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Edwardian motorcars (2): British Ford T Late 1912

Here’s another pre-WW1 motor car in 1:76 scale for the Farthing layouts: A Late 1912 British Ford T Tourer, made from a modified DAPR 3D print.    Caption: 1906 Alldays and Onions. Source: Getty Images, embedding permitted. During the 1900s the British motorcar industry grew quickly. Alledgedly some 200 firms tried their luck in the motorcar industry during this period, often evolving from other lines of production such as bicycle manufacture.   Caption: 1910


Mikkel in Motor Cars

Edwardian motor cars (1): De Dion-Bouton 1904 

I’ve built some Edwardian motor cars in 1:76 scale for my Farthing layouts. Here's the first instalment, focusing on a 1904 De Dion-Bouton made from a modified Scale-Link kit.     Caption: 1902 Wolseley 4 cylinder. Source: Getty Images, embedding permitted.   In 1895 there were 14-15 motor cars in Britain. In 1900 there were 7-800. Then it boomed. By 1909 there were 48.000 cars and in 1914 there were 132.000. (Sources: National Motor Museum and “The Motoring Age: T


Mikkel in Motor Cars

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