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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

'Tis the season to do some modelling (at last!)

One thing I've never been happy with about the layout are the buildings along the back scene; particularly the end on terraced houses on the right hand side of the road bridge. I've decided to replace these with an industrial building. Before starting on this though I've added some supports to prop up the retaining wall (replacing the rainwater down pipes which used to hide the joints in the plastikard); also extending the wall to include the area behind the goods shed:   At the opposite e

Mark Forrest

Mark Forrest

Foundry Lane - earlier this year

Over Christmas and New Year I've taken a break from house renovation for a few days, so I've grabbed the opportunity to do some work on Foundry Lane, but more of that later; first a recap of the layout's last couple of exhibition appearances.   First a few snaps of the layout at it's last outing to Redditch way back in September: 20073 (regauged Bachmann with Howes sound) delivers an air braked van to the yard:   Failure of the resident 08 (the rivet in the coupling rods fell out!) sa

Mark Forrest

Mark Forrest

My 4mm Deltic Detailing Project - last 2010 update - P4 Deltic Pt 6

This will be my final update this year; we’ve numerous visitors over the holiday period and thus my modelling room will revert to guest bedroom status for the duration.   Since my last posting, I’ve managed to make some progress, which I hopefully have made clear herein. Techniques employed were, as always, developed as each task progressed… learning on the job seems to be the quid-pro-quo with these tasks. Recently, I managed to secure a back-copy of Model Rail No. 124, through a well k



Splodge, Zap, Sizzle

Over the Christmas hols I have had an opportunity to 'play' with a resistance soldering unit. Up until now all my 2mm scale etched kits have been assembled using my trusty 25w Antex iron and Carr's solder paste, and while it give good results, I do seem to spend a lot of time scraping solder off places where it shouldn't be, despite the solder paste being very easy to apply in small amounts just where you want it.   Whilst the RSU (purchased by my dad from the Swanage Model Company stand at G

2mm Andy

2mm Andy

Steel, freight and snow - all in Leipzig, and now with an additional photo!

Well, here be another round of images from Leipzig... My focus for today was to capture a few freight trains in the snow, to which end I rode out to Thekla Station in the northeast of the city. The station is served by hourly stopping services on the line to Eilenburg, so I had sufficient time in any case.   I think I'll just jump into the photos now...       At Central Station, I first captured 143 130 which was diagrammed to work the RB 26140 service to Lutherstadt Wittenberg. After t

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Callow Lane Signal Box - work has started

Just prior to Christmas I started work on the signalbox for Callow Lane.   I had been planning to build the Modelex (ex-Churchward Models) etched brass kit, but was put off by the effect of the brass slates, so had already decided to do my own roof.   I then remembered that Ratio do a standard 4-window M.R. signalbox, and after a bit of agonising re the size the box should be (in order to justify not having to undertake either a major kit-bash or a complete scratchbuild), I opted to go for a

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Saltney, and about time too!.

Well, here we go. It’s been ages since the last update, and quite frankly I’ve lost track of what’s been done since the last one. I’ve attached a little gallery as a bit of a “catch-up†http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/gallery/album/7179/1299-saltney-railway-catch-up/ but far more pics are available at   http://thesaltneyrailway.fotopic.net/   Things we’ve done that come to mind (not necessarily in date order!) are..   1. New roof on the loco shed. It dated f

Jon Fitness

Jon Fitness

37429 - Chassis Weathering.

Further to my entry yesterday, I have taken time today to study a selection of photos and begin the weathering of the chassis on 37429. ; - http://www.flickr.co...07/2993101948/. Matt 33 & 98 were used foremost with tonal variation being created, trying to bring out the detail. After this had dried, a thin wash of Frame Dirt was applied and left to dry. With the aid of photo's, I used Europe Dust and Black Smoke to stipple and create the rusting and general weathering on the bogie side fra



Back on track: Thinking inside the box

Real progess is happening on project Victoria Bridge. The laser cut bridge now has a home, a wooden baseboard/box that is both portable, and can exist as a nice, vaguely functional diorama on my wall! It is following the plan I cooked up a while ago to have the backscene deeper than the 'depth' of the baseboard itself, if you see what I mean... a layout 'painted' vertically rather than 'mapped out' horizontally.. (the baseboard is 6" deep and the back 'wall' is 12" high)   This is a nice depar

Will J

Will J

New project - Ropley Shed

All my modeling life I've been a modern image modeller, with a small blip when I was about 14 and I bought a Farish Battle of Britain Class steam engine whilst on holiday. I think it was this which put me off steam models with it's very basic shape and unpredictable performance and since then I've only ever modelled the current scene.    Then about a month ago I bought a new Farish 3MT. Wow. What a difference from that blob of metal from 15 years ago. Lovely detail, smooth performance and gr



N Gauge Class 309 - First Steps

I've been very busy recently with things other than modelling, but Boxing Day has given me a chance to do a little more work on my N gauge collection.   Back in the summer I spoke to Allan Doherty of Worsley Works at the 2mm Association Expo, and asked whether there was any chance of getting his Class 309 etches adapted to the refurbished version of the units with hopper style windows instead of the original Mk1 sliding windows. Very soon after the etches arrived, and have sat in my "gloat box



Just 'cos it's factory weathered doesn't mean you have to...

leave it alone....   Having my Dad over for Christmas has been an ideal opportunity to give him a bit of tuition in weathering. Using one of his Christmas presents, I've demonstrated a few basic techniques using gouache.   Before:   After:   The clean patches on the Kernow models are just that little bit too clean. Both of the patches were brushed over with a grime mix made from raw and burnt umber and black gouache. When dry, they were brushed over with a large, soft flat brus



Now playing in this theatre: Trams, Interrupted

Afternoon all!   As I mentioned in Early Risers, I am currently in Leipzig once again, for a few days of vacation .   Winter has struck here just as severely as around Frankfurt, resulting in tram services having been completely suspended yesterday, and only partially resumed today. Apparently, there had been several derailments due to the huge masses of snow, with the only trams I could see yesterday having been a Tatra double set on an inspection trip, and a NGT12 car with its pantograph

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

37429 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol.

It seems to have been a while since I last posted an entry here, fortunately the christmas break has allowed me to make progress with a few projects.   Over the past few day's I have started on a model of 37429 in Regional Railways livery, utilising one of the earlier body-shell's on a slightly newer chassis. Having detailed the No 1 end, I am now turning to the small specific details which the locomotive holds and the basis of weathering / grime established using photos.   For the vacuum



Brighton Belle

Needless to say we are quite pleased that Hornby have announced an RTR 5BEL . Hopefully in due course all three units with appropriate names and numbers will be made available, but a 10BEL crossing the viaduct will be something to look forward to - and conversion of this to P4 will be somewhat easier and cheaper than the other current options!   Merry Christmas all



Where I differ from reality

Anyone following my blog will probably be expecting an update on baseboard construction.   That's downstairs in the form of a pile of timber - just taken a break to post some pics.   I've just finished building the viaduct and a bit of weathering applied to it (photos attached)   but mainly I'm wondering what to do regarding vehicles. Mum got me a series 1 landrover (1948) and a caravan (two tone, very 1950's) along with the morris minor van from last christmas.   I do appreciate that

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Christmas arrivals on the EJ&KLR

Today was the inaugural running of the EJ&KLR (http://ejklr.blogspot.com) and it has been a wonderful day. If success can be measured by the size of the smiles then it's been a triumph. The LGB starter set has run faultlessly, nice and quiet and smooth - and easy for my daughter to play with - expecially with the roof that pops off the coach to allow her to load up her Playmobil people.   The more grown up LGB coaches are lovely and look wonderful behind the Stainz, and my little die

James Hilton

James Hilton

Rebuilt, Original, modified whatever!

Having seen all the recent froth on the subject of what to use in front of Merchant Navies, West Country's etc. I thought I've give my perspective on it.   Original - Fresh out of the Works, as built, later loco's had wedge cabs and other modifications from new so this covers them as well.   Modified - Wedge Cab fitted, changes to deflectors, tenders etc.   Rebuilt - The loco is radically change in appearance, though retains enough of it's original DNA to still be called the same class!  



Bristol Barrow Road- Lawrence Hill Junction Signal Box - Update 6

Some pre-formed guttering arrived from Eileen's Emporium yesterday so I decided to sort out the the roof. This guttering is very good and having filed down tube for the loco shed on my Sheep Pasture layout I don't mind taking short cuts this time. Having initally fixed the fascia board using 2.5mm x 1mm plasticard I decided it was oversize and removed it, replacing it with 2mm x 2mm brass L angle strip. This is more acceptable and nearer to scale. The top edge of each of the 4 pieces of fascia



coombe junction - moorswater - jingle bells, batman smells...

Update - my humour level has adjusted in line with my children's   Not much to show I am afraid...I was hoping to complete the cladding to the building this side of 2011, but work commitments dictated diverting my time making a model of an architectural project rather than for the layout.   Last week I did manage to progress the cladding a little further so now I just have to complete the roof and cladding trims prior to the first coat of car primer.   I would just like to take the oppo



And it's a Merry Christmas from me! (plus some photos)

Festive greetings to you all! Merry Christmas A lone van weathered by the salty atmosphere of the seaside waits on the quayside.     An unidentified narrow gauge locomotive emerges from the shade of the pipe bridge.     The same locomotive is pictured here without a driver who has obviously gone for a quick cuppa.       A break in the stormy clouds sees the 4-6-0 emerge from behind the hangar.     A works train heads west towards Eaglehurst Camp for track repairs haule



Cordial Christmas Greetings from Captain Kernow!

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Noble Realm of SWAG to all in RMWeb Land!   Some specific Christmas wishes:   - May we all contain ourselves successfully until one minute past Midnight tonight! - May we all eat and drink as much as we need and perhaps even want over the Festive Season! - May the weather front coming in on Sunday night bring rain, not more snow!!!     And as the flag of Swagonia bravely flutters on the top of Mount Snyeg outside Kernow Towers...

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

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