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Taking a layout to its minimum size, you have heard of pizza layouts and shoe box layouts, this is in the size constraints of a 12" vinyl record... With continuous running. As is that wasn't enough of a challenge the engine will be powered by gravity. 


Narrow gauge, still deciding on 009 or 09. My eyes are not what they were 10 years ago :)


Entries in this blog

Wiring and working

I finally got round to wiring up the layout ! It was a massive job. An on off switch on the front face and a USB cable to provide the motors 5v supply. Job done.   The original plan was to have the rotating track set on an incline, with the lowest point at the front, the logic being the train would always find the low point and remaib stationary at the front as the track moved. That plan failed, I didn't factor in friction and could never get the train to remain convincingly stable. So
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