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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


Something I need quite a goodly number of - the humble 16 ton mineral. Having recently bought a large batch of these, that oh-so-clean finish wasn't going to last very long in my hands!   I've been trying to get to grips with using gouache (as prescribed by Pugsley and co on here) and here are the first two specimens.   The one on the left is a 1959 build, so is undoubtedly much cleaner (and less bashed about) than its 1955/6 built cousin next to it. This is where the gouache has been used



Curing my fear of woodwork

as an update to my last entry, here's how the boards are shaping up:     The sub assembly of glueing and screwing the trackbase and sea bed to the stripwood formers has been completed on all the boards now, thanks to some help from Cornelius today!   Here's how it looks now:     And with the track templates to show how much (or how little, if you want to look at it that way) of the layout will be taken up by track.     I'm going to call a halt to the baseboard construction now unt



Back to County Donegal

After a pleasant break over Christmas, when I was able to work on my rake of coaches for 'The Cornishman', it's now back to work on County Donegal Railway Projects. The 5.5mm/ft model of Killybegs station building is now finished and painted and is just awaiting chimneys (and the train shed) - I must get around to taking some new pics. Having knocked off a lot of 4mm wagon kits, I have now started on locos. I have 2 Class 5's and 2 Class 5A's to build which should keep me busy for a while but I



Hythe Parkway - A change of plan

Hi,   A very belated update on progress of the extension of Hythe.   Unfortunatly not a lot has been done since the last entry, due to the christmas period and myself going back to school, I have little time to get on with things. So this weekend, I decided to get a move on with it!   Luckily, with dad being retired I managed to get him to do a couple things last week. We had planned on a small fiddle yard at the back of the yard and disguise the entrance with a section cut from the worksh

St. Simon

St. Simon

Weathering, slapping paint on randomly and the dredded power lube of fail :(

Continuing my weathering practise I took the plunge and decided to do my first ever locomotive! And was very please with my first time results… until I cracked open the power lube and this ended in me accidentally coating the loco in this stuff after cleaning up the mess I caused whilst trying to free up the valve gear.     The story is I spilt it and afterwards absently maidenly picked up the loco and tender… whoops! What followed was a wipe down with baby wipes that left the loc loo

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

A Streamlined B17 Part 4

Well, here's the latest update photo. The metal that Farish used for their A4 bodies... is really tricky to cut. Fortunately, I managed to get it to the right length. (Sorry that the picture doesn't show that... ) At the moment, it's held together with blu-tack just while I wait for my B17 chassis to be chipped. There's a small amount of metal at the cab end that needs to be removed so that it clears the last set of wheels and pickups. Also, I need to adjust the body just behind the cut so

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon


Greetings.   Thought as I now have one of these blog thingies I'd better post a view of the first move towards a simple little layout for my Midland engines. The setting will be a small midland industrial town.   As described elsewhere, it is built on a partly hollowed out lack shelf recommended by Pete from Barca, but with easitrac laid on sellotape sticky fixer strip. I used this on a previous N gauge shunting plank and it seemed to provide a clean and easy way of securing track, achie



Penwithick - Rolling Stock 3

Time for an update on the Tiger!   I picked up some OLEO buffers at Leamington Show and filed the tops and bottoms flat to produce Tiger-like buffers.   I sprayed the Tiger white and painted the cover grey (After a debate as to whether it was grey, white or grey but covered in white ). This wasn't without it's issues as the masking for the grey pulled away some of the white which then had to be touched up.   Next I applied the decals I had printed, I missed out a couple as I was paying



A little rusty.....

After a couple of weeks of false starts I've finally got a first blog entry together. As the blurb somewhere else says my aim is to set a few jottings on what's passing across my workbench and also continuing development work on my US outline layout "Galatia, KS". Hope you all find something that is of interest going forward........   Additions to the fleet   With another outing looming one (of many) jobs is to expand the current roster of freight cars for the layout. Where I'm modelling cir



8 Coupled

I've been playing around with 2-8-0's. I took some pictures of the events. First up is an 8f, from Kettering shed. It's a modified Hornby, but 46444 built it, so you'll have to ask him for details. Its got DCC sound, which I rather like, and I've been experimenting with adding sound to Diddington, but retaining the option of DC control for the locos which aren't sound fitted, and never will be due to cost.   Next is a WD 2-8-0. This should be from March shed, but I'm not sure if the number'



You spin me right round, like a scratchy record...

Today I got my Peco turntable kit, it was also the last time this month that my wife will be on night shift so it is now built, painted and weathered.   although I've followed the instructions carefully, when I put my black five on it for the photo and tried to turn it by hand I found it really quite stiff to turn.   I intend to aquire some meccano parts and make it turn by means of a hand crank, but I'm just wondering if there is a way of making it turn smoother as every loco on the layou

Black Sheep

Black Sheep

Bristol Barrow Road - More Masokits levers and frames

The additional Masokits etches arrived in the post this morning so work on the Metro tank ceased temporarily - I need some extra information on it anyway....   I have now made up the remaining 17 lever slots for the frame and now have the complete 47 positions for the levers which will, hopefully, be added tomorrow.   Here are a few photos of todays work.  



More large scale fun (again)...

I really ought to start a seperate blog for this project, but for fear of duplication I'll stick to this one for now.   So the large scale bug has well and truly bitten - so much so that I'm sat here contemplating selling some of my OO stock to make it pay it's way - however, in the short term at least I'm all spent up having no more disposable/savings before my birthday in August. So what's been happening in the last few weeks? It all started with the repainting of my LGB 2-axle coaches int

James Hilton

James Hilton

D5579 - Body painted and weathered

Work on D5579 has continued. I've been looking forward to painting this one as the colour scheme is a bit different. I considered a number of different ways of finishing it, but in the end I adopted the following method: The body was painted in Railmatch Goden Ochre, and Fox transfers were applied. The body was then lightly sprayed with Tamiya clear varnish let down with thinners. The thinned varnish dried almoost matt, which is what I wanted, although it is actually sold as gloss. One dry,



Second time lucky

Hello   One of the things I decided to do with the cattle dock was to make the railings just like the real thing and feed the bars through the posts. In an earlier post somewhere I made up a little jig so I could drill the holes through the posts at the correct spacing. It was all designed to use 0.5mm square posts and 0.3mm round wire for the railings.   To start with I thought plastic would be fine to use for the posts. 0.5mm square plastic is easy to get hold of plus the fact that its ve



Mocking up a station building

It is so much easier to design a model based on a prototype than to try and work in a vacuum. In this case I was lucky enough to have a friend take a few pictures of various suitable station buildings which I could try and base Empire Basin station on. I've spent a happy few hours counting brick course and have tried to draw up the proposal in TurboCAD. I've stuck pretty much with the original just altered the window sizes very slightly to fit the pile of Brassmasters/ Scalescenes etches I have.

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

coombe junction - moorswater - highs and lows 2 [bridges not my mojo]...

Update - Probably getting a bit late to say Happy New Year now...but its the first 2011 blog entry so HNY all.   Was having trouble finding a way back into modelling after a 3 week break away from the workbench and despite a nice short rake of new Bachfar grey cement PCA's arriving the other week, I was still not in the right mood.   To go off at a tangent, I tried to rephotograph parts of the layout today as the second part of my write up is due in the 2mm Mag and unfortunately most of the



Bristol Barrow Road - Photos of some locos in the yard

I am still waiting for the two Masokits etches so I've made a start on an EM GWR Metro tank kit I promised to build for a client a while ago....... feeling a bit guilty about the delay.   In the meantime here are a few photos, as promised, of some of my locos taken around the shed yard.     All the locos on view, apart from 75004, are Bachmann and Hornby origin which have been rewheeled to P4. I have another 40 odd RTR and kits in the stock cupboard



The MSWJR Continued - tender brake gear

Faced with mounting the brake gear the next step was to add axle journals, wheels etc so clearances could be fixed. In true 'Perseverance' style the journals have to be retained in the guides by short lengths of wire -     That done I then set about the brake gear. I menytioned in the earlier post that I thought the hangers were mounted too far back -     so I re-drilled them 1.5mm further forward -     which seemed to work. So then it was time to tie it all together - bearin



Motley Assortment

It's about time I posted some stuff I've actually done, rather than grumbling that I've not got much done. These wagons were done in September , but I've not got round to posting them till now. A mixed bag of elderly wagons on their last legs...   Exhibit A , as they say in court, is a down at heel Walrus, unaccompanied by a Carpenter:     I have to confess that I've tweaked the photo very slightly in Microsoft Digital Image 2006, to compensate for the effects of flash , though the adjust



Top shelf, track and powered

Last night I laid the track for the inner circuit on the upper level. It is set back from the front edge by 1/2" You may also notice that the timber for the shelf has been given a coat or 2 of Ronseal Oak rubbing wax.   On the opposite side a small piece of track is placed where the outer loop will sit, this leaves just about 1.5" for some very basic scenery.     I'm quite pleased with how it has turned out and tonight managed to get it wired for action  



6682 Derwent Grange Part 3.

I've finally bitten the bullet, and started sawin' (as the saying goes). I've managed to separate the boiler. I had to cut all round, and then pull, twist, etc to get the metal block out of the firebox. I don't know what the metal is, but I couldn't cut it with my razor saw. I've just blu-tacked the boiler in place to take this photo. As you can see... well, it's a shade too long. About 1.5mm too long. I'm going to cut it just after the first boiler band, as that should get the front of the b

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Painting Lesson

Not immediately connected with railways but I've had a painting lesson today, where I have learnt of amazing things like acrylic paint, drybrushing and sepia dyes . I think that I've been converted from enamal. It only took me 2 hours from a palin black lump of plastic to a multi colour dwarf, the Discworld figures are not as well painted and took me a far longer time. The Dwarf is not for any railway, althoug I;m thinking of one for him! Bear in mind that the photos are about 3 times larger tha



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