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Documentation as I upgrade the Hornby 142

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Just Pictures

The second vehicles lighting unit is wired up so just some photos of the set as it is now. Still no directional lighting fitted - I can't put it off too much longer though.   Both vehicles with saloon lights on & BILs illuminated   Cab light on   Inter-vehicle wiring   I think that the inter-vehicle wiring needs a bit of a rethink - possibly with a couple of holes in the floor and running some of them that way rather than having them all running through the corridor connections.



Progress Ongoing

Progress has been ongoing - albeit not well documented on my part!   The LokPilot FX has arrived and has been wired in along side the LokSound and a Zimo speaker in each vehicle. I am using the 'Decoder Lock' feature of many decoders to program (this uses CV 15 & 16 to ensure only the selected decoder responds to programming commands).   Zimo speaker in the trailer vehicle   All of the lighting works as hoped in the motor vehicle, a bit bright but when it is all together this can be a



Internal Lighting

I have now produced two lighting boards - one for each vehicle of the first unit. Each board powers one vehicles Cab light, Saloon lights & BIL Indicators.     I have used stripboard so I can mount all required LED's & resistors directly to the board to avoid any difficult to hide wiring. Unfortunately with this board in place the standard glazing unit won't fit back in completely so that has had to be cut down with a sharp scalpel and carefully snapping it.     I haven't been



Sound In (Well not quite)

My Howes sound chip has arrived and it's time to remap the functions!   The 142 isn't ready for a chip yet - lots to do - but I couldn't resist having a play with the chip. At the moment I am using a ViTrains 37 body and using the standard speaker that is supplied with the LokSound 4. I am using the Howes sound project.   I started by reading all CV's using DecoderPro so I have a backup file in case it all goes pear shaped, it took around an hour to read all of the CV's. I used this, along



BIL 'Hazard Lights' In

Today, my DCC Concepts order arrived - so it was time to fit the bodyside indicators.   I have used DCC Concepts MicroLights - these are pre-wired LED's measuring less than 1mm in either direction. I could have used any surface mount LED but the benefit of them being pre-wired is a necessity for me at this size!   I bought a 0.5mm drill to make a hole for the wires to pass through and just stuck the LED on the surface with Loctite.   Not a great photo at the moment - My wife took the photo



Underframe Detail

Starting with a few dabs of paint on the underframe - silver on the exhaust, a couple of spots of orange and red on some mouldings. The Hornby underframe is fairly crude so the red and orange paint don't really match up to the prototype.   After that dried I brushed over with some 'Rusty Wash' made using some Tamiya Orange Brown and a drop of Orange mixed with suitable paint thinners; and some 'Dirty Wash' made using some Tamiya Dark Grey and a dash of Orange Brown, again with suitable paint



Many Years Later

Almost 6 years later (with no progress), it's time to continue.   With a wife, two kids and a new full time job since the last progress, time will be tight but I'm sure I can do more than I have done in the last six years!   I've ordered some NRN radio pods from PH Designs, a total of 6, to add to my two pacers and my 121. It was £20 but I can't seem to find any others - I've previously used Hurst but they seem to be out of stock of everything. Although NRN is out of use the pods are still



Painting Detail

I have now painted the interior of one of my units.   For the seating I have used Humbrol RC404, although this isn't a match for First Great Western Blue, I think that it is close enough when viewed through a window of the unit. I have also used Tamiya X-32 (Titan Silver) on the very top edge of the seats, this is to represent the hand-rails on the top of every seat, I am hoping that this will show up when I fit internal saloon lighting.   I have painted the passenger side of the cab door pa



Removing Fittings

I have started by removing fittings from the seating unit that aren't present in images of unit interiors.     These fittings are shown here and include dividers and screw fittings that are used to mount the DCC socket, something that I will also remove as it isn't very easy to hide with such large proportion of the model being clear plastic.



My Plan

The Hornby 142 is a rather crude representation of the Class 142 'Pacer' and the model dates back to the days of Lima.   Not only is the model crude, but the 142 itself has changed a fair amount since the model has been released, the doors for a start have changed and new features such as NRN antennas have been added. I would like to bring my models up to date and also to correct shortfalls that were, not surprisingly, made in the days of Lima.     When I have completed this project I hope



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