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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Point Control

In the build up to this layout, point operation was always going to be one of my first major hurdles. How to set the distance between the switch blades accurately was something I was struggling with especially when working to P4 standards. My previous attempts go back a number of years to copperclad points with a sleeper sized tiebars. I now wanted a more realistic solution. I understood that the switch blades would twist slightly when moving, this movement would, in time, break any solder



Balustrades and refuges - trial placements

Some snaps of some of the results of today in trial fittings of balustrades and refuges on the viaduct track base:           And a couple of reminders of the real thing       We're still thinking about how best to do the brackets   So there will now be an awful lot of laminating of pairs of bits of 2mm MDF at 10800 towers - just the job to do on a work tray whilst watching the telly   And we haven't forgotten about the coping and plinths for the balustrades



Victoria Bridge... Talking Stock

Right, no more apologising about poor quality photos on the blog, have invested in a posh new camera of sufficient complexity to see me running, uncharateristically, to the instruction manual!   Anyhow, back to the trains...   'Modern Image N gauge Steam' Severn Valley Railway Preserved Locos and Stock   The most succesful of my recent experiments has been the conversion of a blood and custard Dapol Gresley carriage to a reasonable representation of the Great Northern Railway carriage b

Will J

Will J

Brewhouse Quay: Track Laying

Just before the Xmas holiday I started to lay the track on Brewhouse Quay. The delay in getting the snaps here being due to that increasingly shocking excercise of actually interacting with people face to face (cue the H&S Executive for another new directive no doubt) rather than keyboard, eating all the wrong foods, drinking too much beer in foreign climes and probably in due course getting a dose of lurgy due to all public places being heated to suit the staff rather than the heavilly dres

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Thursday Pic - that 7F again....

Here's a spare shot of the new Bachmann SDJR 7F 2-8-0 left over from the other day, and whilst it wasn't taken specifically for the cab detail, it does demonstrate how nice the detail is from a normal viewing angle. I make no apologies for the car which is from a Sprinsgide white metal kit, it's simply there because I like it. The only enhancement is the puff of smoke, again because I like it. The crew are stood on the platfom behind the loco   Click to enlarge.   Version without the in

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

More work on warehouses

Christmas seems to be a traditional time for me to do some Scalescene's buildings and this year seems no exception. The large goods warehouse is at viaduct level with a street level entrance below track level. I spent a few hours cutting card to make up the road level and I am quite pleased with the view you get from under the bridge of the main line. I think the retaining walls looks like a suitable location for some bill boards.     I also decided to put some hipped roofs on the building.

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Teak and tweak

I've been working on the UFO pile over Christmas and finally got around to painting the 2mm scale 51' full brake I built earlier in the year. It wasn't something I felt too confident attacking as it's a fairly complex livery.     Still need to find suitable decals and to glaze it, but it's slowly getting there

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

G Scale Vertical Boilered Geared Locomotive

Last night I was able to carry out a little work on the boiler for the now named 'Rathbone'. I was able to find a picture of a De Winton 0-4-0 as a reference and then built the details up using brass, plasticard, wire and some Airfix 14xx loco pickups. The scrap box also yielded parts for a regulator and gauge glass. It still needs some more bits adding but I think it’s beginning to look the part. The pipes hanging down from the boiler also locate the boiler in the chassis locking it in positi



Can't get that freight outta my head...

Morning all!   Well, the title for today's post pretty much sums up the motto of the photo session I did yesterday! In other words, I guess I'd been bitten by some kind of freight bug during my first stay at Thekla Station, which is why I returned there. Weather was quite sunny, too, and not all that cold – till about 2 pm, that is. Shall we begin...? B)           There sure would turn out to be a bunch of 155s on the road that day! 155 036 was the first of the lot to come along.  

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

G scale 0-4-0 vertical boilerd geared locomotive

Back to work today so not much progress on the model front. I will begin posting the locomotive and stock builds of the 6mm 09 models once I gather all the photographs and get all the text sorted. The other distraction has been this G scale locomotive. Last night I fabricated a number of details on the footplate and shortened the boiler. A good rummage through my scrap box has revealed a number of details such as stop cocks regulator handles and the odd bits to build all the pipe work. If I get



What do you do with a few days off?

Play with new toys of course.   Hello, Work on the layout has been at a very slow pace this last few months, having to spend a lot of time working on the wiring has drained a fair bit of energy out of me and although i'm happy with what i've achieved, i find that endless wires, burnt fingers and a loss of temper don't do much for my modelling enthusiasm. However, with some time off work, some new toys for christmas i find myself wanting to get on with some work. christmas gifts consisted of



Sleeping in my train / I will possess you...

A slight variation of a line from that Roxette song just came to my mind when I was thinking about a suitable title for this post... I left the house past nine last night in order to try and capture the "Canopus" sleeper train – also known as CNL 458 – which runs from Prague Central to Zurich Central Station, calling at Dresden, Leipzig, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Mannheim, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe and Basel, and a couple of additional stops in between. The "CNL" designation is spelt out as "CityNight

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Not so silver bullets and a personalised 08

Hope everyone's had a nice Christmas, having worked loads in the run up and over Boxing Day, yesterday and today have provided a much needed break, and put me in the mood to do some modelling. So, after being inspired by Pugsley's silver bullet work here on the 4mm version, today I sat down and did the first of my fleet. It started out as a standard weathered model, and the techniques I played with will be used not only to customise my other three weathered wagons, but also to dirty up my shiny



Better late than never & my ' 52 week challange '

Hi all,   Well after a long time lurking and reading everyone else's blogs i thought it about time i had better start one and just before a new year seamed like the ideal time to start.......of a fashion   The main reason for the blog is i have decided to try a 52 week challange. A fellow member of rmweb for the past year has been doing a 52 week challange to build a wagon/item of rolling stock each week for a year( 2010)   So me being slightly mad / crazy (as anyone who knows me



G scale 0-4-0 vertical boilerd geared locomotive

This oddity has been brought out of hibernation after meeting up with an old friend and discusing garden railways. It's scratch built on a brass and wood chassis with plastic and copper additions. The gears and chain drive the single cylinder and the motor is hidden under the boiler. Somewhere along the line I have miss placed the coupling rods but these can be rebuilt. After having a little look at it I think I may begin work on finishing it off. It's a smooth little runner, just needs a garden



New Arrivals on Glasburgh

Well, Santa was kind after all and the parcels made it through our frozen lands! First a new refuelling point (Knitwing kit) which I added lights to at construction stage. Still to weather the roof but looks good. Diesels can now fill up and off load! They wouldn't get far on two off loading points! My Class 31 visited Jason to have lights fitted to cabs and an all Blue Cravens unit now looks good with its Perth destination blind. (not a bad effort even I do say so myself!) Will have to do some

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

Trams and Beer

nevard_101226_munich-tram_IMG_8832_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia. For a change we decided to escape the Christmas mayhem and head to Munich for a few days, not really for any cultural experience but unashamedly to sup a few beers in the various beer halls all over this beautiful city. And anyway, most things are shut over the Christmas period and let's face it, it's way too cold to do much else so I don't feel the slightest bit guilty in this respect!   Of course one needs

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

We have a son, time to go out and buy that Hornby Train set!

Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2011.   Well our due date came and went. This gave us a bit more time to finish the building works; the kitchen units went in on Monday, then carpet in the nursery whet down on Wednesday night and our son arrived the following day (16th Dec) all safe and sound.   So, apart from slowly getting my head round all things baby including some serious toxic waste I am now starting to realise that I now have perfect excuse to play trains, model and 12" to the fo




Brief mention of the Chris Cornell etched kit for the Leeds convert(ed) cars in an earlier entry, well the festive boredom set in so thought I'd start fabricating a few of the major sections up ready to build up later, didn't quite happen that way.           I'm going to have to build it slightly differntly to how the instuctions suggest to make painting and glazing a bit easier, I'm not certain yet but may build it with a seperate chassis, comprising the platforms, bulkheads and

Red Devil

Red Devil

New Projects in 7mm on 009 Track

Well I must say it's been a while since I have been on here. With the end of Hockenhull Platts and after a brief flutter with 009, I have hit on something that I will stick with. The scale I am working to is 7mm on 009 track which equates to a scale called 09 representing 15 inch or 18inch gauge, give or take a few inches! After messing around with the scale and taking measurements from a range of different model figures the new scale of 6mm to 1 foot has been stuck to. This difference of 1mm en



The Impetus to Get Moving!

Well well well, give and you shall recieve...and I gave...and I wound up recieving a massive reason to push on with my layout and really get cracking on it in the new year. And they didn't come in the form of the three rather nice Dapol wagons I recieved from my dear nan, oh no. It came in the final present I opened from 'neath the tree...a stunning Hornby Class 50 locomotive, 50 048 'Dauntless' in early Network SouthEast livery.   I filmed and posted a review of this gorgeous loco , have



Part 8: Some details

I got some nice stuff from my wife this Christmas, a bunch of laser-cut fire escapes and park benches from "Imagine That Laser Art" in Canada. They were not exactly hard to build, but a bit time-consuming   A little paint on it, then it will look good.   I just had to see how it looks when it´s in place.   The Fire escapes is very nicely designed. I have looked at some of the others on the market, but they are too ornamented to be suited in a more basic setting. One pack

M Graff

M Graff

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