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Callow Lane - first Stop signal (almost) finished

Captain Kernow


I've almost finished the first of the three semaphore stop signals for Callow Lane. This one is an LMS period replacement for an earlier Midland wooden post signal. The Western Region have got their hands on it and painted the post silver.


I've still to touch in one or two parts of it, such as the back-blinder, and also add a bit of weathering. Despite it having only recently been painted by the W.R., I reckon there would still be a few rust patches coming through on that steel tubular post.


The signal will be operated using a Hoffman mechanism under the board. It is actuated via the balance weight and the operating rod has a small washer soldered to it below the baseplate, to prevent it trying to return the signal to danger too hard, and thus bending the operating wire. There is a small wire 'stop' soldered to the post at the top, as per Andrew Hartshorn's instructions, to ensure that it returns nicely horizontal when the signalman puts it back to danger.









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  • RMweb Gold

<innocent question mode>

Is that the Dapol one ?

<innocent question mode off>

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  • RMweb Gold

<innocent question mode>

No surely it's the Ratio one!

<innocent question mode off>


All joking apart Tim that does look nice.


This might be a daft question, but why was the bottom of the ladder painted white? Was it so it was easier to see in the dark?





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  • RMweb Gold

Yes Nick - signal ladders are rather hard in nasty places if you happen to walk into one!


PS Nice signal Cap'n - even if it goes the wrong way (but at least it's a proper job engine passing)

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