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About this blog

Loosely based on the Harborne branch line (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harborne_Railway) that ran from Birmingham New Street to Harborne as a passenger service from 1874 to 1934 and continued as a goods line until 1963. Incorporates New Street Station, Rotton Park Road station and Harborne Station. Also, has the Mitchell's & Butler's Brewery spur and the Harborne goods sidings. A OO gauge DCC circular layout. Controlled by DCC++ and JMRI via a handful of Arudino interfaces to connect sensors, solenoids and servos. Set mostly in the LMS era, but drifting into BR days at times and occasionally later if I fancy running something more modern. Partially automated.


The definition of compromise (space, cost, time) and inexperience (I would have done everything differently!)


I'm new to this, be kind!

Entries in this blog

Going Digital

One of my biggest gripes with model trains when I was a kid was that you could really only run one train on one track at one time (I didn't know about blocks or isolating sections at the time and probably couldn't have been bothered with them even if I had). Not very realistic in my opinion. Trying to run two trains through one controller usually ended in disaster and even if you had separate tracks and controllers, flicking the wrong set of points could result in some expected behavior. When I




I honestly thought that my layout would be something that would keep me busy for a few weeks at most, I'd recreate the Hornby track mat, get a couple of trains and happily run them occasionally. However, two things happened shortly after I'd purchased the Tornado Express that made me think that I might want to do a bit more:    1) The real Tornado visited the Severn Valley Railway and we went to see it. Such an impressive sight in real life! We spent some time in the museum and I start



In the beginning...

It was a freezing cold, rainy day in late 2019. My girlfriend and I were putting down a membrane in the front garden to stop the weeds coming through the bark chippings. I'd been dragging her out in the garden against her will to do things like this for months and it must have been around this time that she realised if she ever wanted to be able to feel her fingers again and have nails free from mud then she'd need to find me an alternative indoor hobby.   It was shortly after this tha



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