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Well well, i'm getting terrible at this whole blogging thing...

London cambrian


I'll be honest, i have been a little lax when its come to writing this little blog of workshop antics! But since Gilling, theres actually only been one run, and workshop has mostly consisted of pannier bits and pieces!


My other excuses are two fold, Just started my A levels, so thats rather eaten into my spare time for writing, and other time has been spent admin-ing and using the GL5 facebook group! So, anyone interested in getting involved, an easier way to reach us is via that group, its aclosed group but non members can join, so if your on facebook, just drop me a message on here and i'll let you know more.


But otherwise, running round-up...


Greystones once again...


Yes, its back to what is fast becoming my second home it seems, end of september, weekend after my birthday, we pottered down to the west country to run on this excellent if a little testing track. Didnt manage to grab many pictures, mainly because i spent most my saturday driving!


The day started well, we arrived, about 11, with a trailer full of coaches, the first time a full set of 5 had been to the track



A friend had bought up a Britannia which was an unusual sight doing the circuit! Far bigger than the usual mtive power! removing the side control springs meant it just about squealed its way round! Then some bright spark thought, well lets do a bit of shunting with it! Now anyone who knows a britannia will know it has a screw reverser, not ideal for shunting!




So, out came the coaches, and that same bright spark decided he would try and pull them, with a further two teak coaches (commercial items which are really quite heavy)


But anyway, see the results...



Personally I wasn't mad enough to try it myself, but when the offer came it seemed i spent the rest of my day driving that superb little loco. It may have massive wheels and relatively little tractive weight but it really punches well above its weight!






Personally my favourite shot of it, and our coaches, we lent the owner our driving truck for the day just to complete the teak set, but this pic is currently my computer wall paper...




Last pic of that weekend, most of us seemed to be busy and very few of us have any pictures! Bt anyway, the day ended with the usual social evening meal. When we got back, we had one last little play. Utilising the newly installed lighting in the coaches, and the dark night, we gave the coaches a couple of laps of the track behind the electric, with full lights on, on radio control. No pics i'm afraid, just that bit too dark for effective photos!


To keep this post short but sweet, just a quick round up for the workshop, i'll do some more next week, after the groups annual christmas run, the Freeze your nuts off rally at Brent house!




Lots has been going on n the pannier, a huge amount has been done to it, andi have nowhere near enough space to documentit all here! But i promise more pannier progress for those who want next week, if you can bear anymore that is!


So in short, what has gone on is

-running plates are all painted and nearly finished, only waitin to be lined

-The engine is fully permenatly on its wheels

-The valve chest has been sealed after a long delay

-I rebuilt the drain cock mechanism because the last one was frankly rubbish

I have reprofiled the chimney

A new boiler topfeed arrangement has been made

Work has begun on the tanks to change the filers to correct round pattern

Allthe brake gear hasbeen reassembled

the sandboxes have been cleaned and painted

the guard irons have been refitted

The lubricator has been overhauled and the feed arrangement has been changed

The running plates have been dilled and fitted

Tonite two of the bufefrs wen on and a drawhook went in.

Everythig that needs to be chemically blacked, has been

most of a new blower has been done, with fine directed nozzle in it to replace the old arrangement

the front buffer beam has been cleaned up again, and is ready to receive some red

buffer heads have been reprofiled, as have hooks

The sokebox has had a goodly amount of detail put into it, whilstits not perfect, it'll do for now

and finaly bits have started to be made to make the non working sanding gear linkages.


Below hopefully is a selection of whats gone on, hopefully a suitable amount!











I havnt always managed to keep up with progress with accompanying photos so please excuse their lack!


But the plan is tohave her steaming by sometime in the new year in a mostly complete state. If shes back in a whole enough entity by this weekedn i may take her to the brent house run, and trundel her through some points, tow itround the track, just to wear in the bearings!



Well i hope the wait has been worth it. I'll soon post about whats been happening in the world of the other inhabitan of the workshop, some pretty stunning progress he's made i must say in the time of my absense from RMweb!


So, pics to come hopefullly of brent house, and more wagons, and bit of lcuk i'll be playing with another engine this weekend


Please let me know what you think, its a little rushed this post, but i hope it doesnt show too mush hehe


Cheers all



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I just wish I had space, skills and above all - TIME! Best of luck with the exams but keep the entries coming!





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Good work Mark as usual!! :-) It looks like I may just make it to Brent's together with a car full of wagons!! :-D





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  • RMweb Gold

Beautiful stock and amazing work.


Regarding the video: Looks like model engineering has become an extreme sport :-)

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Great post Mark, especially the very first picture ;) Keep up the good work with the Pannier, coming together well.


Paul, just wagons isn't good enough, you need to bring your engine too....!!! ;)


See you both at the weekend :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Wow, I love that Neilson 2-4-0, It's always been a personnal favorite! Looking forward to seeing the Pannier steam on video.

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Hi all, i shall do my best to keep the entries coming, but dont be surprised if they come like buses, two at a time or so!

Scanman, i started out in 4mm stuff, i built an entire layout in the loft, which atm is sitting abandoned and unloved because i started building some wagons! That's the next immediate project after finishing the pannier, spend a couple of weeks tidying the loft and clearing out all the rolling stock which i am not likely to use for any future project. Most of mywagons will stay but there could be a goodly amount of GW coaches on the market soon!

Thanks mikkel, the wagons in the first pic belong to a man over in Gloucestershire, some of the other wagons come from lincolnshire and one or two others from kent, plus the resident wagons, and our coaches from the midlands and we really are a national group!
But running any sort of load on that railway does become a battle at times, after about 10 laps with 5 on when i was driving the Caley i gave up and dropped two off, and those coaches are comparatively very light!

The caley, neilson 2-4-0 was built by a man called roy amsbury, *edit, was built by a friend of Roy amsbury, after Roy made the first one, so theres another one out there somewhere!* a man well known for his locos and in articular designing locomotives and machinery, so that loco really is a joy to drive (gush-gush to the owner ;) ) But as i said it pulls incredible loads, and pulls better than one of the other scottish railways 4 coupled engines, a Highland railway Loch class 4-4-0!

And Paul, i echo mike's call, Loco please! Yes i know you made some excuse about the yard, but steam it up at brundall gardens! ;) i've never seen that loco run in the 2 years i've known you! ;) But indeed, hopefully see you guys at brent house this weekend!

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Is that the final shade of LT maroon I spy? Looks great, will be very smart when completed, engineering standards as high as usual. I want one.....

Maybe I could swap for one of the kids.........


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Hey devondynosaur


I'm not sure they would be too pleased!

But yes it is the final shade, though its darker in real life compared to what you see, camera doesn't show it up very well! But its the exact same shade the electrics loco is in, and my mate with the other LT pannier is gonna use the same shade, so they match in all but numbers!


But the engine may well run without lining for a good few months, like the pair of 02s did, so after its running it may drag out a few months after as well!

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