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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

The plank of many uses

A little while ago I showed the results of some experiments with DAS clay to produce the inset track for Ropley yard. I was pleased enough with the results to know this is how I'm going to tackle the shed area once I reach that stage of the layout, but since then I've been giving some though to the more 'normal' ballast for the main lines through the station and around the ash pit.   For my modern image test board I used Woodland scenics fine ballast, although for N it isn't really fine enoug



And we're off...

yes, off to a flying start with some actual non-practise weather.   Originally, I was going to do a detailed step by step account of what I've built and how I've done it. However, I have since changed my mind. Instead, I will write about how I've done stuff but at certain stanges, such as starting, built, modifications, painting and weather. But that will come later. At the current time, I have just finished a small rake of Parkside 13t hi-bar wagons, all the the trafers were modelmasters and

Sylvian Tennant

Sylvian Tennant

Small Scenic test-piece: Banff-ish Buildings

A start has been made on the trainshed buildings, much confidence gained from getting the plans for the real one, thanks to a fellow RMWebber, much appreciated.       as mentioned before this layout will be 'inspired by' Banff, not a meticulous rendition. - the building is definitely to be compressed lengthwise, having checked the plans, the full size would not fit in (and the one I've started building only just fits in- there may have to be more tweaks to the track )   I'm much hap

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

coombe junction - moorswater - inse(r)t here...episode I

Update,   Good evening - Following the status of the two dries buildings I knew it was time that I could no longer put off the need to tackle the inset track to the sidings area. This was not something I was looking forward to, and comes a close second to fence and tree making in the tedium tasks.   I had pondered for a long while whether to do it 'dry' in card or 'wet' in clay. For my sons 4mm china clay Blue diesel layout (no brain washing there then ) I did the inset track in grey artists



More bogie progress

With the coming of Spring, almost, I've been able to get on with the class 37 bogies, with the key being the assembly of enough traction motors to test assemble the first one. It's been too cold to do anything in the shed!     Putting the 3 motors in place showed exactly where the cross-members needed to be trimmed, to prevent the reduction gears fouling on them. A bit of a design cock-up there! These have now had sections cut out with a piercing saw, which doesn't seem to have affected



Small Scenic test-piece: full size templot plan & making a start on seawall

a bit of a problem getting decent pics in this small scale, suppose I will get used to it!   - the goodshed will be on a plinth/platform which will make it correct height, just checking clearances here.     Sea wall progress- foamboard or plywood has been used for support on top of which is Slaters 4mm dressed stone, I've gone a scale up to get those 'big stones' effects you get with large sea walls. The gaps are slowly being filled with scrap polystyrene and/or pink foam - messy! nee

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Wiring a Cobalt motor.

Well in spite of general ignorance in such things, I think I've finally sussed out the wiring for my cobalt motor. At least the engine runs through in one switch position, but not the other - I think I need to check that current is reaching every part of the common crossing, as I have gaps in the rails at the correct points. Here is how I think it should be done, based on what I could make out from the DCC Supplies pdf ( it did not come with instructions in the box ):     Any thoughts, c



New Farish loco's announcement

Not so much a modeling update, but goods news. With the release of the Farish production list for 2011, I thought I'd better check on the loco numbers of the proposed Std 5MT. A quick search promptly told me that 372-725 5MT 73068 was sheded at Bath Green Park, 71G, and it was its last before being removed and scrapped. I then did a quick flick through some Ivo Peters books, hoping to find a photo of said loco. It then dawned on me that I had purchased a 35mm slide on eBay several years ago



Mimics & Point Control

Way back in November I referred to my inability to correctly set the double slip without the aid of an illuminated mimic diagram and that I had accordingly decided that the point control must be electrical because my hand operated point units would not readily adapt to driving another limit switch to feed the mimic lamps.     My S4 layout, 'Bowton's Yard' uses Tortoise point operators and these offer a simple circuit to light up LEDs to show the point setting. However 'Wheegram Sidings' is a

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

Down the cylinder drain pipes...adding them to Bulleid Pacifics

Since the introduction by Hornby of the Bullied 'West Country / Battle of Britain' Light Pacifics I have always been meaning to get round to either making or sourcing a representation of the cyclinder drain pipework.   Later Hornby models such as the N15 and Rebuiilt Light Pacific's have these supplied as part of the accessory kit but none of these are suitable for the original style Light Pacifics.   As can be seen below there is quite an obvious gap at the fornt end without the pipes fit



Small Scenic test-piece: refining plans

Following on from the 'basic version' I measured up what was left of the board with a 16" length for fiddleyard, thats a type 2 and shortish freight train (approx equivalent to 2'6" in 4mm which was length of Deadwater cassettes )   So I now have a straight: banff a4.pdf and a curved: bannf curved A4.pdf version, think I prefer the curved, a few tweaks and I think its nearly there.   EDIT : just to add the tweaks, bannf curved A4.pdf a simple alteration to the goods shed line to stra

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Kingham in 2mm (N gauge)

While looking for something else (that I haven't yet found) I did find these old pics of my Kingham Junction layout that are well over 20 years old. I wonder if it's still around somewhere! The second attempt at a back scene looks a lot better than the first, rather bright, one!



CDR Class 5 at 5.5mm/ft

Following on from my last blog, and while transferring pics of Kingham - see separate entry, I found this pic of No. 5 Drumboe that I built some time ago, approaching Killybegs past the engine shed. I can't find any of the pics that I took when it was built, must have been pre-digital so will be in a shoebox somewhere!



Progress at the Mansfield Show

It's not often I look a gift horse in the mouth, so when SWMBO suggested that I fill a gap at the Mansfield Show by manning a demo stand demonstrating the various techniques used to build a layout I thought     and jumped at the chance   So, armed with newly constructed baseboard with cork trackbed and reversed plan glued to the underside, point, plain track and tools etc I set up my tables.   First job was the DCC power bus, done with way over the top 6mm twin and earth blue and brow



Small Scenic test-piece: Plans

Definitely a night off the buildings tonight, both meself and my eyes very tired!   Time to veg-out with the laptop and think what to actually make this stuff into...   as mentioned before Cromdale and Blacksboat have simple-ish track layouts, they are both through stations though with the resulatant waste in fiddleyard space.   I remember also a thread on the old forum by Neil Ripley (Rippers) titled a '1001 layouts I'm not going to build' !There was a plan for a minimalist version of Ba

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

At last - Track laying finished

I received a parcel last week from a very kind member of the China Clay Branchlines Yahoo Group that contained a number of P4 track items. One package in the parcel contained slide chairs which are something I've been lacking. This spurred me on to try and complete the track to a point where I can start installing the wiring. Bringing the layout down into the living room over the weekend enabled me to work on a couple of bits that were a little difficult to get to where I normally have the layou



How to wreck a seaplane

I seem to be on a roll with my modelling this week! Here's today's work turning that Catalina into an abandoned wreck. Still much more to do but it is getting there. These photos have been taken on a piece of mount-board with a backscene propped up behind. I hope you enjoy looking at this set and I would appreciate any comments, good or bad (as long as they're constructive negative comments!). The paint peeling off has been created using a sandpaper attachment on a Dremel. Weathering is with wat

Board width, Q1s and bogie ballast hoppers

A few recent photos to show we're still progressing on the Eridge rebuild.   The southern (country) end of the layout. Those four tracks will converge into two before the fiddleyard, but how much further it will go is still a subject of discussion - there's another trailing crossover not far beyond, and more signals . I'm sure the trap point on the up loop (left hand track) should have appeared by now ...   The platforms are dummy templates, and those canopies may need to be rebuilt becau



Hythe Parkway - Post Abingdon

Hi,   Well, as some of you know, Hythe Parkway was out at the Abingdon Show yesterday.   We had packed up Hythe at the club on Friday evening and got it along to Abingdon, in convoy with Graham_muz and his Fisherton Sarum. Generally, setting up and testing went well, up until we tried to test the extension, but the problem was finally tracked down to myself, putting in some wires in the wrong way! But we left it running well and ready for the show ahead.   We got to the hall on Saturday

St. Simon

St. Simon

Three EM conversions - Here's the pics.

Three locos are converted for EM and the blog includes some details. The following pictures show the locos posed on my S4 layout 'Birch Vale' with all three grouped on the other S4 layout 'Bowtons Yard'.. I'm currently building two more locos from scratch, a J10 and a Q4 but it will be a while before they can pose on a layout! May put up some progress pics though. But my next entry is more likely to be about the point control and mimic panel for Wheegram Sidings, the layout this blog is supp

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

A bit more progress at last!

The first few plinth/pier combinations are assembled. The M4 rodding is used to adjust the positioning whilst the assembly is glued up.   These will make up into the middle 9 arch section.     The classic view. The holes will have to be tidied up prior to being clad with English bond plasticard/SE Finecast vacuum formed plastic.  



Preserved pre-nationalisation carriages: available OO, HO and N RTR models

Here's a summary, as far as I can find out, those survivors available RTR in OO, HO or N in current or forthcoming production and discontinued RTR models, straight out of the box. This is based on the Vintage Carriages Trust database www.vintagecarriagestrust.org/surveystatus.asp on survivors known to have entered preservation, and are still in existence. Examples where they exist only as grounded bodies or underframes on preservation sites are marked with an askerisk *   Each model has been c



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