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Return of Glasburgh the ‘Trainset!’


Having a second ‘mid life’ crisis after a couple of brushes with cancer some things from an earlier, worry free time become more important. As a boy and youth I had a trainset ( more than model)  in my attic. It grew over the years into a pretty good layout. 
Two circuits, terminus station (Glasburgh) a mainline station and a small preserved railway. It also included an up and over loop on the old Hornby piers. It is time to re create the joy of this railway! Where? In a garage/workshop 40 years on.

( Alas I no longer look like the photos!)IMG_1784_Original.jpeg.5d992e225c508a04215d605a1bc001a3.jpegIMG_1788_Original.jpeg.d7b4373404ee25401f266cea56b66fd3.jpeg

Entries in this blog

Construction commenced

Baseboards have been constructed and track has begun to be put down. The complication being two circuits of DCC to run my rolling stock ( BR modern image) and… ( the train set bit!) my Dad and brother’s European stuff on analogue… It works! It is fun… the main purpose to enjoy seeing trains running and a return to childhood memories.. progress…

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge in Update

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