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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Das Yard!

Hi all.   Whilst I wait for a suitable day to start work on the base board for Ropley, I’ve been giving some though as to how to re-create the yard area in all it's ashy & grimy glory.   The trackwork outside the main shed is pretty much buried in ash & muck, as shown in this photo   Image ©Kentishman   So, the question was how to go about getting the same effect in N gauge.   I've never modelled inset track before, so this was a whole new experience for me. The first o



The MSWJR continues - tender frames.compensation & Brake hangers

Having dallied with a new piece of kit (and, as I thought, got the hang of it ) its time to get on with the kit. As you will recall, I'm building this tender-first and in the last entry had completed one side-frame. Time for the spacers and complete the other side-frame!   The kit comes with spacers for OO/EM/18.83 - and no indication as to which one goes where... That said its reasonably obvious from the positions of the folds/tabs. And that was the next point. All the tab slots are too



Cottage improvements

I built this model house in my teens; it must be about 30 years old now. It was my hamfisted attempt at the Pendon method, ie scribing detail into card and then painting it in with watercolours. It has had a few additional layers of paint in the intervening years, but not much in the way of new or better details.   While it's served well on various layouts in the intervening years, the move to a more prominent position on the new module prompted me to take a look at what could be done to impro

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Spot the difference

I've made a start on the chassis of the first TTA, replacing the springs and making it look a little more like the prototype it's based on.   Whilst looking mostly similar, 45t Monobloc oil tanks are a minefield once you get into the details. Suspension brackets are different shapes, there are different rib quantities and spacings, different handbrake arrangements, etc, etc. There are also different lengths, but more about that later.     So far, the detail that isn't required has been



Quick bogie update

Not much to say, other than slow progress is being made on the bogies. I've now assembled the first of the frames, and popped in the first motor unit to see how it all fits together.   The good news is, it all fits together!       The sideframe is just held on with blu-tack for the moment, but it all looks promising.



Garratt update running loco! wip

well folks its along time since I posted on my rm blog as been very busy doing lots of other things but just been able to make aquick update vid on the garratt project which was started last year! this is still a working project although please note its not a finescale model ! as this was done out of triang and later Hornby components as a test build to see how we could motorise the kitmaster model! so here is a quick vid ive done today its not long but you get the idea! thanks to all those wh



Painting! Weathering...messing up!

Luckily I have it was al just bits and pieces that I was messing around with! but I would like to show you the fruits of my labour and also gather some tips and creative criticism. (I don't want, "that looks like a bag of s***e", I want, "That looks like a bag of s***e but here's how you could improve...")   Anyway....   First of all, I began by trying out some wood effect on a knackered old Dapol Brake Van.       This was done using Tamiya Acrylics   The base colour was Deck Tan,

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

St Albans 2011 Show

Hello   For the second year now at the St Albans show I was there with bits from my 2mm modelling doing a demo. I always enjoy myself doing demos at these shows and this year was no different.   I like the St Albans show, it is nicely just after the new year so its a welcome break in the drudgery that is January. The show itself this year had a nice selection of N Gauge layouts which I enjoyed. Unfortunately once again at a show I struggled to spend much money leaving with just a few bits a



not much progress

Its been a while since I posted a new entry on progress, but there is little to tell.   I've got some base board frames, there are points waiting to be paid for at work and a goods shed partly built.   I've put a set of dowels on to join the two boards together and then put the plywood ends on, finding that I need to put a plywood spacer in due to a miss-calculation on dowel length and wood width, but the main problem is that I've lost my wood glue and need some panel pins from the DIY sho

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

RSU - the trial results

First - my thanks to Kenton for the comment on the 'Soldering Station' entry - sounds like someone who has used the same unit!   The unit has four ports - the top three (red) marked A-C, and the final port (Black) marked D. The instructions show power combinations using combinations of all four. I'll admit now I 'bottled' on settings like A/B or B/C - the power leads are red & black, and that seemed to me to be a clue! I will say now that the instructions give very little in the way of



"In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."

I thought that quote summed up baseboard construction pretty well!   Originally I had intended that the baseboard be around 4ft by 1.5ft for the Ropley project. However, after playing around with the plans it became obvious that there would need to be compression of the scene at each end, namely the main shed and C&W shed would have to be effectively chopped in half. Whilst this isn't exactly a problem, it would make expansion of the layout at a later date to include the station much mor



Cutting holes in Lack shelves!

Hi Mikkel, Pete,   Yes, Lack they are, and I have sawn three sizeable rectangles in the underside, and removed all of the exposed paper honeycomb in these cavities, to allow through access once holes are drilled through the chipboard dividers. This piccy should clarify:     Pete, I wanted to be able to fit stuff inside the shelf itself, so it can stand on a flat surface if required. I'm not sure if the 2 pencil lines are visible in the photo, but that gives me a central strip about 150



Test transfer of the south west's tourist attractions. Not sure where to though...

So after hours spotting places visited on holiday and local landmarks whilst dawing up, well, typing up I suppose, the artwork for the 150, it's just about complete now. The test print is purely to check the sizing, it's done on fast draft on the inkjet, whereas the final will be ALPS printed all being well, allowing the base paint colour to show through. It shouldn't take too much work to modify it for the 153, and the good news is that it sizes up perfectly. Also got a test print of the m



"I've started so I'll finish...."

It's a sign of something - not a good something - that I find myself doing my New Year stock take /resolutions in the middle of January   Twelve months ago I set myself a fairly ambitious programme of catch up and finish. This was tempting fate, I suppose, and Fate duly obliged, wielding a large blunt instrument. At the end of that January, my then employer embarked on a third major round of redundancies . The redundancy process and jobhunting took up most of my time and energy in the first h



Track Ordered!

Right I finally decided to get on and do it...   Called Winco to order a pile ROCO HOe set-track, as this layout is too twisty and windy for Flex (at least for me).... It's going to be expensive, but I've been saving up for it (and have stopped gratuitously being things that take my fancy).   Meanwhile my garden layout (an eventual project) rolling stock has increased remarkably. In addition to the Deadwood Central Consolidation, I now have a log car, two box cars and a caboose (which says S



60009 Under Steam

Hi   A4 60009 Union of South Africa has arrived back to Glasburgh. Although naming still has to take place and changing number it is looking good. Working lights at front and rear and a Seuthe Smoke Generator fitted. Takes me back to when we used to see it at Leuchars. Next task is to make the shed for her to sit in. This will based around her real one that she used at Markinch. It will involve re siting one of my loco sheds but I think it will be worth it. SWMBO likes this one with steam

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

Calshot - Painting and structure modelling

After having been unable to make any progress on the layout for about a month I was getting fed up. Today I decided to take a break from revision and crack out the paints and glues.   Firstly, here is the castle gatehouse before painting took place:     Secondly, the other side after painting had been 'finished':     I decided to also paint the outer wall of the castle to try and tone down the bright white clay. Here I have gouged out some of the clay and inserted some old brickwork



It begins

Today I've made a start on building the baseboards, here's no.1 - the board next to the fiddle yard which contains the goods yard, turntable, tunnel mouth and cannery.   Hopefully over the next couple of days I'll get the backscene boards screwed on too.       All screwed and glued, it's now nice and rigid. The running surface will be covered in laminate floor underlay to provide a little sound deadening and to help with expansion matters when it's up in the loft.



The Soldering Station

Actually only took a couple of hours... Longest job was trimming the length of the fence with a blunt hacksaw blade!   Here's the unit -     Although at least three years old, the 'plug protector' indicates the lack of use!   The 'bits' involved -     The pink sheet is asbestos - I thought about using it between the ply base and the steel plate 'just in case', but   Here's the complete table -     and I didnt hold the thought ! The clipped lead is the 'return' to the uni



Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Signal Box - Update 9 - Masokits levers & frame

I have had a quiet week on the modelling front due to son number 2 going for a job interview and the mother in law going into hospital..................................   However on the positive side I now have a copy of George Pryers book 'Signal Box Diagrams of the LMS - Bristol Area' which gives details of Lawrence Hill Junction Signal Box for 1950. The book confirms that the frame is at the back of the box and that a M R tappet frame with 6" centres was installed in 1938. It also shows the



A new layout!

So I got round to building the new layout I mentioned in the last post.   Heres the track plan:     Heres the progress pictures:                         I also took some pictures of the layout with my brothers new camera. So I thought I would share them with you.                 Hope you like the look of my new layout.   Also feel free to check out my website at http://blueridgemountainrr.jimdo.com/ for more information and sign



Slag Ladle Wagon - part 3.

A bit more work. The chassis and ladle have been primered using car aerosols, red oxide over black. I've drilled out the pulley blocks this morning with a .5mm drill. There are three of these, two for the bottom pulleys an one for the ladle side. The pulleys themselves are turned brass which I've blackened. Here's a pic of a bottom block with the pulley held in place with a drill (I'll fix the pulleys in place towards the end of the build); The spigot on the bottom fits into a hole drilled



A great day for Fisherton Sarum at the Astolat show

Fisherton Sarum had a sucessful day yesterday at the Astolat show in Guildford. Even with the early start, due to the fact that exhibitors were unable to set on the Friday evening (unless you are a certain very talented modeller and photographer ) set up went well and other than one trouble some point motor on the double slip all seemed well.   I really pleased when Bob Symes, you may remember him from such TV shows as "Model World" and "Tomorrows World" in the mid 70's on the BBC, had a good



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