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Trials and Tribulations in a Smaller Scale

Entries in this blog

(5) The Fitting Room

Final checks on the design included seeing how well everything fits together. I produced this overlay showing the track plan and the 1937 map of Wantage as it really was, complete with all the relevant buildings.     Given the exaggerated loop on my new design etc. everything fits surprisingly well. The platform line and train shed (marked with an asterisk) were always going to be straightened a bit to allow for an extended platform for longer trains and bigger locomotives.


Burghmirer in Progress

(4) Evolution

Version one of the layout wasn't the answer, as described in previous entries. What to do?    Wantage is a good prototype to base my imaginary world on; a perfect stage for an eclectic range of locos and other stock. A few tweaks might be all that was needed. No longer being tied by the rules of the 2mm Scale Association's Diamond Jubilee Layout Competition was another thing to consider. I didn't want a layout any larger than it had to be, but a slight increase in dimensions might have


Burghmirer in Progress

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