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Away from the workbench and layout my modelling thoughts in general

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Bolsover and Seven Pit Lane at the Leamington Show this weekend 21st/22nd January

Regular readers will by now know that I can often be found behind one of the many layouts built and exhibited by Mike Wild, Editor of Hornby Magazine as part of their stand at shows. This weekend sees Bolsover and Seven Pit lane making an appearance, along with 22 other layouts, at the Leamington and Warwick Model Railway Society’s 37th annual exhibition, being held at the Stoneleigh Park Exhibition Centre nr. Warwick. I will therefore be playing with mainly Eastern Region stock rather



LSWR Gate Stock Pull Push sets announced by Kernow models

I am happy to post with the permission of Kernow Models the following announcement, from them: [/left] We are pleased to announce that we have commissioned Dapol to produce the much-requested LSWR Push-Pull Gate Set in OO Gauge. This will be produced from tools owned by Kernow Model Rail Centre and will be to the same high standard as the Beattie Well Tank and forthcoming Adams O2 Models. We will be working closely with Graham Muspratt and Mike King to ensure the models are as accurate



Blog – Not Crimson or Maroon but Ruby!

Regular readers to my blog will have often noticed me refer to the High Wycombe and District Model Railway Society, This year sees its 40th Anniversary and to that end we held an open day for members, family and a few friends at our clubrooms yesterday. I have been a member of the society since the age of 15 now some 27 years ago and during that time have been exhibition manager (Wycrail) and also chairman. During this time membership has steadily increased from fewer than 20 to now over 60 ran



That was the Warley that was…

With a nod to David Frost et al for the title…although I am not really that old… honest… As regular readers of my blog will know last weekend was the last of three exhibitions in three weekends, and was the third year in a row that I have exhibited with a layout at the Warley National Model Railway Show. This time it was turn of the Layout Ashland which was built by myself, Richard Proudman and Hornby Magazine Editor Mike Wild as a challenge, which we duly completed, to build a layout in a week



Two down, one to go...

I am now two thirds of the way through my three exhibitions in three, back to back, weekends marathon. The second of the three shows last weekend was the Spalding show assisting Mike Wild and the Hornby Magazine team operate his layout Bolsover and Seven Pit Lane.   The Spalding show is a large provincial show and is certainly one of the best in the East of England. This year in particular saw an extremely high standard of layouts on show including the likes of Stoke Summit, Hassell Harbour Br



We Will Remember Them...

The message for today goes without saying… They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.     Pictured on my main blog is my model of N15x class number 2333 Remembrance, originally introduced by the London Brighton and South Coast Railway, designed by Billinton, as an L class 4-6-4 tank. Then number 333 was named Remembrance and became the com



Three exhibitions, three weekends

Following hot on the heals of last weekends excellent and successful Wycrail exhibition hosted by my own local high Wycombe and District Model Railway Society for the next two weekends I will be assisting Mike Wild of Hornby Magazine operating layouts at firstly this coming weekend the Spalding show with Bolsover and Seven Pit Lane and the following weekend at Warley with Ashland.   Bolsover and Seven Pit Lane   Ashland   This is an extract of the latest entry on my modelling blog clic



Model Market Segmentation

The topic of duplication of models between ready to run manufacturers regularly raises its head within the hobby especially on the many online forums. It has once again recently been mentioned in light of the National Railway Museum’s announcement that via Bachmann they have commission a model of their Midland 4P compound 1000, when Hornby has already this year reintroduced in to its “Railroad†range their 4P from its 1980’s tooling and have started to promote it in the same livery as the



Remember, remember the 5th November…

As well as the obvious fireworks , loud bangs, ooohs and ahhhhs associated with the 5th November the first Saturday of November also heralds Wycrail the exhibition organised by my own High Wycombe and District Model Railway Society. Wycrail is firmly established as being a family show and is now one of the largest and well supported one day model railway exhibitions in the South East of England. This year, Wycrail welcomesCatcott Burtle from the Chris Nevard stable and also Aberdeen Kirkhill a



Berrybridge at Warrington Exhibition this weekend - 22/23 October

As regular readers of my blog will know, I can often be found assisting Mike Wild, editor of Hornby Magazine operate his many layouts at various shows they attend to promote the magazine. This weekend it is the turn of his British Railways Midland Region layout Berrybridge to make a appearance at the Warrington Show. Once again I will be spending the weekend playing trains (unfortunately not a Southern engine in sight, but I am sure I will cope) and generally trying the convince members of the



Ever increasing South Western Circles...

Tomorrow I shall be attending one of the quarterly meetings of the South Western Circle, the Society, and I quote from their website: “was formed in 1962, is a society for railway historians and enthusiasts interested in the London & South Western Railway (LSWR). The society has a membership of over 500, and aims to assist and encourage members to enhance their knowledge of the LSWR and its successors with research and quarterly publication of the Circle’s magazine ‘The South Western Circu



Model criticism, assumptions and just plain badly informed?

There has been much discussion over the last few years on model forums, and no doubt over a cuppa or three at many a model railway club, about the standard of the current ready to run models.   Bachman first raised the bar approximately 15 years ago with the introduction of their Blue Ribbon range and since then we have all come to expect great detail and accuracy, no longer will the hobby tolerate one model being passed off as another by a simple repaint. Since then all manufacturers have at



Railway modelling consistency and accuracy

In a recent blog post I mentioned that I would be exhibiting last weekend at the Railway Enthusiasts Club – Farnborough exhibition at Woking with Hinton Parva, one of the layouts from the High Wycombe and District Model Railway Society. Wondering around the show got me thinking about the topic of consistency on layouts and their approach to historical accuracy. I like to see layouts where a consistent level of approach is maintained across all aspects, from scenery, track work, buildings and ro



Bulleid Leader to make guest appearance at Midland Railex!

No not a full size one, obviously….   A while ago now I built my own 4mm model of Bulleid’s unconventional ‘Leader’, I utilised a kit of parts from Chris Meachen at Golden Arrow Productions.....snip....I shall be assisting Mike Wild, editor of Hornby Magazine, with exhibiting his Bay Street Shed MkII layout at this weekends Midland Railex exhibition (13th/ 14th August) . My Bulleid Leader model will make a guest appearance sneaking on to shed during the weekend.....snip   This is a



Bulleid’s on Display at Taunton, and also something for the sleepy film buffs…

As part of the RMweb SWAGLand meet at Taunton this coming Sunday (17/04) there will be a table top display of a variety of Bulleid locomotives and Roilling stock. Also on show will be a recently nearly finished Southern Cinema coach and also the elusive Bulleid ‘Inspection Saloon’ or sleeper coach 100s along with other Bulleid rolling stock.   Bullied pacific’s will present in force displaying a range of conditions that the engines could be found in during the 1946 to 1949 period. Th



The rule of 3s

Everything seems to be evolving around the rule of threes for me at the moment. This weekend sees me exhibiting Fisherton Sarum at Warley(stand B32, please come and say hello) Having been operating the High Wycombe and District MRS layout Hinton Parva two weeks ago at our very successful Wycrail exhibition and last weekend helping Mike Wild with Bay Street Shed at the Spalding show (thanks for the hospitality Mike!) it will be a case of exhibiting at three shows in three consecutive weekends wit



Preparation for Wycrail

Well it's that time of the year again and Wycrail the annual exhibition for the High Wycombe and District Model Railway Society is happening tomorrow. Wednesday saw the usual frantic activity at the clubrooms to get all the stuff ready and also to dismantle Hinton Parva, the Society layout attending the show this year (as there are nine layouts within the Society we exhibit them one a year on a rotational basis).   Today sees the start of the set up, collecting one of the vans, early this aft



The MRS celebrates the clubroom expansion

Last Saturday we held an open day at the High Wycombe and District MRS (of which I am the Chairman) to celebrate the completion of the renovation of the extension to the Society rooms. Pictures and a video walk around of the new and refurbished facilities can be found here   I am delighted to be able to say that the open day was considered by all to be a success. It was probably the first occasion, certainly in the 25 or so years that I have been a member of the Society, that we had every clu



last night's MRS

Had a good evening at the model railway society last night, for those don't know (although it is still true for those who already know) I am the chairman of the High Wycombe and District MRS (you can also see my blog on behalf of the MRS layouts Hinton Parva here ) the club is going from strength to strength at the moment and are just putting the finishing touches to the doubling of our clubroom to 4500sq ft which has required quite a lot of refurbishment. The new wiring in the new room went l



Back from Scaleforum

Have spent a very good and present few hours at Scaleforum today meeting many friends including many from the HW&DMRS and also RMweb including of course the raiding party from the South West (minus Metro due to train breakdown issues and I think I left before he finally got there)   The venue, being kind is in a transition stage, due to considerable rebuilding works taking place. I am glad I was able to park in the rear car park rather than under go the hike to get from the front overflow



It's Scaleforum day

About to head of to deepest darkest Surrey to try and sneak into Scaleforum without them realising that my track gauge is too narrow! I am looking forward to meeting up with a number of RMweb members that I know are going, including the raiding party from the South West that will be dropping anchor today. One question tho is do I dare play the game of counting the steam locos with outside valve gear gear?   Seriously though good modelling is good modelling what ever the scale or gauge a



The ramblings of Muz

Well as I am bit new to the whole blog culture I thought this new site would be a place to start. I have a couple of blogs on this new shiny site already one about my layout Fisherton Sarum and another yet to be started about my workbench, this one, I intend to be much more general than that and about my thoughts and other model railway activities.   So better start somewhere and perhaps a little more about me would be a place to kick off. Those that know me are aware of my passion for all th



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