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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Look, I Shrunk the Wife!

Click on the pics to enlarge to 1024 pixels...   Ok, now I've got your attention with my wife superimposed in unseasonal clothing onto the little bridge that crosses the remains of the Glastonbury Canal next to Catcott Crossing, the reason for this post is to highlight a little basic weathering on the rather splendid new Hornby ex-GWR Hawksworth Brake Compo. These rather stylish coaches were regularly used during the final couple of years of the former SDJR Highbridge Branch. And yes th

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Photo fun

Today the main work was to transfer the ownership of a former Chessie Loco into the hands of RJR branchlines, this will now be working the estate, which will free up the UP loco's.   A glance at the photos will also reveal a couple of fences that have been erected.                               John    



First resin castings...........

As I mentioned before, I've been messing about with masters, moulds and resin for a little while, this below is one of the first mouldings I've produced, it's a roof for a Leeds Lance Corporal tram, the master was made from plasticard and strip, the mould is then made using a 2 part room temperature vulcanising rubber, eventually the mould is used to cast the roof section in the resin which is again 2 parts mixed together.       I'll be honest and say that the casting has had a fair bit

Red Devil

Red Devil

The tangled web of track...

I knew there was something I forgot earlier! This is the track fully layed out out on the board:   The gap is where the ROCO geometry has let me down, and will need filling in with some flextrack. Luckily I have some PECO crazy track that I can disguise by overfilling with ballast so you can't see the sleepers. It seems to have the same profile as ROCO track, so there should be no jumping of trains.



Hythe Parkway - Signs and other stuff!

Hi,   There has been alot of progress on Hythe in the past couple of days (all though it may not seem it from the photos!). We managed to get the station board out of storage in the garage and do some work on Platform 3. We cut through the post platform at the end of P4 to get ready for track laying to connect the extension tomorrow.     Dad also cut back the platform a bit, because it was always was a bit tight. This meant that when I got home from school, he was attacking it with a chis

St. Simon

St. Simon

Exhibition countdown

Well the last month or so has seen less done on Avonwick than I wanted, Part of this has been down to me getting more work over Jan than before Christmas but mostly down to me being a lazy oaf.   What have I done?   Some of the spot lights that I put in before Christmas have been replaced with ones which have diffusers on them. This has significantly improved the shadows on the back scene, although these do still show. It's more a case of bright spots now rather than dark ones.   The wood



Highclere - Track Rework - Part I

Hello   Finally I have faced my fear of the trackwork on Highclere. As mentioned in my last blog entry I really needed to get back on with the layout as it had been untouched since July last year mainly due to the poor running of the layout.   This time I have approached the track with a 'no compromise' kind of thinking and have started working through the first board. I have been checking things like track gauge, track joints, and how level the track is and I have been surprised how bad it



Gerlos: Laying out the track...

Around Christmas time I finally got around to ordering the track. Well it arrived a couple of weeks ago (unexpectedly early), but work has been so busy, I didn't have the lay out the track and check everything was going to work.   Today I have (the car's broken so I can't go anywhere!), and the compositions do fit. But I did find I didn't order enough track! I need another pack of 12 curves to complete the spiral... Never mind!   There is one small issue with the spacing: If you have a right



cobalt point motor +

Greetings.   This morning two small parcels arrived in the care of my trusty postman Henry- some long awaited bits from shop 3, and a DCC Supplies Cobalt turnout motor ( photo). I decided to buy a sample one to look at, as althoug Tortoise motors seem the most popular, at 85mm deep they are too big for my little test layout. The cobalt comes in at 67mm including electrical connector(13.5mm) ( though I am going to see if I can remove this and connect directly by solder, which would reduce the



Stuck at a Rail crossing

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7-eWaHkHsY&hd=1     Playing with trains, cameras and video editing software ! Perfect Friday night !   The music on the "car radio" is playing in the shed so caught by the camera, the loco noise is added in afterwards on the video software (Ulead) then all output in HD



Phase 1: Plan it. Phase 2: ? Phase 3: Profit.

Having stripped Steinrücken back to its framework, I played about with various configurations of the component baseboard frames to find an optimal fit within my garage. I settled on an arrangement with a three foot wide operating well with a viewing space outside of one long side. At some point, something clicked in my mind and I decided a branch line would give the best visual and operating experience for one or two people, and so I decided this would be my theme. I also wanted a nice sceni



Chrsitmas workbench

Well for a 6 week break, I really don't have much to show for it. Mainly it was just little odd and ends, which today are still sitting unfinished on the work bench. I did manage to get access to an ALPS printer, so I did get some new wagon transfers. Another dozen or so wagons have been finished off. Work on the layout is at a very slow pace. The backscene is still only 50% finished. Hopefully the remainder of the goods building will be ready in the next few weeks.     I made a star



Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Signal Box - Panel Assembly

Having finished the lever frame and instrument shelf I decided to start the assembly of the box side panels. So far I have glued the rear and two ends to each other and to the mdf sub base and left the front off in order to fix the interior detailing. Apparently the floor covering in most Midland signal boxes is linoleum so I cut a piece of 5 thou plasticard and painted it 'lino colour' before fixing the instrument shelf and lever frame in position at the rear of the box. The two stoves [unfi



Class 22 - Part 3

Fitting the Cabs   To recap from the previous installment... I think that the cab sides need to taper slightly inwards from the doors to the nose, but the kit seems to assume that this doesn't happen.   I took some dividers and marked 0.5mm in from the widest part of the nose ends. I filed down to these marks and then continued the filing down to the buffer beam level, checking with a square that the edge was truly vertical. The photo below shows a modified end compared with the original sti



A brief round 'em up, head 'em out...

There wasn't really much to say about any one thing, so I thought I'd just put them all in a sort of hash. (No rude comments, please ) I've not quite attached the front end. I had to trim a lot less off the body than I thought I'd have to, indeed I didn't have to slice it in half as I'd feared. [fast show]Which was nice. [/fast show]. I think I've got the height about right too. The one potential problem is that it's too narrow, but it could be worse. The next job will be (ok, after strippin

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Tramway de Gare Tigre

I've had a busy day today working on various layouts, but mainly "Tramway de Gare Tigre", which I've renamed from Chemin to Tramway. Apparently, 'tramway' in French can mean 'tramway' or ''light railway'. I hopefully french speakers amongst us will either confirm or correct! More details on my Tram Modelling website: www.trammodelling.co.uk or www.narrowgaugemodelling.com



Ferrocarril Internacional

As some of you know, I'm caretaker for a couple of the modules which make up the 0n30 "Ferrocarril Internacional" - a set of modules by some members of CRM - Connected Railway Modellers (http://c-r-m.webs.com/), who get together quite regularily to exhibit said modules. The two I'm responsible for are "Calle de la Coronacion" - a layout based somewhere in Mexico in the late 1960s and "The Shed" - a locomotive depot, again based in 1960s Mexico. In between my other projects, I have been progressi



Track Laying on Brewhouse Quay

nevard_110204_brewhouseQ_IMG_9104_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Track laying has now started in earnest on my brewery project. Because the layout will be presented diorama style with a high curved backscene on 3 sides as mentioned on previous posts, I'm laying the track 'off set' using a 5mm foamboard sub-base which will be firmly bonded to the proper plywood base once most of the fiddly stuff has been done. It's much easier to work this way because I can spin the base aroun

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Bristol Barrow Road - Block Instrument Shelf & Lever Frame

The lever frame is now painted and is ready to go into the box as is the Instrument Shelf complete with the Block Instruments and Bells. Painting the levers was relatively straight forward although I must admit the chevrons on levers 14 & 15 - the Down Main and Up Main Detonators - took a steady hand with the black chevrons added using a 0.25 rotring pen. Levers 19,29 and 22 are also all Facing point locks and consequently are painted black [bottom] and blue [top].     Adding the r



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