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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

New beginnings?

Greetings, and a Happy New Year. Not exactly new beginnings, it's just that as I am starting off tentatively towards producing a small 2mm layout on which to operate my locos and stock, it seems inappropriate to use the scratchbuilding forum for the various aspects.   I recently finished, more or less anyway, the first of my Worsley 6 wheelers.Ostensibly a SDR vehicle, it seems to be close enough to the photos I have of Midland counterparts,and may even be the same. I had bought a couple of F



Running before I can walk?

Hmmm. No baseboards or track down yet, and yet what do I spend the first money I actually get in ages on?   Erm, a locomotive, a wagon, and a DCC chip.   Okay, maybe the third one can be excused - there's no way the stunning Hornby Class 50 I got for Christmas will stay DC on my layout for long, not when it has working lights and fans - but the other two? Well, my excuse is that both of them are excellent prices that couldn't be ignored. The loco is a Bachmann Standard Class 4MT 4-6-0, no.



Micro Railcars: T gauge Class 153 (+Teak carriage weathering!)

A brief update, just a little experiment in printing sides, it does come out rather small   (The looming mass of N gauge in the background is another of my weathered Dapol teaks, they do respond well to a dash of dark wash, it transforms them from an excellent plastic model to something that appears to have been carved intricately from a tiny tree!)     Careful.. don't sneeze!   If anybody is at the Leamington & Warwick show tomorrow, I will be pretending to know what I'm doing

Will J

Will J

My 4mm Deltic Detailing Project - first 2011 update (body finished ?) - P4 Deltic Pt 7

Well, here’s my first 2011 progress update. So, when I last posted an update, I’d just finished the cab steps. I’ve now moved on a little and have completed (bar the brake levers) the bodywork (unless anything else crops up... and some bits will be fitted after painting such as the side window surrounds, headcode surround and ETS modules, buffers, horns (to be detailed) and w/screen wipers   So, I’ve fitted the backplates to the buffers and fitted the ladders to the nose ends (a nice l



Johnson 1P, adding some detail

At the end of part 1, the basic brass body was ready for the various castings and details to be added. I had already used a Gibson cast brass whistle, dome and Salter valves, not because there was anything wrong with the white metal castings in the kit, but I just prefer brass and was a little nervous about the longevity of white metal Salter springs. Again, the rear safety valve cover was quite a good casting but both the Johnson and Deeley chimneys supplied in the kit were terrible. Both were



Top Shelf material

Since my last post and the return to some modelling, I have been mulling over a couple of things.   1) How often to post blog entries.   2) How could I get a continuous run into the layout.   Number 1. Having not posted really for the best part of a month, coming back to it now, I have come to the conclusion that showing almost daily developments is hard to keep up for me and shows little progress in return for the readers effort to look. So I have decided this year to post perhaps weekly



Time for a Pint!

The Astolat Model Railway Circle Annual Exhibition on Saturday 15 Jan went very well indeed after a quick set up of only 17 mins from getting out of the car to running a loco. Much to my surprise the layout performed admirably as it did at its last outing at Railex in May 09, with the only 2 derailments of the whole day being caused by not placing stock properly onto the fiddle yard tracks in the first place - duh!         The newly installed working level crossing gates went down

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Steam spectacular at Matford.

There was a RTP gathering of steamers today as a precursor to their sale! When I've done some more sorting some of these may come up on the 'classifieds' shortly.  



It's RSU time....

'Black Rat' reckoned I should try an RSU - which reminded me that I actually have one... Been meaning to try it for years, having bought one of Dick Ganderton's 'Graskop' units several years ago.. Last year at ExpoEM South I saw a demonstrator using one, so now it's crunch time...   Having seen the demo I'm spending tommorrow setting up what I'd describe as a 'soldering station' using a piece of steel plate as a base, with steel angle bolted to it for 'rightangle' work. The steel angle will



Just a quick update. Now mit photographs!

So, I've managed to get my camera going. And... well, I apologise in advance for the crummy nature of the pictures. This one is a quick snap of the A4 body - with paint partially stripped. (In case you were wondering, the cab's made of plastic) next to a B17 so you can see how much needs to be removed (length ways) The B17 is my old one, which is, alas, dead.   This one is the removed Manor body, with the boiler from the Grange underneath. As you can see, the boiler for the Grange is a fr

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Work Restarts on Weyford

Attention has been focussed on Yamanouchi Oshika over the last few months, however following the photo session last week, it is now boxed up and sitting in a corner of the club room as work restarts on Weyford.   We have about six weeks (realistically) until Weyford is due to be shown at Midhurst - date for diary 27th February - so there is still a huge amount of work to carry out. It is all scenic work now, as the track and electrics are fine.   To start with, work has continued on the layo



Snow job

Getting there (slowly), I hope. I bought some filler from Focus, and trowelled it over the existing plaster landscape, aiming to get a more smooth surface for the eventual application of some snow-type product. The foreground stuff has been down for 48 hours so I'm assuming that any cracks would have appeared by now.         The next job, I think, will be to ballast the track. Is it worth it, though, given that I want to create the effect of the rails almost totally covered by snow? Lat

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

An Italian with Great Legs

Ah - gotya! I expect you were hoping for some prime totty! Sorry, nothing so exciting, but what would you expect on a toy train BLOG? But I can tell you that my huge heavyweight vintage pro spec Manfrotto Art 075 tripod is suffering with 4 broken leg extending clips after 25 years of use - not bad, it having been made in a country better known for cars that rust when new and dishwashing machines. Getting hold of spares has been impossible, so for the last few shoots I've been resorting of

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

A Streamlined B17 - Part 3

Well, today has been a bad day. Nothing to do with modelling, just been really paralysingly down. The sort of day, in fact when anything you try will probably go wrong. So... I decided that (since my old B17 is deader than... something that's very dead indeed) I'd perform a dissection on that, rather than on my nice shiny B17 chassis. It was instructive. 1. The cylinders and valve gear are not attached to the footplate/runningboard. However, the footplate/running board is attached to the chas

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Final 2010 Entry

This update includes Rails and Ales at the South Devon Railway and a couple of photos taken passing the West Hoathly whilst out walking.   2010 is now rounded off, though I don't see there being another set of photos for a few months.   I don't feel that I get on with this Blog format all that well so I will start a work bench thread later in the year when I start work on some of my locos, so I will post updates to the website in there with sample photos.



Slag Ladle Wagon - part 2.

Work progresses slowly... The bufferbeams have been attached and the buffers glued in place. The cut-out in the bufferbeam is for the tipping chain to run through, the loops at the end of the chain sit on hooks on the bufferbeam when not in use, these hooks being represented with brass rod glued in place. The top plates are cut from the printed styrene sheet provided, two sets of cutting lines are included depending on whether the wagon is being built to 16.5mm or 18.2/18.83mm gauge. (The fram




Currently working on the embankment. Originally this was at the right hand end of the board but is now about 3ft from the new end. The embankment was there at the beginning of the layout in 2004 forming part of the backscene. When I modified the board end to add an extra 3 tracks I had to partially dismantle it and it looked empty without it there. So therefore I have resurrected it as the embankment to a disused railway that goes at rightangles to the main trackwork and will cross the running l



The ex-MSWJR 4-4-0... 'EM' & Compensated, With DCC Sound!

A few days ago, I posted a query as to whether anyone else had constructed the 'Albion' kit for the GWR re-build of the MSWJR 4-4-0. The silence was deafening (and perhaps now I see why!) The kit is now marketted by 'Roxey Mouldings' but (from the date on the etches) started life in 1986. Which probably explains a few things in the 'etched kit technology' department, as we shall see...     The cat wonders 'Wots in the box?' (& knowing my cat - 'can I eat it?'). Opened up it reveals



First time blog... and going public with info on my OO loft layout.... and plans to expand!

Hi everyone, just thought I'd let you know I am a here with a few photos of my OO layout of Coombe Junction (explanations on my new Gallery pages) and links to youtube videos of the layout and other trains. I've added a reply to the notching up and down topic with a link to a video of my new Bachy 25 showing how to use these quite tricky functions on a latching controller.... i.e. my also new Digitrax Zephyr DCS50. Do let me have comments, feedback etc! I hope to post regularly and gain your wis



Just transferring you now....

For those of you who asked about drawing up your own decals, yes you , here's a little info about how I've gone about it. I won't claim that this is the only or best way to do things, it's just how I've ended up doing it     I use CorelDraw for this, although any vector graphics program would do the job. Inkscape is free, but I can't vouch for how good it is, as I've never used it. CorelDraw X4 home and student edition can be picked up for under £100 on ebay, older versions for eve



Catcott Burtle - Now with Working Gates

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSb3kSeeFdc In preparation for the weekend show in Guildford at the Astolat Model Railway Circle Exhibition, I've finally managed to bodge up some working crossing gates and a working signal.   I won't go into too much detail for the mechanical brigade will probably shudder at my Heath Robinson approach using brass rod and code 75 bullhead rail; you'll just have to imagine - but if you come along to the show at the weekend I'll let you look under my drape an

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

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