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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Boards and Buffers

Tonight marks a small milestone, the wiring is complete and trains are running on the main board of Colwyn Bay Goods! After struggling with the 3 way point for the last 12 months, I can now put this chapter to rest. A few beers are in order     Also, the MDO has had the correct buffers fitted... from the MCV which also had incorrect buffers fitted. I should really start paying more attention   I am currently trying to make the correct style of MCV buffers by turning the heads of some



Snow White and Mostly Traffic Red

...shall be the tag line for the set of photos I shot today while my GF was browsing various shops for the last bunch of Christmas presents . I'll just dive in now without any further preamble...             While I was still thinking about where I could go after disembarking at Frankfurt Central, I noticed an IC set which appeared to have a black loco on it. However, it turned out that it actually had two black MRCE ES 64 U2 type locos in a top-and-tail setup B) . This here was ES

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Merry Christmas! (and stuff)

Hello   Just in case I dont manage to squeeze a blog posting out between now and Christmas Day I thought it would be a good idea to wish everyone a Merry Christmas   I have revisited my 52xx this past week, tweaking and yet more tweaking to try and get the engine running much better (its being shown up by my pannier tank) so the chassis has almost had another rebuild! Oh, and the muppet that I am I also manged to loose the cab roof and so I had to scratchbuild another one too. Anyway, tryi



"Project Malta - Part 2"

A few changes - not happy with the chimney so had another go - looks much better after re-profiling and adding the lip. Whistle added, along with (not in this view) the window frames on the rear cab sheet.   Next step is a 3D print to check dimensions and fitting to a chosen chassis. Next stage after that is reworking to come up with the final model.   Until next time!

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Seasonal Greetings

Can't get to work today, the council are running out of grit and only treating primary routes. Having spent 30 minutes digging out the drive and slithering up the lane, we were defeated by the first hill on the main road. So, I have moved out of the workshop and into the sitting room with the turf fire lit and am building coach bogies on the dining table while watching the birds on the feeder. Isn't life tough! Attached pic taken between alternating showers of snow and hail!



Getting to the Point

A while ago I bought, amongst other things, a couple of Waverley O gauge point kits from Ian Morton.   Following a succesful test build of a Scalescenes Waiting Shelter blown up to O gauge a seed of an idea for my first layout in 7mm started to grow ...   So, the premise is a preserved railway somewhere in GWR land (as the point kits are to GWR standards). A single track railway doubled at the station. Model half the station with the overbridge forming the scenic break at one end and a tunn



Getting going with the Layout

So, after a few months of doing nothing, I started fiddling with the layout again. The fiddling turned into some major surgery (as always), and that then to some major wiring.   Having returned to work for a few more weeks wizzing up and down the ECML its on hold, but it does give me change to ponder the next stage.   At present I have an 8 x 2 section, BR 60s steam shed, roughed up etc. Next is what to do. The layout space is now to go into an L shape, measureing approx another 6 x 2 sect



O2.6 and other stuff

Right Thanks to all who came and said hello at Wigan last weekend. Nice to hear kind things said about the layout. Although enjoyable, the show was a bit of a killer for me with a nightmare journey home on the Sunday evening. I've done too many shows this year (no surprises there Mr Venton!) and subsequently i've decided that I won't be accepting any more invitations for Wheal Elizabeth as I've got sufficient up to and including 2013. I want to get on with Clevedon and want to have it finished



A Wander Down Memory Lane

There aren't too many pictures of Cottleston park, essentially the donor for Yamanouchi Oshika; especially in full UK garb. These are some of the very few we actually have...   The town was quite radically different, especially in terms of the road layout. Seeing the road in these pictures explains why it ran along the back of the layout, as it was designed to tie the layout - which is quite long and scenically very low - together.   A slightly clearer impression of how the road threaded



A Semi-Scratchbuilt Van - part 2.

Well, its finished now except for a final coat of matt varnish. The project has been an interesting one, to me at least, although it might leave some scratching their heads and thinking 'why?'. Some pics;   First end fitted;   The roof being glued in place;   And finished;   So what was it all about? Well, after reading relaxinghobby's various threads on card rolling stock I was inspired to seek out some Peco Wonderfull Wagon sides, mainly out of curiosity to see how they compare



Let there be Light!

My short stay in hospital passed successfully and my arm is on the mend finally! I have some time to kill at home. I had been doing some work with carriage lighting before surgoens stopped play. I have put lighting inside a mark 1 full brake and am quite pleased with the results. I have also added carriage lighting to my two Bachmann Pullman coaches. The table lights were just not quite enough and I think they now look much better. Steam power has arrived at Glasburgh. On shed is Hornby A4 Fal

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

The Main Offensive!

Due to having my car being broken into i've come home from uni early. This evening I've made a big push and made some progress.   I stripped the board of all the current Track   I laid cork sheeting down over the entire board.     Drawing the outline of the track onto the board.     Landscaping Begins! I'm using Woodland Scenics Plaster Cloth to make the inclines leading to the bridge. I'm also planning on making some hills in random areas to add some depth.       St



Throwing a little light on the subject.

The lighting at Avonwick has never been fantastic, a fact that was commented on several times at the 2mm Soc expo when it was exhibited. I had used 150 LED's to provide illumination, a good idea but not one that proved to be effective. With the layouts second exhibition rapidly approach I thought it was about time that I did something about this situation. I didn't want to be fiddling with 240v's and was looking for something to supplement the LED's rather than replace them so I trundled of to W



The Destruction Begins!

Okay, due to my car being broken into i'm home early. So i began to rip up the track on my baseboard to make way for the cork sheeting I plan to glue down onto the entire board. Pictures to follow.



D'ya wanna come up and see my etchings?

No, that line never worked for me in the past either! Anyway it's enticed one or two of you in here so there must be a bit of interest! I've recently received the test etchings for the Leeds 600 railcar kit from Mark Hughes (no not the Footballer, he tarnished his copy book by going managing that team that plays at the council house!) These cover the advert boards, walkways, bow and lifeguards, very nice they look too, better get the last bits done on the 600 master bodyshell now.     Whi

Red Devil

Red Devil

You shall go to the ball...

... cinders!   Onward with ballasting. Over the years, I've tried various methods of everybody's favourite part of layout building. This time I noticed, when laying the Easitrac, that the Easitrac glue remains slightly rubbery, unlike normal PVA which sets fairly solid. This seemed to be a good medium for applying the ballast too.   Don't apply before going to bed! This is the Easitrac glue decanted into a small container for ease of use. It will be applied, neat, with the pippet.   L

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

Manchester Piccadilly

Over the past year I have been working on my first comissioned layout build. The layout is 00 gauge and is based on Manchester Piccadilly. Tonight I have finished the control panel so that I can start wiring it in tomorrow afternoon.         With 21 point motors to fit its going to be fun wiring it up !

87 101

87 101

Trip on Streetview anyone?

For those interested I've been looking at the Hebridean Light Railway proposal details to determine just where the Isle of Skye's railway would have run. I've now managed to get it onto Google maps in a very basic form. It doesn't 100% match the drawings yet, one day I'll update it so that it's as accurate as possible.   There is a description of the first stage of the line from Isle Ornsay to Broadford on my blog here: http://hlrco.wordpre...y-to-broadford/   In other news, I've been work



A Slight Distraction...

... from all the Old Midland stuff, is the arrival today of a Farish DP1 and 6 pin decoder.     Last week I finally jumped in and bought a NCE pro cab starter set as I heard it is the best of the cheaper systems and I didn't want to fork out loads for something like the Lenz, which I may not use anyway.   Though i am not a diesel man, I have always liked the look of the original deltic, from when I was a wee nipper. First impressions are very good, and boy does it move sublimey on the tr



Midnight Oil/Brewhouse Quay Plan

I suffered from a little insomnia last night, so between midnight around and 2 am I worked on my rough brewery trackplan pencil sketch to produce the below using a little Photoshop to tidy up some of the rougher bits. I've tried to avoid that computer look - preferring that 'back of an envelope/organic' style as seen in magazines like the excellent French model railway magazine Voie Libre and the wonderful illustrations of Paul Lunn.   I'm in a lucky position to have been asked to come u

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Bruckless Junction - an overdue update

I haven't been able to do a lot of work on Peter's layout since the summer due to holidays and work commitments. However, the ballasting to the front scenic section is finished bar weathering and I have done a bit more planting. On Phase 2 the track is laid and wired giving 12 long storage sidings for rolling stock and a fan of short sidings, served by a Peco turntable, for locos. Peter has stock covering the period from BR steam to the present day and some of this needs storing when not in use.



coombe junction - moorswater - cladding - episode IV a new hope...

Update - Following the setbacks from last time, and slight loss of mojo, I retreated from the layout and immersed myself in a string of christmas parties and the final season of 24, which provided about 10 evenings of time to reflect on my way forward taking into account the helpful comments and suggestions received and the conclusions to date.   Last night, I returned, determined not to send any euros winging to the swear box (tis the season of goodwill after all) and started by cutting out p



Baseboard Plan

Displayed Below is the Final Design for the layout. It consists of a double track mainline, with a heritage branch line in dark blue on the inside and a shunting yard in light blue. This is all designed to fit on a 3" by 4" board. All track is Peco, with the outer line using 3rd radius curves and the inner mainline using 2nd radius curves. this means I can generally run whatever rolling stock I want.  



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