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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Junction Box - Lighting

The PCB board inserted into the roof is courtesy of my S4 Glevum Group colleague Dave the groups electronics guru - thanks Dave.   As mentioned in a previous post I ran out of LEDs and sent for a pack of 3mm Protowhite [Golden Light] from Bromsgove Models. I also decided to try out one of their DCC Concepts LED/Lamp Control boards. Two of the new LEDs have been fitted to Dave's circuit board without the 'flourescent tube' and a further LED has been fashioned into the exterior gas lamp at the



Starting in O Gauge

Hi everyone. Just sold all my OO Gauge stock after having it for so many years. I am starting afresh in O Gauge / 7mm but seem a little confused as to were to begin. I hope (eventually) to kit build loco's and rolling stock and scratch build most of the buildings on the proposed layout. I have a book with structure plans in 4mm scale, but want to know how I convert these dimensions to build them in O Gauge? Any tips or advice gladly accepted



Chagford - Video of Train Running

Hello All   I have been wiring the track for DCC, this I though was a simple task, but when I checked my work with a multimeter the rails were shorted. After disconnecting various wire I discovered that one of the pre-cut sleepers was not cut properly. This corrected and the wires reconnected the short has been corrected.     Three of the sections of track are held in position using two screws. This is to allow them to be removed to allow a cross over to be installed later.     Next



The Sea Wall

The sea wall is one of the most prominent scenic features on the layout. It's also pretty long - covering almost all of the 12 foot frontage of the layout. A few weeks prior to the Expo last July it was just a blank piece of plywood and our thoughts turned to make it into something more wall-like.   Exactly how to model the sea wall was something that caused us some head-scratching. We already have some retaining walls done with embossed plasticard and the big retaining wall behind the station



Porthole Stanier SK

Prevarication - something I appear to be good at..... I need a fair number of porthole Stanier period IIIs, but actually managing to complete one has been a bit of an uphill struggle. Suffice it to say, it's not a job I hugely enjoy!   Anyway, the first one to emanate from the works (minus glazing until I've varnished the sides) is below. I think I bought the sides for it about 7 or 8 years back. The donor base model is a scrap Replica open second and the interior comes from a Hornby mode



February Update - It's Sir Harry, but not as we know it.....

Okay time for my monthly update. I've been up to eyeballs in Bulleids as usual, a reworked 34085 501 Squadron has left the works and is ready to be listed on ebay (see my gallery for a pic)   Finally after a while a way from King Arthurs (N15's) it's time to welcome a new one to the fold, alright many have come onto my workbench and left in other guises. 30803 Sir Harry le Fise Lake as Hornby don't sell it - with a 5,000gl Urie tender!   For those who aren't aware Sir Harry was given a 5,00




Yes, "that" 24. It's the only one that would have still been operational during my time period. That's my excuse anyway   Modifications - Water tanks removed from the underframe. - Body side steps filled to boiler fill point. - Gangway door filled, to represent welded up version. - Headcode discs thinned down. - Extra buffer beam details added, MW air pipes and electric MW socket rebuilt. - TPM screw couplings.   Final painting and weathering is still required, but progress has been



21C6, Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co to make debut on Fisherton Sarum. (at Ab-Rail 2011 on 5th March)

Bulleid Merchant Navy pacific 21C6 will be seen hauling the Atlantic Coast Express on Fisherton Sarum at Ab-Rail 2011 on the 5th March. Further details about the show can be found here.   In December 1941 Merchant Navy class locomotive number 21C6 was rolled out of Eastleigh Works, later to be named Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co. after the famous shipping line. 21C6 was unique amongst the Southern Railway Merchant Navy pacific’s in that she spent her entire working life allocated solel



garratt OO scale work in progress vid

Hi folks just another quick update as ive been working on the garratt again most of this week its had a few bits sorted out and a bit more paint its also had the first bits of weathering done so now just got to put decals on and finish off!! just did a quick test run after cleaning off some paint off the wheels so took a quick vid! please note this is in no way finished yet and is triang based so all you finescalers out there look the otherway! its been made to go round most peoples trainset!/r



MSWJR 4-4-0 - trouble with an old ladys joints.

Having resolved the issue with the tender chassis (the front mounting needs to include the tender drawbar, associated bushes & washers etc) it was time to move on to the loco frames.   The first comment (& one which had been pointed out to me by MSWJR on these forums) is the flimsiness of 12 thou brass compared to its nickel-silver counterpart. That said, I thought I'd be able to cope - and I did, just about... The frames are held together by four spacers, all different sizes & f



Detailing a Deltic - Speedo cable and hubs, and Horns plus some photos - P4 Deltic Pt 9

Another quick update, with a few photos for accompaniment: The speedo cable has been completed using 2mm rod with a plasticard piece on top... fitted to the axle hub using a 0.6mm length of wire. The hub then has four small rod sections added to the corners, and sanded down to represent the fixings. The cable is 0.6mm brass wire, with a hollowed out 1mm dia rod piece – glued to the main hub.   A reverse construction was used for the rear unit, the plasticard piece being attached at the base



Don't forget to try in mind that the trains need somewhere to run...

Oh well, as things have been getting somewhat... tricky what with one thing and another. I figured it was a good time to get back to talking about the real point of the exercise. After all, every loco needs somewhere to run (to). Here's a picture of the down end of Cricklestone Station. I haven't decided whether the lines are fast-slow-slow-fast, or slow-fast-fast-slow yet. I also made the mistake of putting the short inset platform at the same end as the entrance to the goods yard. So when I

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Details, details...help!

Have been trying to find guidance on applying the stuff found in the "bag-o-bits" which comes with Bachmann/Farish locos, namely the Black 5, 108 and 150 DMU's. Flying Pig very helpfully gave me copies of the printouts that were supposed to have come in the boxes but didn't, but I still can't see exactly where to put everything. I emailed Bachmann only to be sent the exact same printouts, which was no help whatsoever...!! Please can somebody point me in the right direction to find a picture o



Further progress on CDR Class 5

At last we seem to be getting somewhere. Since the last blog, the coupling rods have been fitted. I beefed these up a bit to look more like the prototype and to give a wider bearing on the crank pins. I had to modify the fly cranks for the centre drivers to take my new return cranks (see later). The bogies have also been assembled and fitted. I made a mounting on the chassis for the rear bogie as it is designed to mount on the body in the kit. Brake gear was then fitted and the whole lot receive



A batten peninsula

I'm plugging away at the reconfiguration of Steinrücken, and I'm making some reasonable progress. A slight change from the plan I uploaded with my last post is that the former helix base at the top right (now to be simply a balloon loop) has been flipped over, so I had to remove the legs, turn it over and re-affix them. This gives a wider (increased from 1' to 2') entrance to the central well, while still allowing a 20 inch wide passage to the top operating corridor (itself 32" wide) I've al



coombe junction - moorswater - how low can you go?...

Good evening,   Further to Smokey Bacon Steve's request for more info on how I lowered the Bachfar 37, I have put together a quick step by step. There is another option that Ian of Mercig is undertaking which involves cutting the bogie sideframes off and relocating closer to the body as seen here   Before I start this method, I should just like to say that it was Steve Nicholls (Pixie) who first lowered his 37 last year, and he kindly shared his method with me so all credit is due to him fo



You are not alone.....

I was invited to speak at the inaugural meeting of the Nottingham Area Group of the Scalefour society, and it bowled me over to think that all these people (21) were in one place to talk and find out about model railways. OK, it was a bit like AA, but my feeling is that groups, like Nottingham that is just starting, are an excellent way of showing that as modellers, we are not on our own. Someone out there knows the answer, and the best way to discover is to talk about it with other modellers.

Tim V

Tim V

A poem

This made it's debut at a poetry event in Manchester...   The Goth Who Spots Trains A heart betwixt by passions The fire in the belly Tendons of steel A melancholy respite from life Face painted monochrome I sit between the demigods Gresley & Murphy   Beneath the cliff side ruins Watching alone amongst a reflective crowd A distant snake weaves along the valley The hiss, a spitting of hot vapour It brings me home And Stanier’s perfection dances to its tune   An occupied c

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Chagford - Prototype Information

Hi All   More details of the prototype   The layout is a model of a mineral tramway, and not a railway. The difference is that a tramway can either go along it's own right of way, or along a public road, either in the road surface or on the verge.   To build such a tramway the permission from the local highway authority to cross or go along public roads is all that is required, together with the purchase of any land required for depots and private rights sections. No acts of parliament



House of Blues

There really is only so much ballasting one can take! It's still not finished, but I persevere.   Meantime, I thought I'd take a break and make a start on the station buildings. These have been started several times before, always with unsatisfactory results which end up being scrapped. The main problem is that the window surrounds are recessed slightly and there are stone corners to contend with too:       I'd tried plasticard with varying backing pieces and inlaid stonework. This was w

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

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