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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Weyford - A Plan...Of Sorts

Further to a request on a previous posting, I have made a few modifications to the incorrect schematic for Weyford. Sadly my technical prowess does not go as far as putting in the scenery; although this took me long enough in MS Visio with all sorts of curves and stuff - as opposed to the usual process flows!  



Undecided sky (1867)

More "out of period" operation here. This time going back in time quite a bit. In fact, it seems they didn't even have flush-glazing back then .     The year is 1867, and it is early days at Farthing station. Mr Crummles gently guides his wife towards the first class carriage, while Mr Doyce looks on in anticipation of the journey ahead.       Mrs Crummles is somewhat apprehensive. It is only a few months since that dreadful accident at Warrington,



Micro Steam: Landscapes and vertical space......

Evening All,   right, no modelling as such tonight, but a bit of three dimensional pondering, which might be of interest.   You will recall my N gauge Victoria Brige diorama, this is making quiet progress, note that the beginnings of an abutment is beginning to appear. I spent a chilly afternoon at the weekend walking to the Northern Abutment (I'm used to cycling past on the Southern bank) getting detail pictures and generally observing and sussing things out.     But what has this to

Will J

Will J

The assembled article

minus couplings - not sure the brake gear is that accurate - I find the 2mm Association a bit lacking on assembly diagrams for their kits,though it might be I just didn't open the right file on the VAG!   Went together quite easily though with hardly any fettling. Still needs a fibreglass brush here and there. Chris



Results of my Birthday weekend.

On Friday after much asking what I wanted for my birthday, Mrs RJR suggested we visit the local model shop to get me something.. Well it would have been impolite to refuse.... So half an hour later I came out with a very nice Bachmann 166. It will make a nice distraction as it circles the top shelf.         I set it going and settled to some modelling   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYWwvaX_Yqg   The job in hand was a new structure for the main layout.          



2mm MR van

Last night completed the body of a 2mm Association D353 van, for a break from track except I need to work out where the handles etc go. Seemed to go together well apart from the roof seemed a tad small. The result is not too messy considering it is my first and it hasn't been cleaned up as yet. Hope to tackle the chassis later. It seems tiny compared to the NGS vans, though I guess its a different diagram. Very nice though.  



Time for a change

Evening all,   Since I started work on the other Terminus, a number of factors started to affect what I modelled. Including, the succussful completion of the Lyd project on the Ffestiniog Railway......   Ever since then, my belief love affair with the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways has dramatically been resumed with the start of a 009 layout on a spare piece of wood (more on that later). But sadly, it's curvse were too tight for my stock which then has lead to the rebuilt layout that



Mk.1 modifications

Hello all   Whilst browsing photos for Ropley on the net, I came across this one showing a modified Mk.1 BSK currently in use on the MHR:   Image © pix42day   It appears to be a standard BSK with a roller door fitted where the third window should be. I'm not sure what this is used for exactly, but it seemed like an ideal opportunity to bash a Farish Mk.1, and here is the result of an afternoons modelling:     Obviously the bogies will need to be swapped for a pair of Commonwealt



Hydraulic accumulator tower

A while back I asked for help and suggestions for a view blocker for my layout (Roding Reach); the slight complication being that the track runs on a viaduct. So, the usual road overbrige was not possible.   Luckily you lot came up trumps and I was particularly taken by the idea of usin a hydraulic accumulator tower.   The only fly in the ointment was that I liked the idea so much the tower seems to be destined for centrer stage!     For anyone intersted I built a box from white plast



Barking Bill

Watched by Tiddles the huge station cat bruiser, SDJR 7F No. 53809 arrives at Combwich with the afternoon goods from Evercreech Junction during the August of 1961. The obligatory WIDESCREEN wallpaper version is here!   This is of course the rather super new Bachmann SDJR 7F 2-8-0 which has appeared a few time over the last few week on this blog. The big difference now is that I have at last finished the weathering process. I never weather in one go, but tend to do it in stages over a

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

The Donkey and the Bales of Straw

I said in a posting on my workbench blog that layouts required seperate comment, and I've remarked a couple of times that I got myself hopelessly overcommitted on far too many fronts , even before work matters absorbed all my energy in the first half of last year. The two things are linked..... so perhaps a survey of my layout commitments is over due, at least to show where I'm coming from   For quite a number of years I was extremely heavily committed to a layout project in my club . It wasn



Micro Steam: GWR 14XX in T Gauge

A bit more progress in the world of the absurdly small! I have had a go at creating a purely cosmetic arrangement of plasticard bits to resemble a Great Western 0-4-2 to run as part of an 'Autotrain', propelled by a carriage. I have learned a fair bit from this project, hopefully the next one will be an improvement!       Compared to an N gauge Dapol 'Terrier'.   I have also been having a go at the 2-4-0 'Well Tank', could be a useful model for my T Gauge vaguely South Western theme...

Will J

Will J

Calshot - Sand, sea and Silflor

Just a quick update for tonight, but as always I've added some photos to make it a bit more interesting.   Today I had the chance to work on the layout and I managed to get some quite visible results. Firstly I have been adding more Silflor grass tufts all around the layout. I really am fond of this product and against the hanging basket liner it looks like a much more realistic product.   I have also been adding sand to the layout in quite large quantities. This was all brought about by lo



From: Imaginary Locomotives. Sleepless nights.

Well, I've had a few sleepless nights recently. At least, I think they were sleepless. A little background... In 1914, the Baldwin Locomotive Works designed a... rather large loco for the Great Central. It was unusual not just in terms of size, but for its cylinders which were arranged in pairs. That is, it had four external 18" x 30" cylinders. Oh yes, and the S200 2-8-2 was another American loco made to fit to the British loading gauge. Now, one of my favourite locos - that isn't Britis

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Paint, paint and more paint

With an exhibition looming, I've got the paint brush out, and been tidying up the presentation. Amazing what a lick of paint will do. Plus I've had builders in who used the garage the layout is stored in as a workshop. They created a fantastic amount of dust, a lot of which has attracted itself to the layout.   I noticed that my hands got quite grubby at the Cardiff show. Hopefully this time, with fresh paint, my hands will stay cleaner.

Tim V

Tim V

More fiddling with track...

Salutations.   I have been adding short pieces of easitrac to the exit end of the board using home made brass sleepers at the ends, which have been cut through and pinned to the board for strength. Ballast drying over these at present. Just adding that bit of ballast/ PVA mix-goo makes me appreciate the simplicity of pressing ballast onto sticky tape and hoovering up the surplus.   I have ended up effectively rebuilding the switch rails on one of the points. As i said, you live and learn!



Fitting lights to Auto Ballasters Pt 2

After a spell of work at home and away, I have still been really busy since the new year and appear to have no time for modelling, although I have managed to find sometime to make the wheel pick-ups more reliable and rotate easier. There are 2 A4's and 2 A1's still to be renumbered, as the old numbers have been removed but not time to number them yet . The prototye was to hard solder some wires from the wheel around the axel then back on the wheel, but that was more hassle than it was worth an



Starting in the middle

My name is Mike Morgan, I work full time, I'm a District Councillor and father of two teenage children; when I get 5 minutes spare I enjoy building model railways. I've called this blog starting in the middle, not because I stand in the middle of an oval circuit, but because I've already made some progress towards building my layout.   It all started when I was 14. I'd had a bad year, spending a few weeks in hospital having my appendix removed, then a few weeks with an unidentified gastric pr



A History to Accompany the Layout

Some layouts have a history developed to accompany them.   Mine is a little different, history has defined the layout. It's based on a proposed line, details of which were found in the National Archives. So I have some parameters to work within whist developing the layout. However as it was never built I have to assume some things along the way to get to an operational line.   To do this I've been producing a history to accompany the layout, and I've now gotten it into a more completed fo



Johnson 1P, more fiddly bits

Not so much to show this week, I've had less free time and have been using it to add some of the small fiddly bits. Now I've reached the point where I need to wait a few days for some new supplies from Eileen's. These include some brass channel section that I hope to use in producing the little brackets on the buffer beams that hold the electrical connection cable when not in use.     The first photo shows most of the new additions. Starting from the rear, the bunker step is quite prominent



French Summer

Well its pretty cold here in Staffordshire so I thought I would post some pictures of warmer times from last summer in France. I should have done it a long time ago but other things got in the way. We went on a trip to Mont Dore for a day trip and visited the station in the resort. It being a Sunday there were no trains due but I snapped a few pictures of the station. Here is one: Then we went down the line to Bourboille (please forgive me if I am spelling these incorrectly) and again snapp

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

What to do with no space & itchy fingers!

Myself & family settled in new house/area/job and enjoying a very different pace of life,   its still that 'dark nights' time of year though. I've managed to hold onto the idea that within 5 or so yrs the kids will be grown up and that would be an ideal time to build the layout of dreams.   I've bought a couple of boxfiles and joined them up end to end with 2x1 - and cut out the middle section!- here we go again!

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Time for a Beer

During a bit of tidying up of my storage cupboard, I found a box containing a Parkside 7mm scale box van. Going back not-so-long ago, I was involved with the Happisburgh group in the MRC and this one must have been one taken in for repair to the underframe (wheels etc were loose and the brake gear was all-to-cock).   Anyway, before it gets its long-overdue handing back in time for the MRC's/Warners Alexandra Palace show, I thought I'd finish the job I thought I'd done ages back and give it a



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