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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

The Past

I guess it seems strange starting a blog about a layout with a post about an entirely different layout, but it highlights some of the thinking behind the new layout, and I feel it sometimes helps to have a little of the past to understand the present and the future. The old thread containing more info about the construction of the layout can be found here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=608     Chittle was my entry in the 2007 layout challenge, which was for layouts w



It's Scaleforum day

About to head of to deepest darkest Surrey to try and sneak into Scaleforum without them realising that my track gauge is too narrow! I am looking forward to meeting up with a number of RMweb members that I know are going, including the raiding party from the South West that will be dropping anchor today. One question tho is do I dare play the game of counting the steam locos with outside valve gear gear?   Seriously though good modelling is good modelling what ever the scale or gauge a



a project for manchester

Now the control problems seem to have been resolved by that most simple of expedients, i wanted to do a few of the jobs to get progress back on track to where we should be. One of these is the engineers train - this appears early in the sequence, parks up in east siding (infront of the signal box) and stays there till late in the sequence - in the meantime the engine has detached gone back to the fiddle and appears as an engine and brake van move every so often.   Ive been busy in my hotel roo

Andy C

Andy C

Photos added to the gallery

Starting to really like the new forum, especially now I'm remembering where i left stuff!   Anyway, i've taken full advantage of the new gallery feature and have added some photos back from 2003 when we built the first 4 boards of Treneglos in a year. Some good photos of the boards as they arrived from Damian. Some more of the initial rough scenery in glorious technicolour match pots! A few of the cutting extension and the making of the rock face. I know i have more so I'll keep adding them as



New RMweb, new layout!

Still more details to add to Ring Road, but given its already had more exhibition invites than it would probably stand up to, I'm in the very early planning stages of a dedicated exhibition layout. Don't get too excited at this point, this is a long way off fruition (2011 I am aiming for), but here's a sneak peek of what will eventually become the 'public companion' to Ring Road (which will do 3 or 4 shows at the most then remain my 'home' layout only)...  

bmthtrains - David

bmthtrains - David

Captain's Blog - general stuff

Well, here's the first entry on my new blog. It's the first time I've ever had anything to do with blogs, apart from reading those posted by other people.   Like most other folk, I shall start posting workbench and layout progress here, as and when there is something significant to report.   The current layout project on-going are the construction of 'Callow Lane', my first P4 layout, set in the North Bristol/South Gloucestershire area and based on Midland and GW practice.   But in a surpr

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

My New Layout (Pete Harvey)

This year in between running PH Designs, building models for people and keeping my work shop tidy, I have managed to find time to use up most of the wood left over from Dudley Road & Peters Street. What could I do so yet again a small very portable layout, I must admit that another reason is to have a platform to display some of my products and to demonstrate how they can be used in conjunction with other manufactures products, in the end I'm a modeller and I enjoy the construction of a lay

Pete Harvey

Pete Harvey

The ramblings of Muz

Well as I am bit new to the whole blog culture I thought this new site would be a place to start. I have a couple of blogs on this new shiny site already one about my layout Fisherton Sarum and another yet to be started about my workbench, this one, I intend to be much more general than that and about my thoughts and other model railway activities.   So better start somewhere and perhaps a little more about me would be a place to kick off. Those that know me are aware of my passion for all th



virgin entry

Well until ive worked out how to copy across the olf thread heres the link http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5181   Can anyone point me in the right direction not been able to fing anything in help yet and I do not want to lose what Ive posted so far!!

Andy C

Andy C

A Little History

Hatton Parkway is another project layout. This time, for a change, it is 'N' and contemporary operations. The idea is to move on from the 'Shake-the-Box' style layout and use flexible track, some kit-built structures and more advanced electrics. The thread on the old forum can be found here.   The layout was originally named Kingsbury Parkway. Kingsbury is situated just outside the West Midlands conurbation, not too far from Tamworth. By amending history a little it could serve as a suitable l



An 09 thats seen better days

Follow these links for the other stages of this project - I've had to trim the number of entries in the index box, to the right: Part 2 - More Gronk progress Part 3 - It doesn't look much different, does it? Part 4 - End of side 1, please turn over Part 5 - Side 2 Part 6 - End of side two - approaching the end(s) Part 7 - Nearly the end(s) Part 8 - The finished article   I know its in the archive, but seeing as this is still a current project, I'd better move it over here.   Based on



In the beginning...

...was the word. And that word was attached in an e-mail from the Moderator who spake thus: 'go forth my son and speak unto all modellers about whatever takes thy fancy'.   And there was a great hush amoungst the multitudes and lo, there was an intake of breath and verily there was followed a clearing of the throat and the word was:   'Erm'   (look I'm having a hard time starting this OK?)   Hi   my name is Ullypug (ok so it isn't really) and you may know me from such forums as RMWeb 1



History to date... take three!

Well the old stuff is still live and available on the old forum, CLICKY CLICKY, but I thought to start off the blog it would be good to recap a little, so here we are - the history and development of a small scenic shunting plank...   Paxton Road started life back in September 2007, my return to modelling spurred on by the arrival of my first child and a realisation that the track day car project was a non-starter! I should explain that Paxton Road is actually a childhood memory adaptation - a

James Hilton

James Hilton

Index to the old thread...

Well here we are - a new RM web and a new era. This will make keeping projects easier to organise, but as the end of an old era it seems apt to review where I've come from and my progress on the old forum. Read on for the index to my existing rolling stock projects... 33207 (now sold) http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=12152&st=0&sk=t&sd=a#p188025" http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=12152&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=25#p227636 http:/

James Hilton

James Hilton

The great migration begins...

Well, looking back at my 1600 posts on the 'old' RMweb, there wasn't actualy much I wanted to transfer - not saying nothing I wrote was of any importance, but its only the more recent bits relating to Ring Road that I want to continue. I've had a go at uploading the gallery, and started collecting a few bits here. This is a different way of using the forum, but I'm liking this blog idea!   For those new to the layout, here is an outline:   Ring Road depicts a busy four-track section of the r

bmthtrains - David

bmthtrains - David

Keyhaven - The Evidence (Don't believe everything you read on the 'net)

I always enjoy any trip down to Hampshire or Dorset, the tinkle of yachts in harbours, the thrum of perpetual ferries, a chance to sample once more some of my favourite pubs; it lifts the spirits don't you know. I must be getting old when thoughts turn to "I could happily retire here, just there, that house with the balcony there", only another 20 years to save up for what I can't afford today!   This time whilst mooching around I was somewhat surprised to find in a bookshop one of the rare N

Andy Y

Andy Y

Layout - Fisherton Sarum - On the road

An update on Fisherton Sarum's travels:   2009 21st/22nd November 2009- Warley Model Railway Club at the NEC Hall 5   2010 6th March 2010 - Chesham MRC, at the Elgiva Theatre, St. Mary's Way, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1HR. 10.00-17.00 25th April 2010 - SWAG Members at Taunton 11th and 12th of September 2010 - Reading Society of Model Engineers, centenary show - ???The Blessed Hugh Faringdon??? School. Reading.   2011 January 2011 - Astolat MRC at the Guildford Methodist Church, Woodbridge R



A fresh start and a new blog

Fisherton Sarum is a Southern Railway shed set between 1946 and 1949 those migrating over from the previous version of RM Web will no doubt be familiar with my thread on there. As this is basically a finished layout (if they are ever finished) this blog will concentrate on updates on its travels and also a few odds and ends that still need to be done to improve operation etc.   Fisherton Sarum has appeared in the December issue of Railway Modeller (and in video format on their Annual CD Rom)



Another ebay project - reviving a rather nice O gauge M7

You know how it happens, sometimes things on Ebay are just too tempting. Well they are to me anyhow! This is another item that was listed to end at an odd time and with probably too high a starting bid so I put in the minimum bid on a snipe and here it is. It's a rather nicely built O guage M7. No idea what kit it was built from but it is very solidly made and quite nicely finished. It's had a knock or two and someone has done an awfully crude repair to the cab roof which has resulted in some ra



Testing the new track plan

I went along to Dean Hall yesterday evening, for the first time since last month. I took my camera and this time it had a memory card in it so I took a few pictures.   I'd better leave Andy or Craig to explain how the big template was produced and printed - I'm afraid the "dark arts" of templot and template production are a bit beyond me at the moment but they were putting it together last night and trying it out for size on the layout. I have to say that I think it looks pretty impressive.



Further demolition!

First part of an update from last night's progress. It was decided that as the track spacing and alignment on the right hand curve would be different from the original it would be easier to start with new wood work. The initial thought was to remove the track bed entirely but it was quickly discovered that the base had been glued as well as screwed to the supports and removal would create a lot more work than anticipated. So in the absence of 4mm scale JCBs and dumper trucks etc the track gang s



Prototype Track Detail - Ramsbottom

Well, I must admit to having not heard of wiring the check rails before, but taking the belt and braces approach it will only take a little bit of effort to put some wire across. I was a little sceptical of Martin's comments about bolt holes in the end of check rails but having been up to Ramsbottom this afternoon to photograph the rail anchor bolts (exciting eh?) two of the three turnouts that I could see had check rails with bolt holes in them.   Firstly an outside view of the anchor bolts



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    • Good grief. Well I suppose if you are used to stage coaches that can pass each other, then risks like these may not come to mind!   In Copenhagen cycling is a very common means of transport and there is a well developed network of bike lanes. For many years, traffic on these lanes has worked according to fairly simple rules and ad hoc improv. However in some parts of town the bike lanes are now so congested by bikes during rush hour that existing rules and regulations are proving inade
    • I was browsing through some old press cuttings and came across the following in the 'English Chronicle and Whitehall Evening Post', dated 13th November 1838 under the heading 'More Railway eccentricities'.  I think it demonstrates the lack of experience very well.   "In the morning a collision which might have been attended with frightfully fatal consequences was happily prevented. The engine which left town with the half-past eight o’clock train, being found to proceed very slow, it w
    • Ah, so there is hope that we might see Benson at Traeth Mawr?!   Speaking of authors, the story here was inspired by The Wind in the Willows. Published in 1908, it is suitably Edwardian. It features of course Mr Toad of Toad Hall. Having encountered his first motor car in a near-accident, he exclaims:   "Glorious, stirring sight!' murmured Toad, never offering to move. 'The poetry of motion! The real way to travel! The only way to travel! Here today, in next week tomorrow! Vi
    • Mikkel, Strange, I have not see the at contract yet, perhaps it is still in the post.  The post round here has been rubbish lately.  Having said that, he has taken his family for a holiday to a place in mid-Wales, to his mother-in-laws guest house to be precise.  Well, he said it was going to be a holiday until he suggested to his wife that she packed her black dresses, then he had a lot of explaining to do.  I think he is on another case.  (Fortunately, a GWR policeman's life is extremely
    • True enough! A seven generation descendant of an offsider to Henry VIII would surely aim higher. I'll need a Roller.
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