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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Neptune Road - Micro Inglenook

I had wanted to build a small Inglenook style layout for some time now and having purchased a piece of loft insulation foam before Christmas - on the recomendation of Marc Smith for it's ease of use and lightness of weight - work has progressed. I wanted to use a Class 24/22/35 for shunting rather than an 08 etc, so careful planning and a change to Kadee's have resulted in this..   Marc kindly took the superb photo's   Cheers Roger      



cocked up a bit with this one!

lima conversion into grand central express in the new livery,done in november from memory!big mistake!the orange stripe on the coaches should be black where the grand central logos are.lower front cowling was cut off with a razor saw and buffer beams attached(these were from a Dapol pug!!!)locos and coaches were rubbed down with 1200 wet n dry then primed with plastic primer and sprayed with car arosols,then varnished with humbrol arosols,transferes were 99p from e bay!!then re varnished.

iain/co durham

iain/co durham

'Engine Wood' - now back working in 'OO'

I've temporarily suspended all work in P4 for the time being, including work on 'Callow Lane', in order to get a few things done in OO.   'Engine Wood' is appearing at Railex this May, and there are a few loco and rolling stock projects I've been wanting to get done for a little while in time for the show.   I also need to make a minor adjustment to the curve coming out of the main fiddle yard and into the tunnel. This may need a baseboard spacing piece of (say) 6" in width inserting between

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

A 2mm Workhorse

or "yet another part-complete loco!"   At the excellent 2mm Golden Jubilee Expo in Oxford last July, I bought one of the Worsley Works etches for an 02 shunter. Of course, I then put the packet in the cupboard and forgot about it while I got on with some other modelling. The real things look like this:     Anyway, after a few months, the kit came to the top of the pile again and I decided to make a start on it. The etch comes complete with a simple etched chassis which i decided to discar

2mm Andy

2mm Andy

"Codename: Industrial Saddletank." - Part 3

Part three of this blog sees Sean's entry into the proceedings. He's taken the basic bodyshell, and is remaking it and including the full detailing of the model as he goes along. The model is based on a Hawthorn Leslie 0-4-0ST, and Sean is working from drawings and photographs I've collated to get the final look "spot on".   There's a lot to do here - the chimney will need reprofiling, the smokebox surround is missing, the wingplates are not quite the right shape, and of course there's the han

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin


As this is an experiment I've discarded notions of clever construction and in an attempt to maintain momentum have gone for hi-grab/non-solvent/building glue of the no-sharp-pointy-metal-things-that-you-nail-wood-together-with type.     It's expensive stuff, but it may also rescue my bodyboard.       The next stage has to be traditional carpentry to hold the ends in position and support the pivots for the sector plates. I'm planning on a nut & bolt through washers glued to the s




It has been a little while since we had an update on the club's goings on...and a lot of goings on there have been!   To start with, Yamanouchi Oshika featured in the March edition of Continental Modeller. We managed to get a good article out of it; as well as a decent number of good quality photographs; taken by the son of one of our club members. Lots of lovely publicity, which always helps a club like ours.   Following up on this, we have two shows coming up over the next couple of week



Hythe Parkway - Almost there!

Hi,   Right there has been an massive amount of work done on the extension!   Firstly, all the lights have been wired in, all the building have been stuck down and backscenes have been half done. Secoundly, after visiting the Watford Show and Alton Model Centre, we have detailed the layout up!   But, there's going to no photos of it until either Wednesday or Thursday because I'm taking the layout up to my clubs (High Wycombe and District Model Railway Society) clubrooms over the next coup

St. Simon

St. Simon

Musings - revitalising an old layout

Its been a rather long time since I have touched any modelling, Not since Scaleforum in fact. The move to my own place coupled with a few other bits has just left no time for it. However I have to move away from home for the next few months (6 months working in Broughton and driving back to Bristol at the weekends) The whole arrangement has left me rather cross, but on the plus side assuming I manage to find somewhere suitable to live it is going to mean I have more modelling time.   The th

The Fatadder

The Fatadder


No, wait.....not that kind!   Whilst waiting until I can start track laying, I have been having an experiment with couplings. As Ropley will essentially be end-to-end, there is no need for me to make allowances for stock negotiating sharp curves. The led to me wonder if there was scope for closing the gap between the new Farish Mk.1 coaches. I'll let the photos below do most of the talking but others may find the results of this tinkering useful?   Photo 1: This is the standard distance betw



Contrary Mary

Really!   I'd established a method for construction of the station buildings. You think I'd stick to that? Not a bit of it!   The remainder of the station (seen furthest away in the preceding entry) seems to be of a later and simpler construction than the main block. It was before I'd released it, that I was picking out various pieces of card stock (not plastic card) and commencing on construction of the extension.   I do love modelling with card; so much more satisfying than plastic and u

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

Distracted? Moi?!

Nah...   OK, maybe just a little bit then:     P.S. That is my first attempt using watercolours so apologies if it isn't very good!   I know Ian J. wanted to model this station, but it is only a mile down the road, and, well, just look at it! Part of me really wants to build this, but the other part says I don't have enough room and I need to finish Calshot first.   And in case you are wondering how this all came about there are a couple reasons:   Firstly, progress on Calshot has



An assortment

You know how it is. A couple of quiet weeks with not much progress and then the mother in law arrives. Modelling output mysteriously increases. Actually not for the reasons you might think but because with a bit of child care, I've suddenly got a bit more time than of late - though building the Lego Toy Story train set the nipper got for his birthday was strangely therapeutic.   Anyway, progress of sorts on a number of fronts. The O2's been in the paint shop and is now hardening off before I



My threads

The layouts I'm involved with:   Treneglos - BR(S) late 50s - early 60s North Cornwall Railway (4mm / OO)   Diesels in the Duchy - BR late 80s depot based on St Blazey (4mm / EM)   Once Upon a Time in the West - America, ATSF New Mexico, around 1920 (3.5mm / HO)   My info threads:   North Cornwall Railway - Random details   Other interesting threads:   Torrington   What was the NCR really like?   Motive power on the NCR   Alterations to a Hornby T9   St Merryn Book



Platform 1

Well, it might be platform 2, it's hard to tell at his stage. Spent the day building components and finally two platform sides for the first of the two platforms on this main station. I'd tried using a Metcalfe set an wasn't overly happy with the final result. I tried making a bespoke one, which I was happier with, but not delighted, so downloaded the Scalescenes platform kit. I'm happy with everything here with the exception of the edging stones which come pre-printed with a white edge: I'm rea



Air con units

Not much modelling has got done this week, the only thing that I have got done is making a batch of Air conditioning units that will populate the flat roof spaces.     They were simple to make, a few thickness's of plasti-card to make up the depth and a picture of an aircon unit printed on sticky labels and stuck on the front.   During the course of the week they will be fitted, photos to follow.   Part of the reason for reduced modelling is an increased interest in my non modelling blo



4561 Rides Again...

I have finally got round to sorting out some more little jobs. The first one was re-numbering and dirtying my Dapol 45xx. I got some Modelmaster brass plates that were great, and some fox buffer beam numbers finished it off. All that is left to do is sort out the disgusting rapido coupling and do the front and back dirty to match the sides. Any comments appreciated as I haven’t varnished it yet. The real 4561 continues to be on static display in one of the museums (Swindon?) but I am hoping fo



Bit more progress....

...well perhaps more of an excuse to show some photos from my N gauge layout, Roding Reach.   Rain over recent weeks hasn't exactly motivated me to go outside and work on the 2 end baseboards. So, been working on a couple of Kestrel Design kits in odd moments. Hence scenery continues before the woodwork, trackwork, electics are anywhere near complete. New job and a commute have also curtailed play time. Rats.   Overcast rather than persisting down today, so cut out some hardboad for th




I started a couple of years ago on a simple shunting plank, as space is short and I wanted somewhere to run my stock. There is a simple oval in the loft which works fine for running-in, but with Peco code 100 and only space for short radius points it is clearly a toy train set. I wanted to create something with scenery and work towards 'finescale' appearance. I'd like to work in P4, particularly as I like the 'spindly-ness' of the wheel treads on P4 wagons giving a strong impression of prototype



Motorising a Dapol turntable kit...

Some time ago there was a forum request for information about motorising a Dapol turntable and the good advice given to the member was don't bother. Much better if he bought a proper turntable like Peco, Hornby or Helijan, etc.   The thing is I already had a Dapol kit and plenty of spare time to bash it and the turntable was already planned into my layout, so it had to be done.   I had already made up the Dapol kit so it had to be butchered to provide parts to dress up the mechanism.   Wh



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