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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Snow! - well at least I have plenty to be getting on with.

I had to write it all down and pin it on the wall so I wouldn't forget things.   So as follows   1. Insulfrog to Electrofrog conversion - working on 3 points to go! 2. LEDs in control panel 3. DCC Conversions to finish 2 engines left to do 4. Left Bridge to finish - painting 5. Right Bridge to build 6. Sidings - Block paving sheets to paint 7. Right hand siding to lay 8. Retaining Wall to build and do scenery 9. Scenery around tunnel and landscaping 10. Lorry to finsh 11. Station t



Photo for Friday

nevard_101129_cementQ_IMG_8485_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Carrying on the theme of steam along the lines of those seen in the excellent Railway Bylines, but on Cement Quay and to remind us of dusty summery days, here's a grab of a Southern Railway built 'Black 8' No. 48660 nearing the end of its days shunting some Dogfish ballast hoppers under the number 2 loading screen.   Lack of hostile responses from the diesel only brigade has confirmed that next time I chase up a show f

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Flying Banana - Part XIIIb

Hello   This is more of a post to say 'Im still here' than anything else. Things are moving forward with Elvis but never more than a slow crawl really. I am still very much bogged down in sorting the electrics out for it although I have had lots of help from Nigel and Ray but with 12 LEDs to wire up to a decoder its a little beyond my capabilities and its hard to get my head around it all. Other things that have been happening are I have now got some bogie sideframes courtesy of Allen at Wors



Building with a Craft Robo

Some time ago I bought a craft robo vinyl cutter, to use to cut out vinyl stickers to sell, but more recently I have been looking at what other uses I could use it for.   I have been playing about for some time cutting different things. The first thing I tried was corridor connections for coaches, which I now have down to a tee, the next thing I wanted to create was vinyl coach sides, as I wanted to recreate a blue pullman ( which I'm sorry to say has been selved for the time being, as I lost



Chassis hacking, and an unknown wagon...

With the news that some of university exams at the end of the semester are being postponed (due to the 1 foot plus of snow we've had in Edinburgh preventing the delivery of exam scripts, chairs, tables and invigilators), it seemed like a perfect time to kick back with a bit of modelling. The purchase of four Peco 15-foot wheelbase chassis kits enabled me to make a start on the chassis of my hacked-about Tomix Clarabel. Some careful measuring and two cuts with a hacksaw later (the cut locations h



winter update

Hello all, Scots Region from snowy Scotland, here with a winter update. I must admit I've been neglecting my blog due to reasons such as family, school, exhaustion, pain, misery, depression, alien abduction and a violent urge to re-programme my computer with a sledgehammer. Any way thats in the past. Now down to business.           this is part of my cunning plan to create another connection between the body of the shunter and the chassis. Through these squares of plasticard I will dril

scots region

scots region

Heavy Metal and Deep Frost

...might be a suitable title for today's entry . I checked out what was going on at Frankfurt Central Station after my course and got lucky in being able to capture the following two services...         Out of the total of 411 class 218 diesel locos which have been built, fifteen have been modified to serve as breakdown assistance locomotives for high speed lines. Nine of these are allocated to the Frankfurt depot, mainly for assistance on the Frankfurt-Cologne HSL, with one but being se

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Part 6: Shay conversion

Hello in the cold . I took the opportunity while I'm still snowed in to address a couple of projects I have been keeping on the shelf. The first is my Shay locomotive. It is a H0 scale, 3 truck 80-ton Shay from Bachmann and their Spectrum series. The locomotive has led to many concerns, repairs and other headaches.... The first thing that happened was that the Tsunami sound decoder that I ordered did not fit .... So I had to build a new tender shell from brass to make it fit: Then the

M Graff

M Graff

Mini-update - 2-Bil progress

The 2-Bil is nearly done - here's a photo of the very rudimentary interior, which uses Preiser figures and the original Kirk seats (one of which is wonky and has since been stuck back in properly!). I've also wired it up. I fitted Steam Era's wheels (as used in their Black Beetle) to the trailing bogies. These are only insulated on one side, so each trailing bogie picks up current from two of it's wheels. By soldering wires to each bogie frame and interconnecting the two coaches using a conne




One of the most universal N gauge products coming from Japan at present is the tram. Although based on Japanese prototypes, the design is generic enough not to look too out of place on a Continental, UK or US layout. Quite simply, there is not the range of affordable modern N gauge trams available elsewhere.   The 'big three' manufacturers of Kato, Tomix and Micro Ace all produce at least one type of tram or tram-train; however the masters of the tram in Japan is Modemo. Modemo are not the bes



Painted tug boat

I have not done a great deal of modelling this week, partly due to other commitments, partly due to the cold weather and this last couple of days, due to the path down to the shed being buried under 6-7" of snow.   I have been tinkering with a paint job on the river push tug, sat at the dinner table.                                    



Is this the real 'South Polden Light Railway' branch train?

This is the model of a passenger train of the South Polden Light Railway, seen here visiting Combwich at the High Wycombe show a few weeks ago (photo by Chris Nevard):     The moribund coaches and Peckett normally work occasional services between Burrowbridge and Bleakhouse Road...   Then, the other day, I found this ensemble at Buckfastleigh:       Clearly, someone felt the SPLR was worth preserving!!

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Delph - Coal drops final dry run

Following some final adjustments to the deck sections (some time ago, I accidentally broke the deck into two pieces by dropping it onto a quarry tile floor!), I have now got the fit to my liking and have made a final dry run with the assembly. Now it's take a deep breath and fix it in place on top of the pillars, permanently. I've not quite decided on the best adhesive, yet. The options appear to be PVA, Uhu or epoxy. The deck is wood and the pillars a mix of wood and plastic, on the contact are

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Whither Steinrücken?

I'll be honest, the following is an expansion of an email I recently sent Dominik Mann, but all things considered, it's probably worth posting on here.   I've just about decided not to buy any more models for the time being, at least until I have formulated my long term layout plans (I'm leaning towards TT, in spite of the smaller range- N is just too small). Anything I work on in the short term will be using existing stock and track. However, in a case of "so near, yet so far" you can see h



base boards up

Well after a sunshine break I have really got going the two main boards are made and up nice blue curtain around to hide the junk ...... modeling materials beneath   next step is the Templot paper plan stick to a sub board ( old H&S sign ) i have ordered the turnout operating units from the 2mm association when they arrive its drill the fixing holes and commence track laying   in the meantime i must cut a template for the platform to give me building constructi



coombe junction - moorswater - highs and lows...

Update - This one is not very upbeat I am afraid - I was hoping to have cracked the cladding last night...and not my mojo   On the high point - after Scott's excellent descriptive piece about china clay dries and Moorswater, I thought I had better redo my homework. Out came the photos of Moorswater then and now and sure enough I had missed off the step in the building to allow the conveyor to pass from one to the other   I think this oversight was because there is a lot of 'kit' outside



Sweet Running Hornby Pug

nevard_101128_cementQ_IMG_8459_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   A tiny ex Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Pug is captured shunting wagons through the loading screen at Cement Quay.This little loco I picked up on Ebay just over a year ago, it has since had a repaint, a renumber to one of Radstock's shunters, a little extra detail and a dose weathering.   After completing the above and being an 0-4-0 I wasn't expecting the best performance, with some sticking, wobble and jerkines

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Chipping a Brawa Köf II

Something a little different from the mostly GWR content in this blog. If you have read any of my other (layouts) blog, you'll be aware that Camerton has been on hold for a while while I rethink and strengthen my scenic skills. In the meantime, I've been working on a wholly imaginary layout called Nowhere or Nessun Luogo or Nirgendwo according to language preferences. This is a fairly simple HO and HOe layout that will allow me to run whatever continental stock I like without too much concern fo



Another Deltic Detailing Project in 4mm - Novice update... post Warley - P4 Deltic Pt 5

A novice’s update whilst I'm stuck several hundred miles from my modelling room… since my last post, some extra parts were acquired from Mr Hanson’s at the Warley show, and some time has been spent fettling the body to accept some of these new acquisitions. First of all, I acquired the new windscreen etches, but needing to cut a lot of material away to fit these dissuaded me from attempting this initially… although I’ll probably come back to these at some point. I therefore set about



Another update

The Westcoast website has just been updated again with a few pics of my latest building Portishead. With this update I have put all the text into text boxes so hopfully that should cure all the problems with the pages. The other update is that my exhibition layout Potters lane is to be rebuilt before its next show in March. Potters will form part of a bigger layout that will be known as AC Lines. AC lines will be a series of modules that will feature different scenes of the 25kv network. The fir

87 101

87 101

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    • FWIW I prefer two words: motor car   The English language is fickle and others might take a different view   Mike
    • Hi @ian, thanks for this.  My guess is you may be thinking of this one mentioned by @F-UnitMad and @2E Sub Shed in a recent thread of mine on American HO modelling (apparently almost two years ago!!!):     Operationally this is always a good way to get extra mileage from a plan with a continuous run (literally, if you want).  There was a lot to like about Chris' plan, he even ran short double deck Chicago commuter trains for a passenger service (the first time I'd come across the
    • From Jimbo Wales big bag of trivia   This page Car - Wikipedia   and the following paragraph.   Etymology The English word car is believed to originate from Latin carrus/carrum "wheeled vehicle" or (via Old North French) Middle English carre "two-wheeled cart", both of which in turn derive from Gaulish karros "chariot".[20][21] It originally referred to any wheeled horse-drawn vehicle, such as a cart, carriage, or wagon.[22][23] "Motor car", attested from
    • Either scheme workd well. Me being me I'd go for the two station approach on the basis of added play value.   Way back when Chris Ellis did an N scale project layout in Scale/Model Trains based on a CNW line.   The basic outline was like this:   Trains arrived on the layout from the FY/Ext (which was also the route to extend the layout in future if you wished) then travelled through station B to terminate at station A.   The cunning bit was that you
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