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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted


Friday afternoon, kids off school so I have a free afternoon. Called in at the local woodyard on the way home and set to it. Here's the results       One traditional 9mm ply topped, softwood framed board. 4 foot wide and 46cm deep. Why the mixed units? - it was easier to work out the length of the side members that way as the framing timber was 2cm wide   Might have a play putting things on tonight when the kids are in bed - SWMBO is on a girlie night out




The track layout is inspired by Railway Modeller's Roy Link's 'Upwold', a version of which I built a long time ago. Basing the layout in the Wrexham area means that certain ex-GWR, ex-LMS and even ex-LNER locomotives could be seen.   Tony



Bridging the Gap

Well, progress has been slow on this one, it's quite a complicated job and one that has not been helped by the fact that you really have to get the thickness of the steps right otherwise it don't fit together - It's 3.5mm or nothing in O gauge.     I've also built them with 18mm off the back faces so that I can make the overbridge in half relief. The sidescene will be mirrored to provide the illusion of the other half and the station beyond!   EDIT:   And here it is in all it's glory. T



1 job ticked off the list!

Finished my large trackwork project that I have had going since last September. All the double track is down and all the points, point motors, microswitches and wiring is all installed. As usual I heard about other types of point motors & microswitches that I could have used but in the end settled on peco since they were cheaper.   Done most of the ballasting trying a couple of different techniques, found that the mix the cascamite powder in with the ballast worked the best.   Started a




Having drifted away from the hobby many years ago, after playing with O gauge (clockwork) and various early forms of N gauge (including OOO push along and Treble-O-Lectric), I recently returned and decided to take up the challenge of 2mm Fine Scale. I used to be quite happy doing simple kit-bashing and scratch-building of rolling stock on proprietary chassis and bogies, but had little experience of soldering (and what little I had was long, long ago).   Choice of prototype wasn't too difficult



Quick update

More work on the bubble car. New end is on and large windows reduced in size. Still some filler to sand off then it's sticking bits on time. I'm enjoying this Oh and the O2 has had another coat of paint after a rub down. Transfers on order from Fox as I've bottled the idea of lining with a bow pen.



Marchland - 00 gauge ex-GWR terminus

After a long tiime, I've started work on this layout and have just completed the baseboards. It is 8' x 18"' on two 4' x 18" boards. I borrowed the name from the TV series 'Marchlands' as it is set in my home area of Wrexham - Marcher land. Progress will be on my website: www.tonysmodelrailways.co.uk - and apart from 1960s steam - diesel transition, it can be used as a preserved railway! Tony



Hythe Parkway - Extension's Big Launch!

Hi,   Right it's the moment you've all been waiting for!   Hythe has been fully set up with the extension for the first time last night, unfortunatly we could test whether it worked or not because we forgot to but the plug on the main control panel! So today, we went back up and fitted a plug and tested everything and I'm very happy to report and that it all worked first time! We were expecting a lot of problems after we changed a lot of wiring to be able to have Platform 4 and the headshu

St. Simon

St. Simon

Aircons in situ

Very little modelling done this week, about the most I got time for was mounting the aircon units on rooftops, they will need some ducting and pipework at some point in the future.       My non railway blog seems to be taking more of my free time than modelling at the moment, but we will see what the weekend brings ?!



coombe junction - moorswater - old clay dries...

Update,   Work on the 37's has stopped briefly as I have now managed to source a small modelshop in barcelona (conveniently part of an architectural modelmakers) which stocks evergreen sheeting...amongst other goodies   This week has seen the model railway room home office rearranged which with some shuffling of the IKEA Lack shelves, has elevated the position of the 4mm layout (in slow progress for my sons) to allow me to store the coombe junction moorswater boards in their correct config



update on garratt project!

quick update still weathering the garratt delayed due to rain! and transfers run out over the weekend so ordered some more from fox and hey presto they turn up this morning! thanks again to fox transfers for another quick turn round! anyway got a few mins this afternoon after putting on the numbers to take a quick pic! its not finished yet so don`t go rushing in making odd comments its a work in progress shot! thanks again for the comments before guys! regards ian.  



The Big Push Begins...

I have set myself the aim of exhibiting Kingsbridge this year. I am not sure if this is a good or bad thing. Here's the job list I think it needs to be OK (not finished!) Complete station board, including the major buildings and structures. I might ignore a few secondary buildings if I run short of time Get the second loco converted to DCC with a digihat Complete the third scenic board Complete wiring of boards. build a control panel- stud and probe for now get backscenes printed build




Howdy. Sorry not to update regularly( trouble with this blog concept) but I haven't being doing a lot for the past week, just rebuilding a turnout, and tweaking a couple more. In the process of lifing these, have had some second thoughts and all the track has been removed ( messy!) from the lack shelf, and a new simple little baseboard constructed out of some timber I bought in last year for the purpose. The overriding reason was the difficulty of attaching cobalt motors ( which having played



Detailing two old models.

Sorry for these long delays between inputs but modelling time must take precedence over key-board time! I'm underway with two ex GCR locos and their tenders, being identicle 4000gallon Robinson types. These are going to be my first attempt at this new-fangled CSB suspension thingy; at least, my version of it. More perhaps in a few weeks time. But last time here, I was going on a bit about loco conversion to EM gauge so what follows is a run-down of my detailing of a Bachmann J72 and a J50 kit l

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

It's been a while, so...

Not much has happened recently. I've made the new drawbar hitch for the Jubilee, and, at least in principle, it works. The only problem is, it looks as if I'm going to have to solder the wires to the old hitch - and that either means removing the wheels, or else trying not to hit them with the iron. (Both fill me with dread.) and then onto the new hitch, which either means removing the brass bits and then reattaching them, or else... actually, that's exactly what it involves, since you shouldn't

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Into the 21st Century, Shapeways, 3d models and other far too complicated (for me) stuff.....

Whilst I've been hacking away at bits of plasticard and savouring the aroma of EMA's Dichloromethane, I've been highly impressed with some of the various new methods that have been shown on here.   One of the prototypes that I've been researching with a view to building probably as a master to use for resin castings is the iconic (well in Leeds tramway circles!) Middleton Bogie, which for the majority reading who probably don't know what I'm on about looks like this.   http://www.tramway.c..

Red Devil

Red Devil

CDR Class 5 nears completion

After much blood, sweat and tears, the Class 5 is finally running reasonably smoothly under power (that's tempting fate!). Electrical pick up from the track is not perfect, I think partly due to the rigid chassis and maybe to the mazak wheels. I don't know what mazak is like as a conductor and the treads seem to get dirty pretty quickly - they were filthy after 45 minutes on the rolling road. I'm waiting for couplings before doing much more. It all comes apart for painting.



Back from the Dead

It's been a while, 6 months I see from the last entry, but like buses three come along at once. Various real life (what model trains are not real life?) issues prevented much (any) progress with things for a long time. A couple of exhibition visits of late have really got me motivated again and after I treated myself to a frankly ridiculous desk light that Precision Paints had on offer at the Watford show I had to have a test.   I've been working on the trio of Bachman Macaw Bs that were acqui



More research required ................

I know I set myself a week to finish this one, but ................. I blame valentine's day, a long story, for another time.     While not completely finished, they still need further weathering, I’m happy with the result so far. All I need now is to finish the warwells and warflats and order some more warwells, plus find some bogies I've got hidden in a box, somewhere!   On a side note, whilst at happy hour last week in the Sergeants mess, the topic got around to me and my model trai



First adventures in soldered trackwork

I thought I'd start with NN3 trackwork on the basis that I was doing the first test build with a roller gauge and no jigs, along with no experience. I figured that however dodgy it turned out it wouldnt be totally amiss as an industrial narrow gauge siding. It's also using Z standards so its a good deal more forgiving and coarse spec than 2mm trackwork proper.   I have learned several things   - that the ends of the rail are sharp and next time I should cover them in tape so less blood is in

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

Class 22 - Part 5

It Lives!   This is a quick update with some good news about my class 22 - this afternoon postman brought me an Atlas MP15DC that will provide the chassis for the class 22.   It had taken about 5 weeks to arrive from New Jersey. I was rather beginning to think that it was never going to arrive and wishing that I'd just found a nice Farish class 20 like everybody else does.   Naturally, being a patient sort of chap, after a fairly cursory test to make sure that it wasn't dead, the body was



It's progress, but slow progress

Well, it's been a couple of months since I last updated this blog. Christmas has come and gone and while there has been a fair amount progress and decisions made in some areas, others are less settled.   The good news first. The location of the layout has been settled. We have a small room in the house that has been cleared / and made ready.   Unfortunately the nature of the layout has changed. It's still a intermodal depot / dock with container ships and so on, by instead of a loop with hi



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