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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

V.2 Operation Mirror Image [Part 2]

Last night I altered a few bits on the plan, so just to keep you up to date the plan should appear below:       Now, originally the layout was built to be transported in a small car, however, it doesn't fit! Therefore I have had to use my dad's van which has ample room in both width, length and height. If I was to start this again (which, for the record, I won't ) I would double-check the room available in the car BEFORE building the layout. (Lesson learnt there I should think ) This mea



Compensation units

One month has passed since my decision to enter the Armchairs Modellers Challenge was taken. With the holiday and a few other things going during February not a lot has happened. So over the last couple of evenings I've squeezed in some modelling time and started to look at a couple of wagon compensation units.   My aim is to try two or three different compensation units on the wagons. I've a couple of frets from Bill Bedford, some MJT frets plus some Exactoscale units. I've used an old D&



A small scenic test piece, measure once, cut twice!

Well after getting the station windows something like, straightening out as the glue went tacky reduced the 'pinging off' effect and subsequent swearing.   Maybe I got complacent, measured out and cut up the plasticard for the goods shed, put it all together tonight, tested it with a box van and erm, it doesnt fit through the door - so thats the first time I've been underscale - I'm thinking then that N gauge is slightly larger than 'true 2mm' then - the door should be a scale 10ft wide and

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Delph - Goods shed revisited

In order to correct some unsightly gaps in the cut out in the cork underlay, where the goods shed fits, I have temporarily re-fitted the shed. Suitable cork infills have now been fitted. Eventually, the shed will be surrounded on three sides by cobble stones. The total thickness of the cobbled area will be roughly 4 mm so as to be flush with the top of the rails. Similar to Martin Nield's description of the typical L&Y yard arrangement in the latest MRJ, the yard at Delph (ex-LNWR) had a dou

Dave Holt

Dave Holt

First steps ...

I've been trying to think over the last couple of weeks about how to start a blog, then I remembered that somewhere in some dusty box there might still be some photogrphic evidence of my last layout.   After a little help from my father, the pictures were found ... I must apologise for the quality, they were taken about 20 years ago on a disk camera (if anyone can remember what they were).     This is a general overview of the layout as installed in my parents loft.     While thes

peter findlay

peter findlay

Class 22 - Part 6

Progress continues on the class 22, but at a rather slower pace now that I'm working on the detailing of the nose ends. There's a lot to do here (and it still isn't finished) and it's definitely a place at which the Worsley Works scratch-aid kit becomes more scratch than aid.   The Prototype   The nose is another place on the class 22 where a lot of detail variations appear. I won't attempt to cover all of them here. The most obvious is the presence or absence of headcode boxes. These were n



V.2 Operation Mirror Image

Despite my status update earlier, I'm still planning an extension, not just a fiddle yard. Here's my latest plan after a thought struck me earlier. It occurred to me that my abnormally-shaped plan for my extension would be hell to transport! So, I took the original layout and mirrored it and came up with this:     This design allows me to stack the two boards on top of one another. I'd have to create a squared off section for the original board to make it easier to connect the two boa



Nonneminstre Fowler Resilient - sandpipes, handrails and rainstrips.

Another loco that needs finishing is my OO9 Fowler diesel. So last night I fitted the sandpipes which are bent up from .7mm brass rod, cabside handrails (.45mm brass) and rainstrips. These were made from 1mm brass angle which just needed cutting to length. All material is supplied with the kit although I used Gibson wire for the handrails. Still to be fitted are the exhaust, fuel and rad. fillers and brake column, these will be glued in place after painting. Some pics;     Showing the sandp



Ahead with caution..

Greetings.   I have spent this week doing a bit here and there on the railway board; mainly adding droppers for track feeds and attaching the cobolt point motor to the station entry section - though it is not as yet wired up to the turnout to supply polarity switching. I used a double sided pad to initially locate the motor as advised, then found I only needed 3 of the fixing screws, partly screwed in, to make it a firm fit. I can't say it is exactly "quiet" in operation - though I have nowt



CDR and general update on workbench progress

Not that much progress this week. Both Railcar No.4 and Class 5 Drumboe have both been primed, filled and the primer touched up.Not only is it amazing how the primer shows up little imperfections that had previously gone unnoticed, but the odd one even appears after the first coat of colour has been applied, hence the filler below the front window on the railcar! This has put back the application of red paint a day or two. I also have to decide what to do about the red. In my opinion, the Precis



The Carriage shed

When I researched what I needed and what was commercially available I came to a dead stop   I decided that I needed a 2 track carriage facility and had a choice of either shed or cleaning facility - I decided on a shed   so started to research what one would look like and found a dearth of information so working on what I could find re buildings from the Midland Railway / the LMS / The GCR / LNER with window shapes, brick patterns. I started to feel like an archeologist doing this but it wa



The village

This relates to one corner of the layout where I have three terraces of Scalescene houses altered slightly as some have continuous slate roofs there is one full house set and two (a nine and a four terrace) which are low relief these are bounded by a road which has hedges and a fence divide from the tracks



The Basics - what my layout is

Right Simple description A 20 foot by 12 foot loft tailchaser layout - I have two Main lines and a "Branch" which is also a tailchaser pretending to be 2 branchlines   The time frame is 1960's The Region is Joint Midland/Eastern region So the idea is Steam with Early Diesel mostly dirty Green, with early blue creeping in. There is an MPD with turntable and 5 track shed, a mainline station and Carriage shed capable of holding 6 coaches then a branchline station and an indu



And now for something completely different... A first foray into 7mm and brass.

I bought this a couple of years ago and only got round to starting on it a month or so ago, it's a Connoisseur models LNER 20 ton MAC - L Low Machine Wagon, well out of my normal scale and period. It was purchased at a show with the intention of building my knowledge about working with brass, and the proprietor of Conisseur models couldn't have been more helpful and friendly in helping me out and recommending one of his 'skill builder' kits specifically designed for the novice. Thankfully the co

Lord Summerisle

Lord Summerisle

A small scenic testpiece: Speyside & Kestrel kit konversion

Amongst other things (including posting off the order for track) have been looking at plans and buildings today, for the trial run I am looking for simple plans and came back to the idea of building another Deadwater but in 2mm or looking at the Speyside line from Nethy Bridge to Craigellachie.   Heres a few picutres from a previous visit       - would anyone care to hazard a guess to the dimensions of this magnificent goods shed?   I've been looking at the kestrel kits that I ha

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Box - Walkways & Completion

With the walkways now complete and painted - a coat of Halfords white primer with the planks given a wash of Humbrol 53+62 - the time has come to fix them, the steps and the firebuckets to the box.   I decided to fix the walkways to their support brackets using a thin coat of araldite so that removal for any repair at a future date is possible. Here are a selection of photos of the completed signal box - I hope you like the result - I certainly do.  



First train!

At approx 18.30 on March 4 the first train ran on the new layout - a complete circuit, that is. I had run over a few yards of track in the storage yard several weeks ago, but today's run marked the completion of the outer track on the British section of the layout. The honours went to a Hornby 'T9' and the Imperial Airways set. A '28xx' followed, with the same rolling stock, including a 12-wheel Pullman just in case there were any rough spots to be found. I discovered that I've forgotten how to



Show and Tell

Don't forget, you can come along to the Mansfield Show this weekend and watch me, probably very slowly, working on Fourgig East.   I hope to be laying track, wiring up, soldering up some more track, fitting a point motor (hopefully) and maybe some ballasting.   All the Scalescenes buildings will be with me too.   Come along and say hello



Unfinished GWR red wagons in 2mm FS

This short entry was prompted by recent discussion of the old GWR wagon red, in Mikkel's recent blog entry on the Farthing layouts for a 3-plank open in GWR red, at http://www.rmweb.co....pen-in-gwr-red/   I suspect that any attempt to distinguish between red and grey wagons in old photographs is going to be difficult, perhaps impossible, due to the similarity between the two shades when converted to grey in the photo - specially as we don't know what shade the red originally was, and it prob



Working Timetables

A day off from the class 22 (and work too)…   Ever since I first decided on my chosen region and period I have been on the lookout for decent information about how the real thing was actually operated at that time. Unfortunately documents like working timetables for this period have never surfaced during my visits to places that sell these things and even now that we have the Internet they don't seem to appear very often.   With the creation of St Ruth (which is in my region and set in a v



Preliminary sketch, how not to paint a seaplane and more weathering

Hello again, Here's a sketch of the possible extension. The existing hangar will be extended and will have an apron sitting next to it along with yet another slipway. I have also shown the beached seaplane at the back (will be the Catalina in the photos below) and the beach, trees (forming the scenic break) and locomotive shed. P.S. If your place of work does not allow these images to appear, let me know! For larger images, go to 4mmsr (Calshot's Blogspot). Images are clickable there.



Inspiration for a backscene

I am a huge admirer of Neil's Shell Island and greatly admire the simplicity of his 'less-is-more' backscene, but I'm a colour-blind dunce when it comes to art, so for my own backscene I'm going to need something solid and physical. Much of my inspiration for an urban setting has come from Hendre Lane, Anderstaff Yard, Mossley Terrace and Thorne Yard. I particularly like the blue brick retaining walls, but feel that for credibility they can't be very high and as I feel something like 15" height



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