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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Kidmore End N Gauge Construction

For those following the "Kidmore" series of micro N Gauge layouts, & in particular the build of "Kidmore End", new pictures have been added to the relevant construction page on www.kidmorengauge.weebly.com. This layout has been booked for the Amersham exhibition in April 2012 despite being still a work in progress.



Trial (and plenty) of error

I keep forgetting to duplicate my Grogley Junction blog entries onto this RMWeb blog, A bit late but my last entry started .......   Back to the track this evening and a little more trial and error with the V on the B8 point. I now hope I've produced something that will work OK. The rail seems firmly fixed, there's electrical continuity between V and wing rails and, to my amazement, a wagon will roll effortlessly through it. For the amount of time and effort I've put into building this V this



Flying Banana - Part XIII - And other things

Me again   I have some progress to report, both on Elvis and also the layout (believe it or not!).   Since the last posting about the banana I have finished of the painting. It has been varnished with a satin varnish and now I have made a start on the glazing.     I dont like that picture because it is a very cruel enlargement but it shows the paint and the glazing so far. The cab windows have been glazed with Microscale Micro Kristal Klear after a tip-off from Mark and Steve at the Ox



Further Loco Conversion for Wheegram Sidings (EM)

Well that's Christmas over and a few bits of old age illness seen off, so perhaps its time to key in a few more words. The third loco for conversion, which I predicted as a "quickie" was a very ancient OO LNER J50, 0-6-0 shunting tank. This was a favourite model in my OO days being one of the best performing models which operated on various OO layouts owned by members or club at Huddersfield RM. I had purchased it second hand because it was beautifully finished in lined apple green and it was L

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Gain more confidence...or stupidity!

Yes, I continue my weathering practise and unleash my horrors upon the modelling world bwahahahahaha *cough cough*... anyway!   Over the past couple of days I have been doming some more practising and experimenting... namely on some of my old Hornby stuff.   The next victim inline was my fav old A4 of the lot "Bittern"     The body sides had a mix of metalcote gunmetal, leather & chocolate applied to them then wiped off with a cotton bud. when dry it was them buffed with a dry cotto

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Old New Trackplan revised

Been tinkering with the old trackplan after suggestions and came up with this:     I still like the two lines in and would invite comments as to what they could represent...maybe a truncated main line...???!!



Two Sagas for the price of one!

First, an update on the RSU saga. Thanks to pointers from Kenton, I experimented with the paper insulation suggestion. The only difference was - I use asbestos sheet.     Using the magnet as the 'return' path, the joints were made using the contacts shown. A-D was really fierce - even made the asbestos smoke! B-D was good - but C-D did the job without an excess of heat - you can see unmelted solder past round the join.   Continuing on with the MSWJR 4-4-0, this is one of the tender st



Ratio modern image fencing

Tonight's activity involved erecting some fencing. I've mounted it on a piece of plasticard that is scored to look like paving stones, this allows the fencing to be done on the workbench rather than at the back of the baseboards               John



Class 22 - Part 2

In this post I actually start to build the kit...   Folding the Body   The one job that was worrying me most of all (and probably delaying me starting work) was bending up the single etching that makes the loco sides and roof. Logically this semed like the place to start construction, so at least I would get what seemed to be the worst job over and done with very early in the build.   I'd built up some confidence (and tools) with the two wagon kits that I built as 'practice'. In particular



Minor update

Last night didn't yield massive dividends but more painting was done on the root beer end                                         I have also posted a new entry on my other non railway blog.



Old New Trackplan

Here's the old trackplan I unearthed - done in MS Paint about 7 years ago so not to scale (or even close!):     This is after some fiddling about; on a previous plan the engine shed was accessed via the turntable alone...still doesn't seem right though...I dunno, maybe 12' x 2' in 2mm would do it...? The premise is that this is a station in a small/medium town having been closed and now revitalised by a Heritage railway group for preservation...the goods shed and coaling stage could be use



coombe junction - moorswater - getting stoned...

Update   Evening all - Managed to sneak in a bit of modelling this evening. Having got the first dries building to a point where I will leave it until I add further details, paint and weathering I was keen to progress the other building which is primarily of stone construction. This one is on a curve so the roof is going to be fun   I have applied Slaters embossed stone sheeting to the card carcass (using double sided tape) and after studying the prototype settled for the larger stones tha



"Pom-Pom Progress-Progresses!"

For the moment, that's it for the J11. I am working on finding a new GCR tender to partner it, and it will require a new smokebox door dart and a chimney when I find the money to do so.   It's got a little bit closer to completion, and I'm genuinely happier with its current state than when I bought it over a year and a half ago.     Of course, with the J11 in a reasonable condition, attention can turn to the D11...   Until next time!

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

"34055, Fighter Pilot"

I have a friend who is very much a Southern Region fan, so hopefully this blog post will go someway to redressing the "Eastern Bias" somewhat!!!   I've had a Hornby Watersmeet West Country model for some time. The reason behind buying it was originally for use in a friend's university project. I did a mockup of his project using a Dapol kit instead, in the event, and this loco has sat around doing nothing for a number of years.   Then I had a brainwave - I wanted to model real life, preserve

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

In the deep midwinter

More work on the winter module - I've ballasted the track, and begun to add some of the foliage and hedges that will eventually be snow-covered. I've also done some more work on the backscene, toning down the pink a bit with some oversprays of dilute white and then a mist of Naples yellow. I then turned to one of my S&D books and found a nice Ivo Peters photo of a 7F struggling up a bank with a background of snow-covered hills, which I've used as the basis for the hill on the backscene. If I

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Getting there

Last week a 2mm Scale Association B7 Easitrac turnout base arrived and using the template which comes with it I've drawn up what I hope is now the final plan for Ropley, bar one or two minor tweaks. The main change will be a B8 point for the loop giving a smoother transition.     The milled turnout bases are flexible enough to allow them to be bent to match the gentle curve of the mainline, but that overlapping turnout at the entrance to the yard should be fun to build.....   Unfortuna



All of a sudden...

...a massive surge of energy came from somewhere and I projected it in a benchward direction onto the Gp van.   Its part of the 891mm project that is bugging me, starting one job getting going only to find your interest has been diverted elsewhere onto something else.   The van up until recently has been a running shell, and on reflection "not that much" work was required to get it to a state where it neared completion. The problem however was finding the inclination to do it.   I guess



People and Plans...

Decided to take the plunge and order six sets of Bachmann 2mm figures, ranging from Shoppers to Construction workers...Cheltenham Models sold them at £4.80 a set so bit of a bargain really...   Dug out some old trackplans of an end-to-end Heritage Railway (preserved line) I'd been doodling on a couple of years ago - funny how viewing the layouts on RMWeb inspires you...maybe it'll happen, maybe not...no harm tweaking the plans tho'



well its time for a start

well i thought it was about time i did this blog thing lol up until lately i havent had a workbench as my modeling room aka under the stairs has been filled with a old pram i was givin so i decided to remodel my room and now as from today i have a nice new bench i even got hold of some old slat walling from a friend who owned a shop which im glad to have at least my desk is now tidy and sorted although on the modelling side ive recently finished my very weathered and faded class 08 once i find



DIT Flasher......

Following on: As this is the rear loco of the train,it will have the gear towers isolated so it can be dragged. Done by dropping the bogie out, removing the two crosshead screws holding the bogie pivot and lifting out the worm and driveshaft.   It's already fitted with sound and I'm going to retain the sound decoder in it, as recent examples of t'n't passing my house have had the rear loco idling.   I've worked out the decoder settings so I can use the existing decoder in the loco. The ESU



A Streamlined B17 Part 5. No 62851 Derringham County

Those of you of a nervous disposition should look away now. This was the most nerve wracking thing I've done... maybe not ever, but certainly for a long time. Actually no... but yes, it was more nerve wracking than cutting the boiler on the Ixion Manor. You see, to get the A4 body to fit, I had to cut the footplate away from the chassis. The cylinders came loose, and one of the rods came out. And the valve gear came away from the bit where it slots in further back as well. I thought I'd abs

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

(Non) Progress on the MSWJR 4-4-0

After a week of work it would have been nice to get in a ful days modelling - but family life predicated otherwise! Still, I managed 3 hours this evening - but re-working a '57' pannier body (the ex-Palitoy/Mainline/Bachmann one) into something more suitable for the mid-1920's. If you're intested the story is here - http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/17831-grasshopper-minded/page__gopid__318687.   I'll spend tommorrow working on that, & then return to the MSWJR on Wednesday



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