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PPhotographs of Buckden Station in 1978

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More pictures of Buckden

Heres a few more pictures of Buckden Station in 1978- First a detail shot of the weighbridge office This old sack trolley was on the platform A view through the signal box window, looking at the shelf for the block instruments



More pictures

Here are some more pictures of Buckden Station in 1978 First, a view of the Signal Box, looking towards Huntingdon from the station building. The gentleman in the picture was, I think, the last station master/signalman, and lived in the old station building: The signal box was platform mounted, so the locking room was set in the platform. The door was accessed down a flight of steps at the Huntingdon end   More to follow



Buckden Station 1978

Here are some pictures of Buckden Station near Brampton, Cambridgeshire in 1978. At the time the station was in use as a private house. The signal box, still in its Eastern Region colours, appeared to have been used as a greenhouse.   1. The signal box First a general view from the back.   A view of the access steps. The box was platform mounted   The water tank at the back was a nice feature   2. The weighbridge A couple of pictures of the weighbridge office



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