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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

More on the info board and other minor developments.

Well Christmas is over and the goose is decidedly not fat anymore.   I spent much of the Christmas and New Year period away from home so was unable to do any work on the layout, but I was able to work on the information display board that I talked about at the beginning of December. I think that I have come up with a final design. My aim for this was to avoid a cluttered look with far to much information. (I'm not sure that I have achieved this). The space that this will be printed on is ab



Failed on week one, is this a sign?

Hi all,   Due to a number of reasons I have failed on complete week one, which is a annoying as i am really motovated to do this.   This week I have been mostly busy with life, websites, re-pricing, some more re-pricing, fixing other peoples models and a little bit of DCC chipping for other people which has a net result of no time left for me   I think i have to give up work just to do this.   The upshot of all this is that i have lerant new skills for working on websites which will c



Im back at work in the shed !

Having had a Christmas break from modelling, mainly due to the extreme cold in the shed, but partly due to a reduced mojo, I'm easing my self back into it.   The last couple of days I have been doing a bit of ballasting on the front dummy track in front of the silos and adding colour to the buildings made so far.   I am also starting some experiments with ambient sounds. The plan is to load several mp3 files onto my blackberry that can be played in the shed through a set of speakers.   In



A Johnson 1P 0-4-4T for the S&DJR

As we all know, the best way to ensure that the RTR manufacturers will release something we want is to build a kit version. So it was that on the thread about the new Bachmann 7F, when thoughts turned to what might appear next, I jokingly suggested that I should get on with building my Craftsman 1P kit that has been languishing on the shelf for some time. Then, after Xmas I felt that I needed a break from scenery and ballasting on Nowhere, I thought about it a bit more and decided to give it a g




Another year starts, and a new arrival has joined the Dreyfus H0 stud in the form of a Kato DD51 in red livery.   The DD51 is the standard diesel locomotive in Japan, introduced in 1962, and were designed both for freight and express passenger services . 649 were constructed up until 1978, and just under 100 remain in service today; some of which are still used on the few remaining express passenger and sleeper services that operated over non-electrified lines.   Their centre cab design di



The Class 89 project

For many years I have always fancied a model of 89 001 Avocet. Lack of funds has always prevented me from buying a kit so the only other option was to scratch build. A few months back I was given a pair of Hornby hst cabs so a couple of weeks ago I made a start on the project. The power of the ac electrics book provided me with a plan to work from. When I worked out the mesurements in 00 I relised that the plan was actualy to scale so basicly I photo copied it and then cut out paper templates fo

87 101

87 101

Should I even bother starting?

It's less than six months before I repatriate myself and five until the end of the contract on our house. Although at present very taken with Jim Stacco's City Classics show layout design, I have realised that the centre section as he built it is wider than the equivalent section of my donor baseboards. This leaves the options of changing scale to TT or building new boards if I wish to mimic the character of his layout, which I do. However, I'm painfully aware that I'm a slow modeller, Bad Ho




Happy New Year to all of you out there (or is that in here) in RM Web Blogland.   I succumbed to the lurgy over the Christmas period and consequently didn't do any modelling. Starting to feel better (coinciding with starting back at work surprise, surprise) so have recommenced detailing of the O2. I like this bit of the build. An evening may only result in just one fitting being applied and it's the usual case of 'how do I replicate that thing?', but it's all steady progress. First off the h



Craven's DMU rewheeling to P4

Yesterday evening was spent rewheeling my Christmas present of a Bachmann Cravens DMU to P4. Santa Claus had also provided a set of wheels from Branchlines. These are stub axles are a direct replacement for the wheels for the OO wheels. The key thing is to get the new stub axles parallel and here meeting with friends in the possession of GW Models wheel press is an excellent idea.   The hardest bit is getting the motor bogie off and this is best done with small screwdriver on the inside end of

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Photo Session

A new year dawns, and the first club meeting of 2011 was down at the local village hall for a photo session for Yamanouchi Oshika. As a result of these we managed to get a fair number of decent pictures for various uses, thanks to the son of one of our club members who is a far better - and better equipped - photographer than we are!   The main problem with photos like this is that you get to see the enormous amount of work that still needs to be done...often just little things like adding a f




Today we had a reunion some of the team after our outing to this year's Scaleforum. It is the first time that it has been put up since the last outing. It has proved a valuable exercise, totally justifiying the decision to retire it from the circuit and rebuild. Every single board joint has moved, with all the associated alignment problems.   We have one outstanding show commitment that we will be fulfilling in August this year, but then that's it for this particular incarnation. As noted on



A streamlined B17 - Part 2

Well, my B17 chassis arrived this morning from Dapol. [unfortunately my second B17 has got to go back to (well known model shop) because it doesn't recognise when there's a chip in it. My first B17... had, in the words of a 16th century list of deaths, 'several ailments'] I can't help wondering if I'll ever have any LNER locos running... Maybe I've been cursed. ] Task number one is to take... Task number one is to make sure that it works. That I can put a chip in it and have it running round.

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Nothing yet...

This time last year I blogged about how I had done nothing on my layout for some time. Well this year is no different and I think I am discovering why. I find that winter is a bad season to model for me because of Christmas eating away at my budget and the lack of light makes it more difficult to do any decent amount of modelling.   Still I do enjoy messing around with my trains, its just that major projects seem to be a bit much at the moment for me to handle. Therefore I am postponing some

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

2-Bil now finished

I bought this kit at an exhibition at the old BAe site in Hatfield in Autumn 1996 (my last year at University!). So sometimes kits from the great kit mountain do get built, rather than sitting forever in the cupboard or endlessly changing hands on Ebay.   Now at last it's finished!     The only thing I'm not 100% happy with is the fit of the roof - it's OK, but not brilliant. I'll work on this on subsequent 2-Bils, as I've been buying up a stock of the kits now that they are (temporarily?



Another shock!

I've built yet another shock absorbing wagon - in this case a Red Panda Shock Van (bought off Ebay for a sensible price as this kit seems to be out of production). It's been completed as one of the batch with the shock absorber located between the frames and not visible. .   It uses some rather nice case buffers from Lanarkshre model supplies, some Parkside solebars and the original Red Panda break gear.   I've also finished the BR wooden Lowfit - actually about 2 months ago but it took me



Where's my darning needle...............?

As my regular reader knows, the road surface on 'Grime Street' is scribed plaster, so a quick update on the extension, the tram track is now all built and tested and a goodly proportion burried under a layer of Wickes finest.   The terminal stub has been built as a Y point with a stub end as per the layout at the end of the Hunslet line on which the idea and local of the layout is based.   So, very shortly the mind numbing task of scribing the sets starts, well it beats watching Emmerdale/Co

Red Devil

Red Devil

Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Junction Signal Box - Update 8

I set up the full layout in preparation for a visit by the Glevum Group earlier this week and took the opportunity to position the box on the layout - I have since decided it is not in the correct positon - to take some photos.   In the photos the roof now has all but the final couple of layers of tiles, but these have since been added. The finials are from MSE and the two chimney stove pipes are from brass tube. Following a discussion at the meeting about the ridge of the roof and a subsequ



The Coal has arrived!

Hi all   Now that A4 60009 is off to Jason's workshop to be 're boilered' and a light safety inspection, thought to powering her when she comes back has gone on a pace. Two coal wagons have been purchased ( thanks for posters who helped) and filled with coal. (the real stuff of course....) They have now arrived at Glasburgh and will be ready to fill her up when she returns in a few weeks.   Actually, it is the first time I have bought and filled a wagon for....well.....longer than I care to

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

Building a couple of wagons... Part 2.

Well, just a quick update, and then I'll move on to the Mk1 Horsebox. One slight d'oh moment. You remember I had to drill out a couple of the buffer holes slightly? Well, guess who forgot to glue the buffers in? That's right. Now guess who didn't notice when they initially fell out? And now guess who's going to have to get a bag of buffers? (I keep mistyping that word. For some reason (possibly because the keys are next to each other) I keep typing g's instead of f's...)   So, why have I mov

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

First and Last.

First and Last   Well… this is the first blog entry of 2011 and will also be the last, as for various reasons I will shortly be starting a Saltney thread.   Steve has got stuck in with the upper level station details and is using all sorts of bits and pieces of printed brickwork and ex Talacre structures to see what works. Some may stay in place and some may be swapped for better bits.   An old ex Talacre signalbox has been put on a gantry over the tracks (due to the usual space constrai

Jon Fitness

Jon Fitness

Ivan Locksmith's Jowett Javelin

Influenced by Ivo Peters' fabulous photo of of his famous Bentley posed next to a down goods train at Binegar (or was it Chilcompton?); Ivan Locksmith didn't delay in creating a similar shot to Ivo on the day he part exchanged his elderly Austin Seven for a shiny Jowett Javelin. Here is the photo that was taken at Catcott Burtle with goods from Highbridge Wharf. Just a bit of fun!   Wants to see the colour version? http://nevardmedia5..../p68631542.html

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

A Tiler's Work is Never Done

Was playing last night arranging the various buildings and completed track on the kitchen floor and it struck me that the roof of the waiting shelter stuck out like a sore thumb being a red/brown tile rather than the grey slate effect that all the other buildings have.   So, it was promptly ripped off and replaced with tiling from the station building, that's the beauty of the scalescenes kits - you can just print out a bit here and there.   Here's the modified shelter next to the station -



Shunting at the 'Burtle

SDJR 7F 2-8-0 No. 53809 is captured on a stinking hot day in the summer of 1961 shunting at Catcott Burtle.The loco is of course the new Bachmann SDJR 7F and is seen here after stage one of a little weathering. In due course I'll add some more colour washes, lamps and a crew. Chuff chuff buffs from Tonbridge Wells will notice that the tablet catcher is now in the retracted position too.   You'll be able to see this locomotive and layout on Saturday 15 January 2011 at the Astolat Model Railway

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

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