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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A chapel for Paynestown

I wanted a typically South Wales-looking chapel/church for Paynestown but as the layout developed, it didn't look as if there'd be room for it. However, I've since decided that I don't like the hill on the right side of the model (behind the carriage shed), which was done in a hurry and has never looked quite right to my eyes. By slicing the top off, I can create enough area for a reasonable sized building which will help reinforce the location.   There are enough chapels in my neck of the woo

Barry Ten

Barry Ten

Small Scenic test-piece

Having had more deliberations, and particularly having seen the 'circular' Woodhead layout I think its time for more thought on the final layout. I'm now thinking circular is the way to go, which is what the man who forwarded the article said! (cheers Stewart! )and looking to see how either Helmsdale or Forsinaird stations on the Far North line would fit into that, they are both stations which in real life are quite curved in nature and so would look none the worse for being in circular format

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Detailing a Deltic - Buffer beams and slowly getting the look right - P4 Deltic Pt 10

Well, with the first of the class celebrating her (his?) 50th birthday this week (delivery to BR 28th Jan 1961) and about to embark on a mammoth 3-day rail tour. Funny to think that 50 years after delivery, 29 years after withdrawal, a Deltic will tomorrow haul a train from the NW into Euston, On Saturday, it’ll run down and up the ECML between the capitals (and I’ll be enjoying this bit), and on Sunday it’ll depart Paddington back for its NW home. Absolutely Splendid!!!! Well done Martin




nevard_110303_brewhouse_IMG_9322_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Just a quick update this evening; here Saffy and Fleur give me a hand wiring up Brewhouse Quay. The soldering iron was not plugged into the wall.... at that stage.....   Btw, the first loco ran under its own power shortly after this snap was taken - using electricity, not thrown at one of the cats should anyone ask!    

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Generation X

More progress on the railcars. In the above picture you will notice the new cab for the X5600 that has been stuck into position and the alterations to the front of the X3800 to make it look more like the inspection vehicle X3900. Also note the citroen vans that arrived yesterday. This view affords a better view of the X5600 cab. It is not quite perfect yet and perhaps needs new front and rear sides but the rest is good and I am pleased with the scale of it.   The base boards are also

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

coombe junction - moorswater - fade to grey...

Update,   Finally got around to finishing the basic roof on the old dries building last night. When I looked further at the construction, I realised it was the same as the lower panels, and that the shadow was infact concealing small purlins which aligned with the lower ones...so a bit more tedium I have also lined the rooflight openings ready to receive some glass panels which will be added after the painting/weathering commences.   When I placed the final piece of the roof in place I real



Part 10: Downtown Deco kits

Hi all, since the last entry I have bought some kits from Downtown Deco, I thought it would be good to show how I painted them.   This entry will show how to paint and weather the Adams Ave #1, The owner of Downtown Deco, Randy Pepprock, had a thread at a big US Forum on how to paint it, but it was deleted as it was being called "advertising".....   I hope this will show the methods that can be used to paint and weather it. Sure, it´s not as elaborate as Randy´s was, but I think it wi

M Graff

M Graff

My Workbench for March 2011

My workbench depends on what I'm doing, so it tends to be set up all over the place depending on current circumstance. Here is the mobile workbench as seen right now at the beginning of the month of March. Click on the image to reveal a bigger view and to be able to read the rather hastily added pointers of what is where.    

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard


One of the stations (and villages) I love to visit up north is Helmsdale, I've seen so many old pics of steam and also BRCW diesel days, reading some articles today has made me think this could be modelled convincingly in a 3'6 to 4 ft diameter circular layout, you can tell I've been reading the RM article about the 2FS Woodhead route!   Helmsdale has the advantage of being situated on a fairly tight curve anyway, and also has prototypical scenic breaks.

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Test Track- or dig straight in?

Whilst the layout I'm dreaming up is neither huge nor unduly complex, I am having a little trouble getting to grips with the actual change of scale - and the various point-building systems in 2mm   The couple of scratchbuild plans for buildings and stuff I've drawn up are just not looking right and tending to overscale. Starting to wonder if another little test-tracky type diorama might serve a purpose in getting used to the scale before making a move with a serious layout.   Having looke

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Just another quick update

Well, there is good news to report. I ordered two - well it's always good to have a spare - V2 trailing bogies from BRLines. The nice thing is that they have a drawbar attached, and the even nicer thing is that it reaches the original hitch. The nicest thing of all is that it carries electricity. Yes, folks, the Jubilee pacific lives! And the tender is closer coupled as well. So close coupled, in fact that I had to trim the fall plate down a bit. Which was good because it was possibly a bit too

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon

Back from Toytown

OK, so some might think Switzerland isn't quite toy town, but having spent over a week in Lauterbrunnen it certainly seems like it!   I now have some 300+ photo's to sort out, a bunch of videos (no sound as I didn't bring my video camera) and this will take me a while....   Some modelling ideas:   A ski carrier: The WAB has these on its old trains, essentially a low side wagon with a rack on it for skis The BLM: All trains are made up of one railcar plus a wagon The turning triangle b



More from Tomytec

It has been quite a while since I updated this blog, however some more good news in terms of modern cars.   Tomytec have announced their latest car collection - number 14 in the series. This is a return to modern vehicles, this time superminis...   http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10141200   The collection contains four types of car:   Honda Today Suzuki Wagon R Daihatsu Hijet Cargo Mitsubishi i-MiEU   Most of these are seen on UK roads, and I am sure they will prove to be hugely popular.



Shunting high and low

...might be a suitable title for this set of images I took this past Sunday – inspired by a certain song by a-ha .       These are two of the fifteen class 218 diesels which have been set aside to serve as breakdown assistance locos for ICE trains, and are stationed at various major stations in Germany. The one in front is 218 837 – looking closely, you may be able to see the Scharfenberg coupler adaptor just below the buffer stop's beam.   I then noticed there was some shunting goi

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Miniature Diorama for a Bachmann Presflo, now with a coal hopper instead...

A general finishing off of the previous project.   Well I have glued all the loose bits down, decided on the capping on the top of the wall, painted the white bits of foamboard that were showing, added some bits of streaking on the brickwork adjoining the drainpipe and tried to tone down a few bits of the ballast.   The presflo remains unweathered so has been changed for a weathered Hornby coal hopper fitted with three link couplings. Some of the photos below rather cruelly show up the crude

Lord Summerisle

Lord Summerisle

Time to tie up a lot of loose ends!

Well after a lot of different ideas competing for an end on, stacked up space in a small airing cupboard, its hopefully time to tie up all the loose ends.   That 'clear moment' type thing came not only looking at a beautiful blue Loch Fyne yesterday, but also that there are some fairly big gaps in what I want out of N gauge RTR, I dont have the position time-wise to build alot of things and the combination of a new and decent-ish 24 and the prospect of the Dapol 26 becoming reality are what a

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

3 plank Open in GWR red

The whitemetal wagon kits from David Geen have tempted me for many years, so I thought it was time I gave them a go.     I began with this round-ended 3-planker of 1881 vintage, for use in my “out of period” running sessions.       The good stuff! Nothing like a bit of research to start off a new kit. The round ends were not long-lived on the 3-plankers. From 1883 the GWR introduced square ends, and many of the existing round-ended wagons appear to



Rusty irons and pontification

To keep my mind from wondering I have spent an hour tonight making a start on weathering the hangar and pillbox. To do this I enlisted the help of some water crayons that I found in the deep dark depths of the cupboard. I'd never used them before so I didn't quite know what to expect, but from what I can see so far, it looks like quite a good way of weathering plastic.                     In the mean time, I will give some more thought to the extension. I don't want to add



Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Junction Box - The Walkways

Before getting on to the construction of the walkways here are a few photos of the 'stench pipe' fabricated from 1.5mm brass tube bent to a suitable shape with the connection to the loo added for good measure!!   After much thought I decided to make the walkways from nickel silver strip and wire in order to give it a degree of strength and to minimise any accidental damage. Looking at the set of drawings of the 20ft box in Midland Record No 2 there is a good drawing of the handrail cla



Eighty percent double deck

Evening all!   There was a slightly odd formation working the RE 4609 service this morning:     ...with two 111s top-and-tailing four double deckers and one "n" type coach, the latter of which you may be able to see just emerging from the shed. The loco in the lead was 111 217.   This odd formation may have been due the Frankfurt-Würzburg-Nuremberg regional line currently being interrupted between Aschaffenburg and Laufach due to construction work, with replacement buses filling the ga

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

Slag Ladle Wagon - part 5.

More work on the weathering. Followings Robert's (RT Models) advice I've sprayed the wagon with a few light coats of Humbrol 62 Leather (thinned with de-ionised water) to hopefully give an unpainted rusty finish. Personally I'm quite pleased with it as some of the dark base colour still shows. I'm unsure whether to add the lime stains, some ladles seem to be stained whilst others aren't. Also to be added are some dark stains around the trunions and springs to represent grease.       Opin



My First White Metal Kit

Old tosh: Templecombe's familiar ex-LSWR G6 No. 30274 is captured here under stormy looking skies at Combwich on one of its very rare outings from shunting in Templecombe Upper Good Yard. Click on the photos to enlarge.   Fact: Here's my very first white metal kit in the form of a Wills LSWR G6. I recall at the time buying a Wrenn SECR R1 0-6-0 for the chassis. In 1979 when I built this kit, the missing centre flange on the heavy duty chassis was reasonably acceptable, with many rea

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

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