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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

How to get carried away...

... or, 'Yes, it's me, Mr Indecisive!'   It's fair to say that I have not exactly made any sort of progress on the layout for well over a month, probably more in fact. I've had far too much stuff going on lately to even comprehend touching the layout let alone working on it.   So today I wanted to change that and find some time to do some modelling. Unfortunately, things didn't go to plan and I couldn't find my mojo! Suffice to say, nothing got done.   I think that the reasoning behind thi



Delph - Back to slow progress

After departure of the visiting West Country and its train of enthusiasts, it's back to the slow progress with layout construction. I must say, without the station and goods shed in place, it does look to have taken several steps backwards!   Since my last post, back in December '10, I have been working on the station board. All the track is now wired (except final connections to the Tortoise moters and AJ uncoupling magnets), cosmetic chairs fitted to the points and cosmetic fishplates fitted

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

Indulging Myself (Ver 2.0)

Hello.   This is another one of those random blog entries that dont seem to fit into any scheme that I might have!   I ordered a short while ago a little NN3 diesel engine body kit produced by the Z Scale club UK as in my big plan I would like to have a go at some narrow gauge stuff sometime in the future. The kit is designed to fit a Marklin Z Scale chassis which I am planning on making a replacement for sometime in the future (no doubt it will be another ramdom blog entry!) but I had a few



How to Not Letter Wagons

For the first time in several months I had very very little on this weekend. Apart from a plan to get the first BBQ of the year in, that got rained off both days and is rescheduled for this weekend ), and a short visit to some of our significant others family I had a good chunk of time to use. Like many modellers I have more than one stash of stuff that I'd like to make one day. There are others that I would like to start soon. I have further stashes of stuff that I bought that is likely to rema



running session

last night I went down the shed to do some modelling, but nothing got done ! I ended up just playing trains. The UP short freight arrived and needed switching !   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QQk74xzDAM     John



Midhurst Show

Well, yet another Midhurst show has passed, and Weyford came through its latest test very well. One or two minor issues were quickly sorted, after which we settled down to some serious running. It was clear that much work had gone on during the week to get it up to some suitable standard; although it is still very much a work in progress...   A few pictures (in no particular order) of the day from Weyford's point of view...     Next up; Abingdon with Yama



Trackwork part 2

Greetings. I think seeing the Derby layout ( and a couple of days break) must have inspired me a bit, because this afternoon I took a few hours to relay the track for ****** on the new board A. Here are a few pictures. You can see that I have added an extra point/ siding for the coal yard, which will make the crossing interesting... However there are prototypes on the old Midland. The turnouts are reliant on pbc sleepers for switching, so I hope that is not disaster No2 waiting to happen..!




End game now.   Well it always feels like it to me when you start the painting. Probably still weeks away yet!! I've finished lining and lettering one side. I have to say I'm impressed with the Fox lining. Apart from one piece, it's gone on really well. Engine had 2 coats of Halfords Satin Black first. A couple of blemishes have been noted but once the transfers are sealed I'll tone everything down anyway. Numbers are also Fox. Emblem is methfix exPC now HMRS. Just need the blasted motor to



You too can have a body like this....

(or the sweet smell of success singed fingernails!)   Pete asked last time about progress on the body of the shunter. At that time I had only cut a few parts from the etch and formed things like the cab steps and the funny little boxes in front of the cab. I wasn't sure how much I could assemble without needing to check the fit of the motor and gearbox, so it didn't seem sensible to progress too far too fast.   After a fairly stressful week at work, I decided to celebrate on Friday by e

2mm Andy

2mm Andy

Ooh, you filthy so and so!

From the moment I saw this picture: http://gallery6801.f.../p61948874.html   I knew I wanted to model it. Admittedly, I've not gone down the 100% fidelity route, so the details are still that of the Bachmann tank, representing a Met-Camm built example, but it's close enough, I feel. It certainly captures the essence of the prototype, in my opinion.   The first stage was to mix up a wash of white spirit and grimy black powder, and give the barrel a good coat of that. Once dry, any excess



More detailing on the Class 5

Having sorted out what couplings are to be used, I have been able to get on with detailing the buffer beam area. The central buffers/ couplings, which are purely cosmetic, are knocked up from bits from my scrap box. It would have been nice to have some castings! I have also added some detail to the rear of the bunker which was looking a bit bare. I will leave off the rear vac pipe until after painting and lining.   I have also finished off the drive assembly on Railcar No. 4 so that is now run



New House. New Scale

For quite some time I have not only been meaning to update the blog and my profiles, but also bemoaning the lack of layout space in the new house, to be fair I thought we were getting a nice big convertible loft but due to the design of the house this has proved, for the time being anyways, not to be too straightforwardm due to the design of the house.   I was halfway tempted by the most recent N gauge releases and the advances in 2mm finescale of producing 'relatively' easy to build track, th

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

A day out in Derby..

I got the chance today, while I was up visiting friends, to pop over to see the 7mm MR layout under construction at the Silk Mill museum. Interesting to see bridges and buildings under construction, and the marvellous engines and rolling stock running. I suppose the layout must be around 60 feet by 15 feet? These phone pictures can only give an impression of this layout:           Inspirational. If you want to see it for yourself, bear in mind that the museum closes for TWO YEA



82044 - continuing work in 'OO'

As part of the on-going work to get some new/different stock ready for use on 'Engine Wood' at Railex in May, I've started work on 82044, which started life as 82029.   There were only 2 or 3 black Standard Class 3 tank locos left on the Western, once Swindon had painted the rest of the Region's allocation green, and 82044 was one of them.   Allocated to various sheds in the early 1960s such as Barrow Road/Taunton/Exmouth Jct/Horton Road, she was given a unique livery from 1963, in that the

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

No baseboard hell this time!

I must confess that today I have done something I never thought I'd do, allow me to explain. My small EM gauge layout "The Works Yard" has as its fiddle yard a small sliding sector plate running on some quite expensive drawer runners, the sliding action is really nice and smooth and so it should be for the price I paid for them .   However, because the movement required sometimes is beyond the end of the runners (in other words they are being used in the same fashion as they would be for sa

Turin 60

Turin 60

Countryside Planning

I promised that I would do a layout plan to highlight how the layout will look. I have taken the time to do that today and here it is: Board 1 is the original board. It has seen some remodelling of the station tracks to give longer passing loops, more room at the depot and more siding space with the option of using one of the sidings as a third platform. Board 2 is the extension module I have built. The woodwork for this is largely done and the track has been partially laid. It is a small h

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Austerity can be colourful!

nevard_110225_harry_IMG_9284_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Yesterday this colourful happy chappy called Harry arrived second hand from Paul Steedman of RHB Rhatia fame (see his layout the latest Model Rail International just out - get it from Smiths) . As you can see, the loco is in very nice condition too in its rather smart red, which is anything but 'austerity'.   This Hornby model is a little dated so it could do with a little work to bring it nearer to today's expect

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Junction Box - down the drains

Here are a few pics of the drain downpipes before painting. They are fabricated from 1mm brass tube with split pins soldered at appropriate points to represent the joints and fixings.   Photos of the stench pipe to follow.   I have revisited my copy of Midland Record No2 and have now found a way of representing the handrail clamps on the walkway so my next task is to make up the signal box walkways from nickel silver strip, brass pins and 0.3mm wire.



Mr Grumpy's Friday Snap

nevard_110222_catcott-collett_DSC_1470_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Swindon's finest 3206 pauses at Catcott Burtle with the 2.20pm service from Highbridge to Evercreech Junction during the rear end of the summer of 1965. Note the brisk westerly wind catching the exhaust (which I admit to being Photoshoppery).   OK, enough of the old tosh, hopefully the grass is a good advert for static grass "ground foam is so 90's don't you know?". The reeds are not the right colour and

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

23. The station wall

The OO Garden Shed By John Geeeee   After a few months of lack of enthusiasm for modging about in a cold shed, I have finally got back on with things and finished off a new wall for the station. It's scratchbuilt using Wills Stone sheets and painted with cheap artist acryics in my usual method. Yellow Ochre basecoat, repeated burnt umber washes untill some of the dark brown starts to settle on the big stone, then finish with a creamy coloured wash and wipe off with a damp kitchen towell to lig

John Geeee

John Geeee

"45742, Connaught"

Was experimenting with some weathering techniques on my repainted Jubilee, 45742 Connaught (nameplates ordered and to be fitted when they arrive).   Overall I wanted the weathering to look darker and grimier than I've done previously, but my experiment hasn't really worked. However, the real coal in the tender does look the part better than the moulded coal, even if it's a little higher than it should be.   See what you think - it needs nameplates and front piping to finish, and mayb

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Easy build 108

This is not a start to finish "How to build" blog but just my experiences building a very new kit. Sorry if it's posted in the wrong place. I am new to this. Just about to start a JLTRT 52, any advice ?   Martin   In loving memory   Ziggy the cat   RIP



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