT. That captures the prototype well, It will be a superb model once you've finished her.


As for that yard crane-the finesse of your work shows through in this model.


Be good to see it painted and weathered eventually.





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Thanks Guys :)



Thanks to Atso Steve the whole lining thing doesnt seem as terrifying as it was. I was going to use transfers but now thats changed.


Anyway, thats a while off yet...

Glad I could be of help Missy! If anyone is interested in Missy's lining efforts, here is the part completed tender underframe she did - I timed this at around 6 minutes! Sorry this one was already pre-weathered but it was all I had to hand (don't ask what is going to happen to the B1 it was originally paired with!).




Truro looks so much more complete with the cab now! Shame you're looking at the MKIII version already, where are the problem areas?

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Both of those models are fantastic, I continue to be amazed by what you achieve on such a small scale. I look forward to seeing C of T being completed.


Oh! and don't let that enthusiasm wane any more please, keep up the great and inspirational work..



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Great work, Missy! Enthusiasm does wax and wane; I've not had much for sustained periods for quite a while, but every now and then, well, you get a buzz. What you're doing is too good to let it go forever.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well you certainly inspired me at the weekend Julia. The etches you did for me are beautiful (more on my Bath thread later) and I'm sat here enjoying a large whiskey and a couple of triangles of dark Toblerone - also courtesy of your good self.



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  • RMweb Gold

Missy, I never cease to admire your persistence and how you strive for perfection. You are building a Mk II of the City which looks amazing to most of us, and yet you have already planned a Mk III. That's tenacity!


The lining on that tender is pretty amazing too for 2mm!


I hope you can keep the mojo going, the world deserves it :-)

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Hello folks!


Glad I could be of help Missy! If anyone is interested in Missy's lining efforts, here is the part completed tender underframe she did - I timed this at around 6 minutes! Sorry this one was already pre-weathered but it was all I had to hand (don't ask what is going to happen to the B1 it was originally paired with!).

Truro looks so much more complete with the cab now! Shame you're looking at the MKIII version already, where are the problem areas?


Looking at that it looks alright, I dont remeber it being that neat on the Sunday! Thanks again for your help Steve.


I need to change the way the running plate sits on the chassis, I had a few problems folding up the splashers plus the alignment holes dont quite align! There are a few other tweaks I think are needed to make the assembly a little easier but I am pleased with how its going.



Well you certainly inspired me at the weekend Julia. The etches you did for me are beautiful (more on my Bath thread later) and I'm sat here enjoying a large whiskey and a couple of triangles of dark Toblerone - also courtesy of your good self.




Im looking forward to seeing how you get on with those Jerry. Glad to be of service and Im happy to be a part of Bath (even if its a small part)



Missy, I never cease to admire your persistence and how you strive for perfection. You are building a Mk II of the City which looks amazing to most of us, and yet you have already planned a Mk III. That's tenacity!


Its just wanting to get it right plus trying to figure out the best way of doing it so others dont struggle too much.


M :)

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That's substantial progress from what I saw on Saturday. Keep on keeping on...


P.S. You were right about how close a tender shouldn't be. Fat people wouldn't be able to cab it at present. I had to shorten the coupling to stop the cardan shaft coming out but that is not an excuse and it will be corrected (as will the footplate wobble). 

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Its just wanting to get it right plus trying to figure out the best way of doing it so others dont struggle too much.

Oh, do we all get to play too? - cool!


Wondering if it (and its friends) had a less ornate livery before its first withdrawal though.


Bulldogs are quite appealing too...


Regards, Andy

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That's substantial progress from what I saw on Saturday. Keep on keeping on...


P.S. You were right about how close a tender shouldn't be. Fat people wouldn't be able to cab it at present. I had to shorten the coupling to stop the cardan shaft coming out but that is not an excuse and it will be corrected (as will the footplate wobble). 


I did do a little bit more once I got home, after all no-one ever gets much modelling done on a demo table at a show! Its been very encouraging to see it come together and I am now thinking of another 'mini test etch' just to get the tweaks done so I can build it again (properly this time)


I did think the tender was a little close, even for 2mm standards. I would love to know how you go about doing the drive shafts too, its something I have always struggled with.



Oh, do we all get to play too? - cool!


Wondering if it (and its friends) had a less ornate livery before its first withdrawal though.


Bulldogs are quite appealing too...


Regards, Andy


I dont know, like with all the other bits I play with, it depends on demand. If enough people ask for one then I will look into making it available to others. After all I have done it because I need one (or should that be 'would like'?)


Dont make the same mistake I did too, there IS a difference between the City and Bulldog classes! I only know that now because I have a half drawn up Bulldog engine after I started drawing one thinking it was CoT!!


M :)

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Both City of Truro and the Crane look excellent to me.  You should be very pleased with both. 


I assume that the plan is still to marry the CoT with a 3D printed boiler assembly? 


If you ever decide to make the crane available to others i would certainly be interested (the City wouldn't unfortunately be suitable for the kind of layout I'm planning, but I do have a fondness for the Duke's so might have a go at one of those one day, but that is a long way off).



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Hello Ian.


Thank you, yes I am still planning on using a 3D printed boiler. I am currently on 3D Type 4 boiler MkIV but its still not right so I havent ordered one yet. The current plan is to print the wheel centers too (depending on the result of the Peckett experiment)


There does seem to be a bit of interest with the crane though so I will put all the bits together and look into selling it somehow. It will not be a complete kit but more like a Worsley Works scratch aid type of thing. It would be a shame to keep something like that to myself wouldnt it!

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I would love to know how you go about doing the drive shafts too, its something I have always struggled with.


I will tell you when I get back to getting rid of the footplate wobble. It is simple really. I made the mistake of trying to make it in as few pieces as possible but 5 parts makes fabrication much easier.


Dont make the same mistake I did too, there IS a difference between the City and Bulldog classes! I only know that now because I have a half drawn up Bulldog engine after I started drawing one thinking it was CoT!!

Oh yes. And the various other 4-4-0 classes. In isolation they all look quite same-y in photographs if you overlook sizes and details, which is very easily done. I read again recently (probably on here somewhere) that the frames are different on the two sides of C of T. One side has what is commonly referred to as type 3 frame strengthening and the other type 5. Something to note for version 3 of the model perhaps?


Incidentally I am (and continue to do so) slowly drawing what is definitively a bulldog. These also suffered from problems with the frames requiring various strengthening improvements over the years that make photographs essential for an accurate model of a particular series at a particular time of life.

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I will tell you when I get back to getting rid of the footplate wobble. It is simple really. I made the mistake of trying to make it in as few pieces as possible but 5 parts makes fabrication much easier.



Oh yes. And the various other 4-4-0 classes. In isolation they all look quite same-y in photographs if you overlook sizes and details, which is very easily done. I read again recently (probably on here somewhere) that the frames are different on the two sides of C of T. One side has what is commonly referred to as type 3 frame strengthening and the other type 5. Something to note for version 3 of the model perhaps?


Incidentally I am (and continue to do so) slowly drawing what is definitively a bulldog. These also suffered from problems with the frames requiring various strengthening improvements over the years that make photographs essential for an accurate model of a particular series at a particular time of life.


Thats where you and me differ I fear. It is impossible to get a model 100% accurate, you can spend all your time procrastinating over all the details or you can try and make something that is the best representation of that model you can. I know what category I fall into, do you?

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It is impossible to get a model 100% accurate, you can spend all your time procrastinating over all the details or you can try and make something that is the best representation of that model you can.


It may be a surprise that I agree completely. 



I know what category I fall into, do you?


Yes. It seems what I need to realise is when to leave the keyboard alone.

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Delightful stuff - may I join the queue for a CoT etch. I have just bought the Bachmann 00 City of London (CoT no longer available) and it looks drop dead gorgeous in Venetian red so I am totally smitten.

I have a 2D CAD drawing I did for my Bulldog - you are welcome to a copy if of any interest (Autocad or .dxf).

Back to the No. 4 boiler, there are photos which show an intermediate cladding band between the transition from cylinder to cone and th SV position, as on your 3D visualisation, so it all depends on what the relevant contemporary photo shows.

Keep it up, I look forward to postings of further progress.



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Thanks John.


Yes, the coulours of CoT do look good and I am looking forward to painting it although not the lining. You are more than welcome to a kit once I have got the design right, as you saw at St Albans the MkII version still had a few design issues which I have now corrected (hopefully) so MkIII should be much better. The previous versions wont go to waste though, the plan is to use them to practice painting and lining on.


I have a drawing for a No.4 boiler so when I get time I will rework the 3D image I have to suit. I am going to strip it of boiler band and such (as discussed) before printing.


I would love to see your 2D stuff for a bulldog sometime. I have a part built drawing for one and once CoT is done I can use the same techniques to create a bulldog (or thats the plan).

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