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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Part 9: The Shay´s new clothes

Hi again, I have had the rebuilt Shay (from earlier in the Blog) sitting on my table for a while now. I decided it was time to finish it . I repainted almost all of it and applied my Custom made decals. I also took the time to adjust the driveshaft as well. It runs really good now, and I hope the looks do it justice too :     I made this as well:   I think it worked out well.

M Graff

M Graff

Exchange Visit?

Thnaks to LN Lancs I now have the possibilty of an Anglo-French exchange on Summat Colliery this year     Should raise a few eyebrows and it makes the Crosti look stylish



A painted van.

Well, here is the van after a lick of paint, and compared to a NGS high sided van, just in case any reader didn't appreciate the size difference:     Yippee, new vehicles arrived today - a 10T brake van and a MR high sided van. I have decided I may as well ebay the MR N gauge stuff which is surplus to requirements!   Regards, Chris



Bristol Barrow Road - Block Instruments & Bells

Just finished scratch building the Block Instruments, Bells, Telephones, Repeaters etc and fixed them to the shelf along with the Signal Diagram display panel - the latter will have a photoshopped diagram added after painting. I now have a Springside kit of whitemetal parts to sell after deciding they were not suitable.   In all a very fiddly job but the results are very satisfying.   The Block Instruments are made from 2.5mm square brass section with square section plasticard inserted into



Progress so far and current Layout condition.

Hello again, popping into post a few pictures here:     Here is my modeling folder...     ...and progress so far, oh.     Not to worry some interior shots of the shed the layout is storded in, please excuse the clutter. Now onto the layout proper.     Two shots of the platform. Showing their very poor external condition.     Inner loop first sidings, originaly host to a Diesel Matainace Depot.     Inner loop second sidings.     First corner.  

scots region

scots region

"Pom-Pom Progress-Progress"

From this...   ...to this:     Yep, I finally stuck my finger out and started working on my backlog of projects. The Stirling single, seen just behind, has had its handrails removed so that a new set can be added that will be more accurate, and the J11 has had a new motor fitted onto its old (but very weighty and sturdy) Triang chassis.   The model is indeed to be modelled as a J11 during the early cycling lion period, including the red coupling rods, and the ross pop valves and cab mou

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

My old workbench thread

I had occasion to look back at my old workbench, it was all Kempenfelt's fault. I was surprised how good it was, and I was reminded how annoyed I was when the change in software meant it became obsolete.   Ah well, the wonders of modern technology, here today, gone tomorrow.....

Tim V

Tim V

Strawburgh Motive Power Depot.

Hello all,   Seven years ago a dear friend of mine, who just happened to be a fellow hobbyist built for me a wonderful layout, with to ovals, an inner and an outer, four sidings a tunnel that took up one corner and a curved platform on the outer oval it was quite a good tale - chaser and it served me well. I have owned it for Seven years, unfortunately in the last three years the only thing that has moved on it has been a colony of spider that have taken residence in the tunnel. I must admit

scots region

scots region

Outer Loop

Using some Birthday present "cash" I purchased 8 lengths of peco flexi yesterday and last night laid the outer loop on the top shelf. it didn't take long but would have been a much easier job if it wasn't in the "eaves" of the shed.   Once laid and connected it was play time.................     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6huw0Wch37E&hd=1     John



Cattle Dock - Done?

Hello   I have spent this morning finishing off the cattle dock as I seem to be collecting unfinished projects!       I have tried to make it as dirty and unloved as possible, please let me know if it looks right.   Missy   ADDITIONAL:   Steve posted a comment that the cattle dock looked a little too clean so with thanks to Steves advice, below are a couple of photos with a little more mud added...       M.



Natural Window Light

nevard_110123_combwich-53809_DSC_211127b_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   At Combwich, a nicely buffed up 82005 prepares to take on coal next to the foreman's Morris Traveller. For most layout photographic commissions we have to use portable studio lighting to get the best out of layouts because most model railways are nowhere near a good source of natural light or are lit by domestic spotlights. This type of artificial lighting, whilst popular is totally unsuitable for photography

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Bristol Barrow Road - Lever Frame and Instrument Shelf

All 47 levers are now in position so here are a few photos:-     This one shows the frame in position inside the box - trial fit only at this stage.     The instrument shelf has been fabricated from nickel silver strip. the shelf is laminated from pieces of 3/4 & 5mm x 0.3mm strip whilst the supports are made up in a jig from 1mm x 0.3mm strip. The round part is formed from modified High Level 2mm CSB etches... the only thing of appropriate size I could find in my metal stock.  



Track Ready to Lay

As promised here's a few snaps of the track following painting. The whole lot was sprayed with PP Weathered Wood (let down with approx 50% cellulose thinners and airbrushed using a cheap 7 quid single acting brush). Rail sides were hand painted using Humbrol Matt Rust.         You can just see from the first photo the sleepers have been gapped close to the rail nearest to the viewing side, making them invisible from normal viewing angles as shown in the last photo.   I really need t



Badger comes to life

New loco makes an apearence at Potters Lane....                           Still a long way to go with this build but for my first scratchbuilt loco im well pleased with it! B)

87 101

87 101

The story of an Engine Shed (Part 1)...

My G-scale journey continues and I'm beginning to really really enjoy working in this scale. It feels much more liberating and the bulk and familiarity of the materials you can use is really refreshing. So the EJ&KLR (read my blog - much more regular updates than on here) needs a shed.   This project is very emotional because although these plans were discussed with my father, I never had a chance to show him the plans before he passed away on the 10th, earlier this month. Buildings and s

James Hilton

James Hilton

Grime Street Coal Yard............

I suppose it had to happen, I've eventually sucumbed to the r-t-r market.....................and it's great! I've bought a couple of Bachmann 16t minerals for the beginnings of the railway side to 'Grime Street'. It's going to be very basic, just a pair of sidings on show with possibly a 3 road storage yard to the rear, it'll give me the option of sunting a few wagons about though and it is very much 'just' an adition to the tram side of things.   The couple of sidings have been layed with SMP

Red Devil

Red Devil

A new workbench

Spent most of my spare time yesterday building a workbench for the shed. No more taking a set of measurements in the shed, running across the garden in the rain to build a piece of scenery and then having to run back because I've missed a measurement. Finally I'll be able to measure, build, test fit and final without getting soaked through to the skin. I'll probably save a few bob in shoe leather as well.   Did some test running of the loco yard with mixed results. I need to build some form of



McHale's Yard - The Rebuild

Owing to getting the Xmas flu bug (after having an anti-flu jab before), there was no modelling over the Xmas/new Year period. I did, however, catch up on my reading and DVD watching!   I've just commenced the rebuild of McHale's Yard, which is something I've been considering for a while now. A decision which was brought to a conclusion on Saturday 22nd January, when I was unloading it out of the car for the C-R-M members meeting in Sandbach. Unfortunately, or fortunately - depending which way



A name at Last!

After a lot of searching, deliberating etc I have finally come up with the name   Fourgig East   for the layout and station   Countdown fans will no doubt easily spot where it comes from



A4 60009 Union of South Africa ( name & numbered!)

Hi Folks   Tonight I tackled fitting my A4 Falcon(OOOOPS! Meant Sparrow Hawk- I sold Falcon from pack and bought Sparrow Hawk to get Double chimney) with its new identity. She is now resplendent in her new etched Union of South Africa name plates with the springbok plate on one side only as per prototype. After rubbing out the numbers on the cabside with T cut I have applied the correct 60009 cabside numbers. I have also fitted an etched 60009 number over the existing smokebox number. To me s

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

Completing the Scenic Trackwork

With the main up and down lines completed and running before xmas the remaining scenic pointwork now needs completing and laying. Tonight Dick has been laying the goods loop at the right end of the layout on the outside of the running lines while i've made a start on the crossover from the branch down into the goods yard. I've started with the point on the main running line and will do the other point that leads onto the headshunt later. There is a board joint in between the two so they have bee



"Some modellling! Hooray!"

In what seems like forever, FINALLY a blog post which includes modelling trains in it!   A friend of mine offered me this turned brass chimney - he'd found it in what he describes as the "spare parts bin", but to me, it's a mecca of unused and long forgot sundries which sometimes may turn up a gem. And this is one of them! The Emily chimney tapers too much, and is too tall, and had to go. After chopping it off, filing the base down, and fitting the new chimney with some adhesive, I used some H

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

coombe junction - moorswater - episode V - the cladding strikes back...

Update   Good evening - As mentioned in the last update, work has been progressing on the cladding for the dries building. The roof and walls have had their basic covering using the method of preparing each elevation on a card backing sheet (so as to work on the flat) and then each applied to the building. The conveyor has also been clad and I have now applied trims to the corners to replicate the corner cladding capping pieces as well as disguise the thickness of the evergreen sheet.   This



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