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More work on main bodyshell - some fitting issues

A bit more progress on the body. It's a whitemetal kit so it was only to be expected I suppose that not all the parts would fit perfectly, good though it is in general.   Anyway, I removed the buffer beams since referral to photos showed they needed to be set back very slightly under the footplate - no matter, I'm dealing with stuff up top at the moment.   So on with the short bonnet. After trial fitting with the end, I found the guides on the footplate were very slightly out for one of th



Well I had to start sometime

Since it's my namesake it really was about time I started on this Dave Alexander whitemetal kit of the prototype Bo-Bo that later became 'Hawk'. This is for Eridge, since the real thing spent a year or so on the Central Section of the Southern Region in 1952 or thereabouts, and I have photos of it on Victoria-Brighton via Eridge services with a Maunsell set in tow.   Last weekend I had the opportunity for a few hours modelling (Jubilee open day at the community hall where DRAG meets) so I tho



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