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Midd Everford Plan





Sandycock junction ( my previous layout and the layout that formed the basis of many of the photos used in other blog entries ) has been sold off :O.


This is Midd Everford. A combination of the concepts of Evercreech junction and Midford and Midsomer Norton, which form the inspiration for the layout. Before getting into the reasoning behind each of the decisions here are the technical specs for the planned layout in terms of radii:


Main line radius scenic 4Ft Minimum

Minimum radius scenic 2Ft

Minimum non scenic radius 2FT


The main concept behind the design is that I wanted a turn table as per Evercreech junction and theoretically the requirement to bank loco's ( thus a minor storage facility attached to the turn table)

also as a nod to Evercreech there are two passing loops that can act in theory also as an up and down line marshalling yard.


Theoretically in my head, this place was built midway along a non existent spur of the S&D. larger passenger trains would turn and head the other direction here, whilst smaller goods and local passenger would continue on.


I like the small goods yard an architecture of Midsomer Norton and the goods shed I hope will be a nod to that.


I also like the hilly nature of Midford viaduct and have a soft spot for water, so a tunnel at one end and some terrain elevation and a river are a nod to that area.


Overall the layout had to be something with enough shunting interest to keep me entertained when I wanted to play with a waybill style system, however had to have a continuous run as well for those other times that I or other just want to run trains. For those reasons the two run around loops with 3 industries seemed like a good combination. the advantage is that the up and down main can each be run by one person and they can either run a train around or shunt without fowling the other line.


The main concept is to build the layout just under eye height. Beneath it I have convinced the minister of war finance and pies that there will be room for her sewing desk and my hobby desk. Onto the bottom of the baseboards 12v LED lighting will be placed to light up both of our work areas. In making efficient use of room in the house the peace is kept as the trains will not encroach into other rooms of the house ( beyond modelling or playing around on the kitchen table, which happens a fair bit)


I would like to give a Nod to Iain Rices' book " Railway Modelling - The Realistic Way" which has provided me with much food for throught in the layout planing process. I would also like to give a nod to right track 15 which has taught me much about operations as well as helping me work out what I want.

(Standard caveat, I have nothing to do with eather of these companies/people , just a happy buyer)


Its been ages since I have blogged thanks to two house moves and a change in career direction, however with Christmas approaching I finally have time to catch up on blogging again. Some interesting projects have been in the works including some weathering, a test track build using a book shelf and 2 DJH white metal kits. Ill put further posts up in time, however here is a taster of the DJH standard 4mt tank.


If anyone has any thoughts or comments please place them at the base of the blog. I am interested in any problems that anyone can for-see. Also I would love some suggestions as to where signals should go. The plan is to have fully functional ground and semaphore signals so they will need to be planned before the build starts.





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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Nice plan. Maybe a bit too crowded with track? But that's subjective of course. For the signalling, you might want to ask in the signalling thread.


The idea of the Waybill system sounds interesting. What would that involve?

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Yeah, the crowding is one of my concerns. Although theroetically the 2 tracks with the 2 passing loops should not be much wider than 180mm ( assuming a 6 foot way between each of the two tracks ) this will probably have to be widened a bit to accomodate what is a sharper curve than what is possible on the prototype. I see an exeriment coming along.... :D


I guess that one of the passing loops could be removed at a push, however it makes two person operation on an up and down line require more co-ordination.


I imagine the waybill system could be something like a card game with maybe a dice used to determine whether an incoming wagon is full or not.

Then based on that wagons would have to be shunted through different spots before being reasembled or split for further trains..... not sure yet. Its just an idea floating in the back of my head. It could theoreticlaly be taken a step further with a set of chance cards.... ie hot axle box, turn locomotive, change locomotive...etc...

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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting ideas, not least the card game. I like the notion of chance cards! :-)

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