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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Almost gardening....

Any gardener will tell you they have a constant battle with slugs, this is not nearly as bad, it's lug elimination on the ROCO points, check out the difference:       Gone are the horrible sticky out bits where the (hugely expensive) point motors attach, leaving a near perfect looking point. I've also had to enlarge the whole in the middle of the tie bar a little so the arm of the Seep can make it through.   The two I've done as an experiment look nigh on perfect, just a touch of fine sa



Hornby 2800 - WOW, and a little more progress.

Took delivery this week of the new Hornby 2800, NRM version. It's awesome, the level of detail is beyond anything I've ever seen in an RTR model, my only complaint is that the regulator arm is silver instead of red. (Don't argue with me on this, I'm a shareholder in one! Check out www.gwr2807.co.uk ) It was tremendously fiddly to put a chip in, had to use a Hornby chip rather than a Bachman one: Hornby have cleverly designed it so that only the more expensive chips fit, which is a blow as I have



An exhibition update, the farmer Giles viewpoint.

"Weird it were, one day all was quiet, my view was normal and the next there was all these strange people looking at me, loads of trains were trundling through Avonwick and most stayed on the line, and some even didn't stall!     Well, the exhibition finished three hours ago and I've made it to my bed for the night. So what are my initial reflections? In general I was reasonably please with most aspects of the layout at the show.   The good   There were some great comments made about



Help with gearing..

Hallo again. I need some help. I thought I understood this gear ratio thingy, but somehow I have become thick   I have a cam motor with worm, a shaft on which sits a 12 tooth cog and a 28 tooth cog. The drive axle on my 0-6-0T will have a 37 tooth gear. Two questions: 1. Which of the two gears should I connect the worm to; and 2. What will the best ( slowest) final ratio be, and how did you calculate it? Many thanks, and sorry if this sounds obvious to you, I have utterly confused



Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Junction Box - Front Elevation, Lighting & Roof

The box furniture has now been added and includes the booking-in desk, cupboard, stools, chair, clock and finally the two stoves.   The latter have been modified to act as electrical pick-ups for the lighting, Each stove has a sprung pick up added to the top of the stove pipe which makes electrical contact with copper tape attached to the underside of the roof.     This needs to be tidied up - one of the LEDs in the tube does not work and I have now obtained fresh supplies from Bromsgrov



Actual Progress

From baseboards to rolling stock there has been some progress which I am actually quite pleased about.   Starting with the baseboards, My father in law has helped out with some of the construction of some frames that are going to be supporting the link to my new module. The only picture I have of any relevence to this is the Cobalt Point Motor in the new module which I installed on the same day we constructed the frames: I will get to work in drawing up a track plan for the new set up in i

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Hythe Parkway - It's Alive!

Hi,   There has been major progress on the extension for Hythe, we have movement!   There was a bit of troubleshooting to be done, mainly rewiring all the microswitchs which were the wrong way round! But we had our first movement about half an hour ago!   Other than that, there has been some other developments, we managed to get both the extension and station boards together and lay the track between them, unfortunatly I forgot to take pictures of the 2 boards together!   So instead I

St. Simon

St. Simon

Paint Shop Progress 3.

No much happening on the loco side recently. I've decided that its high time that my n.g. 48DS was finished so its been in the paint shop (spray booth in the spare bedroom...). After priming (etch first followed by car acrylic, both from aerosols) the bufferbeams were sprayed with Humbrol Signal Red. Then the main bodywork was sprayed in Revel Aqua-Color Bronze Green before the roof was sprayed with Phoenix-Precision Dirty Black. All the paint so far has been acrylic thinned with de-ionised wate



It's been a while!

Some time has passed since I added an entry to this blog so here goes...   This morning I went along to the S Scale meeting and AGM at Oxford, managed to pick up some bits & pieces for my various items of S Scale wagonry. Wheels and brake levers+guards for the 16ton mineral wagons and some spoked wheels for the ex LSWR resin van-looking forward to building the van now!!   On the way back down South to Wiltshire I called in to the Newbury MRC exhibition for a quick look around (is this sh

Turin 60

Turin 60

Underlay underway

Underlay underway!   To get some track down for the demo I'm doing at the Tonbridge MRC show next weekend I've spent the morning glueing down the underlay on boards one and two.   To start with I glued the track sections of the full size layout plan in the desired position on the baseboard, this will ensure that I get the track in the intended location compared to my original doodle. The next stage is exactly what John Clutterbuck has used on his O14 layout which resides in his loft (Artic



Saturday paint bench

well believe it or not, but I did get some more done today, amazing. There are signifcant and varying detail in the 2 variants of Quad/limbers/25 lbs I have. The Gramodel is alot finer, but the gun is lacking, whereas the Pithead is a bit rough in places, but the gun has more prescene. I really like the shovel and drag ropes molded onto the gun sheild. Considering they will be sitting on some warflats, they won't be static long enough for the rivet counters to ............. They still n



The first 2mm FS point of many

Hi all,   Well as the title says i have built my first 2mmFS point using Easitrac bits. Some of you may be suprised to learn that this is the first handbuilt point that i have done and it will be part of my new 2mmFS layout that i am building.           I did have help from Mick Simpson to keep me pointed in the right direction and on the whole i am please with it. It still needs a couple of finishing touches, like the tiebar, and the sleepers trimming but the wagon rolls throu



Inspirational Photography link

Part of the enjoyment of Model Railways for me is playing with my camera, taking pictures of what I have made. My Samsung compact camera cost me the whopping sum of £70. I guess if I had enough disposable income i would upgrade to something much better, but in the meantime I enjoy what I have. In most cases the picture comes out to a reasonable standard and I have enjoyed learning new skills, many of which I have picked up from other forum members.   For some time I have been intrigued by the



THe MSWJR Tender - the fix is in...

Some real progress today -& then a 'let down' at the end!   A few chapters back I discussed the problem of the brake rigging - not enough room between the inner & outer frames - and then I spotted that (on the prototype) the hangers are bolted to the outside frames.   So today, having competed the tank top (coal backplate, side rails) and the rear detailing (lamp irons, grab rails & buffer bases) it was time to start 'bodging'.   Basically all I did was to transfer the hanger



Ropley - Baseboard complete!

After most of the day spent in the garage, the main board for Ropley is now complete! I'm quite pleased with how it turned out and it should give a good solid base for the layout as well as be light enough to be transported if nessecary.   There is no fixed backscene as I'd like to be able to view the layout from any angle when its at home.   Once the glue is dry it'll be given a coat of paint on the inside and then there won't be much more progress until my next visit to the parents in



Friday night workbench

Have set myself a deadline this week. I recieved some military whitemetal kits on Tue, and I going to try and have them finished within a week. Its now Friday and they are finally put together. Undercoat first thing in the morning, and hopefully a 1st coat of OD sat nite. Maybe, just maybe they will be finished within a week, stay tuned.



Oh let the sun beat down upon my face... Jubilee pacific no 45588, Kashmir

Well... Here I go again... The various bits have arrived. And it has to be said that things could be simpler. As you can see, the boiler and firebox are part of the footplate - the cab, which, alas is not correct for the rebuilt loco, detaches. Removing them is not going to be as straight forward as it was on the Manor. On the other hand, the body is just made of plastic - the weight is part of the chassis. On the gripping hand, nothing's impossible, and while it's not going to be a case of

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Highclere - Track Rework - Part II

Morning   I have now got the trackwork on the first board to a standard that I am happy with. Its taken about a week to get it to this standard but I really feel it has been worth it. The trackwork on any layout its so important, is there any point having a layout that looks fantastic but has no end of problems running anything?     The above photo shows pretty much the work that I have done, it has been a case of tweaking and tweaking again until I could get my pannier tank engine with



Markinch Shed Build for A4 60009

Hi   Have finally started to build my shed for A4 Union of South Africa. Thanks to help from other poster (Cheers Richard -Ben Alder) I was given drawings for the original shed. While not building a shed exactly the same for my layout I wanted it to be based on the prototype. 60009 was kept in a shed at Markinch station during my period. My shed will have two roads in it as opposed to one but most other features will (I hope) be the same. Slate roof and wooden sides with small outbuilding. Loa

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

The MSWJR 4-4-0 Tender - moving on

A little progress tonight - the front end of the tender is taking shape (roughly) following the instructions... The toolbox section states 'fold up the toolobx and solder to the front plate' - the impression is that it is soldered to the *footplate* side - but the section is *before* adding the footplate. I suddenly realised it goes inside the coal hopper! There is also a 'front door' which should (in the MSWJR period) be sweated to the front of the front plate. Apparently in the GWR period



Ropley - Baseboard construction starts

Hi all   Just a quick update to say that baseboard construction for Ropley has now started! These are being built at the parents as they have all the nessecary tools and a quick trip to the local timber merchants saw a piece of 8x4 cut down into all the nessecary parts. If you can find a merchant who will do this for you it does make life so much easier and the cuts have turned out much better than I could have made at home.   In the short time available this afternoon I've made up the f



Ground frame huts and other odds and ends

By popular(ish) request this is a brief update on the preparations completed this week in the run up to Newbury exhibition.   1st Avonwick had 2 ground frames both covered by huts, my good intentions were to have had both of these built but work this week has meant that I only got one completed today. It's far from brilliant but it is about right. At some point before Easter I will try to get the second one completed and maybe get some point rodding in.     I have also been sowing som



Fusee in HO

Unmarked railroad crossings are often protected by the train crew throwing red flares onto the road before crossing, as per this video.. at 1:19 in   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td-Zz8UdLTs     I have been trying to work out how to do this and came up with these                 Fibre optic shoelaces about £5 of ebay for a pair (2 light units)         hole drilled in the road and the fibre optic rubber "lace" pushed up from underneath, bit of paint and a piece of wire fo



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