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West Highland V3

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Latest developments on West Highland 3

Most of my recent development on West Highland 3 has been focused on the scenery and associated bits. The level of detail I am trying to achieve is new territory for me and the knowledge I am acquiring from my experiences is both significant and enlightening.   I decided to weather the rails at Garelochead by hand painting it with Railmatch sleeper grime. Having done so I now have the utmost respect for those who have completed the task on a larger layout! What a soul destroying activity hand



Still 11th March 1981 with further pictures

Having slept on it, I really enjoyed yesterdays operations hence the addition of some more pictures showing: aerial shot of Ardlui with 37264 on 7B02 20192 stabled at Garelochead 37085 on 1T24 passing Mallaig Junction 1T24 awaiting departure at Fort William 2 pictures of 37191 descending into Bridge of Orchy with 8D10 37190 on 1B08 at Garelochead 37027 on 1B07 sleeper service at Bridge of Orchy last 2 pictures show 27041 on weedkilling train at Ardlui



11th March 1981

Had an operating session today and took some pictures, I hope you like them. Cast your mind back 34 years, it seems like only yesterday!   On the basis I have still not mastered how to add captions against each picture, the following list of the pictures is in order: 27041 arrives in early morning light at Ardlui with weedkilling train 37264 arrives at Garelochead with 7B02, 0520 Mossend to Mallaig Junction 7B02 again at Ardlui waiting time 37027 arrives at Bridge of Orchy with 1B



Pictures update

Pictures in sequential order show: 37 027 at Ardlui on the Fort William bound sleeper Mallaig Junction yard facing west towards Ben Nevis Garelochead station from the south of the station Garelochead from the north of the station Mallaig Junction yard looking east southbound view towards Bridge of Orchy Fort William station looking east Ardlui station, sleeper still in platform Bridge of Orchy station looking north ditto 9 Bridge of Orchy station looking south



Introduction to my West Highland line

As the heading suggests, this is my 3rd attempt to build a model of the West Highland line. Built in a spare bedroom, the layout is set in the early 1980's where steam heat and corporate blue rule. Incorporating 4 stations built over 3 levels with each station in its own scenic environment, a train can travel up to 145 feet in total as it traverses the line. As I hope can be seen from the attached plan, there are: a main fiddle yard and 2 stations on the low level continuous loop, Garelochead



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