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The long journey



Hi All,



Still working away without much to show however, after my 4th visit to my new club, idea's are beginning to come back to me, a little help from friends always brings results, it can be a lonely hobby at times as we all know, club life does make a difference!


At the club we are building an extension to the fiddle yard at the back of the layout, to allow more train storage for exhibition running, hopefully this will be ready to fit to the layout after the clubs next show which is the end of October.


There are a number of ideas being floated at the club for adding to the main layout and that is always good for the future.


I think from my own point of view, I know where I am going now, over the next few weeks time permitting, I wiill complete some of the running bases for track laying. I am also on the lookout for what buildings to install and how I want the overall layout to look! It has been a difficult task to know what the overall look should be other than a branch line, which has to have a canal that, is as far as I have gone, but now I know where the pub and the church is going to be, where the village will be off layout, it is beginning ot fit!!


Will keep you posted and I promise at some point photo's!!





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