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About this blog

I recently got an opportunity to buy this kit. Hopefully, this blog will track my progress!

Entries in this blog

Taking shape

So the Rail motor build continues. The trailing bogie is complete, except for pickups.  It looks a bit wonky as the bolt is a little too long.    The motor bogie has had the cylinders added. They are less droopy once bolted in place. I am putting off assembling the valve gear until later.    The coach sides are pretty much complete, except for grab handles, hinges and door handles. The roof still has to be cut to length and shape!   I hav

Motor bogie

I started with the motor bogie.  It's a fold up design in nickel silver.   Getting it square was a little tricky.  Especially with the brass bearings which are very deep. Accentuating any misalignment.    I have fitted a North Yard two stage gearbox.  This uses a neoprene coupling to connect to a D13 open frame motor.   I had to reverse the motor bracket to make some space for the coupling.  The motor will encroach into the luggage space.  I can live with that and w
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