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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

6862 Derwent Grange

Not much to say about this at the moment - if only because the bits are in the post, and there's no post for a while, but just a quick heads up, I think, while I take a break from stripping wallpaper (did you need to know that? Probably not. Did you want to know that? Ah, too bad...) The basic idea is to take the PD Marsh Grange body kit and put it together with an Ixion Manor chassis. I've picked the name, Derwent Grange, because there's a River Derwent that flows through Derby. And as I'm fro

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

A streamlined B17

As I said somewhere else (in one of the kitbuilding threads, I think) it's going to be a busy few months. One of the things on my plate at the moment is bashing a streamlined B17 from a Farish A4 body (and it was the last one that BR Lines had) and a Dapol B17 chassis. I had some bad luck with my old Dapol B17, but I don't want to talk about it. I'm told that a lot of other people have had B17s that worked just fine, so... fingers crossed eh?   Anyway, while I'm waiting for the chassis to arri

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon


nevard_110103_catcott-reeds_IMG_8878_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   When somebody mentions hemp, especially if they look a tad thin, speak rather slowly in a warbling manner, have their hair platted, wear colourful home knits as well as knitting their own wall paper, we tend to associated it with something smoked that will generate a mind altering experience. Yeah-man!   For most people who are not so much into ‘vegetable rights and peace’ as coined by Neil off the early 198

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Going nowhere fast - Brackhampton

Modelling progress has been non-existent for the last couple of months as I broke my thumb during some very heavy gardening. I managed to drop several stone paving slabs on it, and when the swelling hadn't gone down after a week I went along to A and E. There were very impressed with the break and I've had to have a pin put in. All in all very painful and not to be recommended.   Anyway I hope to get back to work on things soon, but with two new puppies demanding most of my spare time, things



The trees in the model are small, the real ones are far away......

Evening All,   spent a productive evening on the dining room table last night, enjoying 'Father Ted Night' and butchering some lumps of foam into scenic shapes. It was a good time to be doing it, as all of the Christmas decorations came down today, which would have called upon some extreme hoovering anyway, so a dusting of foam debris on the floor was not such an inconvenience!   The foam blocks help to put the 'monorail' track into some sort of context, as the pieces grew, the proportions o

Will J

Will J


Well, I've not tried blogging before, so please forgive me if I ramble. Where do I start? Well, I guess with a quick run down of my current layout. It's a four track mainline with two through stations (Derringham and Cricklestone) that, apart from being a roundy-round thing, is based on the idea that somebody laid a line that follows (roughly) the cross country route from Edinburgh to Weymouth. (I know, there isn't one. Equally it doesn't go anywhere near Cricklewood either. But I'm a fan of T

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Scenic work and running Video

As promised I have finally found time to record recent progress, and inspired by Jon Teal a short video of the branch goods. An overview of the two mostly done boards, which now just need scenic fettling and fun stuff. The branch goods running into the station throat. Close up of the new overbridge on the scenic board and hand made trees. Crosssing the underpass seen in my prototype posts. Have a picture to add to fake the tunnel! Seen from the opposite side of the underpass, the p



Callow Lane signalbox - part 2 - a re-think and a re-build...

Well, as I mentioned in the comments section of the previous blog entry, I was getting uneasy about the size of the box, as compared with the smaller size of the lever frame. Even with the gate wheel, I decided that the box was too big for the location, and I started thinking about how I could re-build it to a smaller size.   In the meantime, I constructed the 18 lever frame (from Smiths etched components) and placed it in the original box...       As you can see, it left rather a la

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

First Crossing V

Just to while away a few moments, before going to a family event for the day, I've built my first crossing V from scratch for the final point on the layout. The previous two crossing Vs have been from the excellent P4 Track Company's kits. As this layout is just a test track I thought I'd have a go at scratch building the final point. For a first attempt, at creating a crossing V for some considerable time, I'm quite pleased with it.   There is a but....... to read on go to my main blog



Slag Ladle Wagon - part 1.

RT Models are re-releasing the Clarke Kits range of steelworks wagons. I picked up a couple at Warley, a slag ladle and a mill roll wagon. Slag ladle wagons were used for transporting hot slag (the 'scum' formed when producing steel) from the steelworks to a tipping bank where the slag is dumped and allowed to cool. The wagons are very heavily built and are tipped either by a chain attached to the loco drawhook or by a hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder. For more info see Arthur's gallery. This w



Downsizing in H0: Stadt-Klassiker

Every now and again, a "Eureka" moment comes. Far too often for my liking, I have more layout ideas for my available space and track than I have brain cells. Usually my inspirations come from prototype photographs and maps (plus of course the wonderful resource that is Google Earth), but on this occasion it has come from somebody else's modelling, via the medium of Carl Ardent's small layout scrapbook.   Now, with a larger than standard garage to play with, the small layout scrapbook isn't s



Progress Update

Rite well celebrations over i finally got some lining paper and I've been busy making sure we can fit the track plan in the space I've got.   Having spoken to a railway man I've decided to have one parcels platform a goods siding and a 2 road stone engine shed, which will be great for idling sound chipped locos.       Check out the slideshow of my attempts at full size planning.        



New Year Non Update

Hello Peeps   I suffered a dose of both the serious variety of ManFlu and Tonsillitis (which is my health nemesis!) over the Festive Frolics and diverse other Not-so-good * family and friends related ailments.   *bit of Yorkshire Understatement used there ;o)   But I managed to get meself to B&Q and Wilkos for yet more layout related hardware - Including some really good small folding crates in a lurid green colour...a £1 a go and ideal for all sorts of stuff (Wilkos)   Oh and my



A Wenfordbridge brake van

While I was re-watching the Wenfordbridge DVD, looking for more information on the Dunmere buffer stop, I saw a running number of a LNER 'Toad E' brake van. The footage looks to be from the late 1950s of a regular goods train, being hauled by 30585 a Beattie Well Tank, running to Wenfordbridge. Apparently an LNER brake van was regularly used on the Wenfordbridge goods turns. For anyone who is interested the running number is E153583, the body has narrow vertical planking with a pressed st



Internal deatails, 'as bulit'

Here are a couple of pics of the internals of the coach in the 'as built' format. If the weather warms up a bit I'll be able to get the thing painted in etch primer but until then it will just have to wait. I want it finished by the middle of February as we are exhibiting at Doncaster and I'd like it running then. There's nothing like an exhibition deadline to focus the mind.    



Almost finished goods warehouse

The last few days work means that the goods warehouse to the rear of the layout is pretty much finished with the exception of some weathering, downpipes, ground cover etc. etc.     From viaduct level you get a good view of the entrance which has some detail inside with loading platform, some internal walls and various notice boards cut from the Scalescenes goods shed kit. I'm wondering about the area around the signal box. I'd originally thought about adding a water tower into the scene but

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Buffer Stops

I've been having some further thoughts about a buffer stop for Tredethy Wharf......... I have a Mikes Models kit for a LSWR buffer stop and was intending to put it to use on the layout. Photographs I have of Wenfordbridge, and a photograph of Dunmere Wharf, seemed to indicate they were all of the standard LSWR design on this branch. That was until while browsing though my collection of photographs, I saw in the corner of one particular photograph of Dunmere Crossing a three quarter side v



D5579 - A Brush Type 2 from the Fens

I've always liked the Brush type 2 (class 31). They were the first main line diesels I remember, and I've always had a model of one, be it Triang, Triang TT, Triang-Hornby, Airfix or the current Hornby model. I'm pleased with the current Hornby model, particularly the running, and I like the revolving fan feature. However,to my eyes there is something not quite right about the end view. I think the problem is that the centre window is slightly deep, and the geometry of the outer windows has b



Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Signal Box - Update 7 - A night on the tiles

The kit of parts from York Modelmaking included a set of their self adhesive tiles of the type I used on the shed sand dryer and office complex. I could have used them again on the box but using at the available photos to measure the size of the prototype tiles I found they were 9 or 10in wide, whereas the self adhesive version are a scale 12in. I decided to use my tried and tested method using 5thou plasticard and set about making a plasticard jig to assist cutting individual tiles to a cons



Starting work on the Cornishman

Having had to abandon our Christmas trip to Scotland (set out to catch the ferry from Larne but were beaten by the weather without making it to the border!) I had plenty of time on my hands to get on with the 'Cornishman' rake. Five coaches are now sitting on Bill Bedford sprung bogies and Exactoscale wheels. This really is the best running combination that I have found to date, they positively glide through slips. I have now run out of bogies but I do have some corridor connections to get on wi



Point Painted and Shopping Done

The Waverley point kit is all assembled, painted and wired up ready for laying     I used Humbrol Matt 113 for the rust and PP Weathered Wood for the sleepers. Wired up using twisted pairs stripped from CAT5 cable soldered to the underside of the rail.   Went to Marcway yesterday and spent half my Christmas money on more rail and sleepers for the rest of it. Ordered a Traintronics TT300 from Bromsgrove Models today to make the point work B)   I guess I'll spend more time tonight cuttin



Traffic at the End of Year

Afternoon all!   These may be my last train photos for 2010 – tonight will see us having dinner with some friends and then probably riding to the city to watch the fireworks. However, I did want to do a final look-see for myself before New Year and our trip home tomorrow...         I chose the 12 line to ride down to the city. Across the intersection of Virchowstraße and Coppistraße, NGT8 car 1103 "Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy" was taking on passengers.         The next opposi

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

constructing Scalescene roofs

The last few days have been spent putting a hipped roof on top of my Scalescenes constructed goods warehouse. As I've built the various units I've been developing the method and thought people might be interested in the order of construction which worked best for me.   First up is a general picture of the building I've been putting the roof on. This is a railway owned goods warehouse positioned next the a viaduct on my North-East London 'Empire Basin' layout in P4.     The shape of t

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

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