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Started in 2004, this layout was originally an end to end with a run-round loop and a bay platform. It now forms part of double track layout. I built it in the early days when I hadn't really taken into account moving it about so its 2m long and about 630mm wide. However it has been moved about 5 times from house to house. It started as an analog layout and then was converted to DCC, then lots of wires for everything were added but in 2020 I discovered MERG and CBUS so its be re-wired again which has simplfied the underboard somewhat. The original layout consists of baseboard 1. But following another move I am now adding about 12 new baseboards to it plus a rear upper deck


Layout is in an insulated loft ontop of kitchen base units for storage.


Its not prototypical but wouldn't look out of place for a somewhere place for somewhere in the GWR / Midland territory. The station on baseboard 1 does have Great Central influences as is scratchbuilt. I like running GWR/ LMS / LNER and BR Standard steam locomotives, plus early diesels so its the early 1960s on the lower deck. The top deck is intended to be 1960s to 1990s but will retain semaphore signalling. It could also be a double track heritage railway......

Entries in this blog

A small TMD - Part 2

Been working hard on this part of the layout.   Signal box - I have built the scale scenes brick signal box. I wanted a 1930s style design. This is placed on its own scenic module which is a 3mm piece of mdf (kitchen unit back). Between the module and the cork track is a concrete duct run that I am constructing to run the length of top deck layout but starting it here since ive never used it before. Basic scenery of scatters is now laid on this module   Engine shed - I have h


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