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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A day enjoying twin Napier Deltic haulage on the East Coast Main Line

I thought that I’d just write a short report of the splendid run up and down the East Coast Main Line that about 600 of us experienced on Saturday 5th March whilst enjoying twin-Napier power it all its glory.   An early start was called for in order to get to Kings Cross for a due departure slot of 8.18... (ugh 6am at Haywards Heath - far too early for a Saturday) and after grabbing a few shots of the magnificent machine, Royal Scots Grey, left Kings Cross roughly on time before accelerating



Neptune Road - Inglenook Adventure

After fitting resistance to the axles of the wagons I have selected and now fitted with Kadee's for use on Neptune Road, I am pleased to report 99.9% uncoupling every time.   As the first exhibition outing is now on the cards for June, detailing work continues.   Thanks for looking Roger     Picture taken by Marc Smith



Axle Loading

Just a quick post to show the track work is progressing. The ongoing saga of tweaking the points continues.   I have devised a little test axle to show up any faults with the track, quick to build and fun to play with. I hope it is of use to someone.




Having spent a couple of days modelling for a change, my gunnel conversions have seen more progress   In each case the work involves Removal of all moulded detail Fitting new hopper top from plasticard Gluing body to chassis Filling resulting gaps and holes from end detail Cutting 1 and a bit PGAs to make an ex salt hopper (leaving extra to build a second) Adding deep headstocks to 390520 Correcting procord boards (either romoval or relocating one side)   There is a long way to go a

The Fatadder

The Fatadder

Rebuilding the fiddle yard, a work in progress.

Well several weeks have passed since the last update and it feels like there has not been a huge amount of progress. Part of this has been down to my own stupidity, placing an order for the wrong type of rail, thankfully getting the right type only took an extra week or so. Since getting the extra rail a couple of other issues have taken my mind of modelling a little but I have go some done.   I have completely stripped the fiddle yard. On one of the boards I have built 3 new points that a



Middleton Bogie painted......

I decided to smooth out the Shapeways Middleton Bogie, easily done with the white detail stuff, basic Halfords primer and 800/1200 wet and dry did the job with no loss of the detail.   I'll let you in on a bit of secret, I'd cocked up on checking bthe CAD and there was a fault with the model, both doors being at the same end so this was only ever going to be an experiment, the CAD has since been corrected and another model ordered. So mI thought I'd hastily throw some paint at it to see if i

Red Devil

Red Devil

Bubble Car and O2 lining

Where did the last fortnight go?   Some progress with the bubble car. Second end finished. Just waiting for the handrails to arrive courtesy of Southern Pride and 'courier'. Think I'll have to lower the original end a bit looking at the photo. Got the High Level lo-rider power bogie installed finally. Was a bit of a struggle as I'd cut off most of the Lima mounting bits when I originally built it. Anyhow, it seems to fit now, though I haven't tried it under power yet. I think it looks alright



Island class makes an appearance

For my birthday I received a Roxey Mouldings Cyprus Government Rly 'Famagusta' kit which is for a 2-6-2T to fit the Farish Prairie chassis. I've always liked big tank engines and this kit is the ideal starting point for a kitbash to represent some of my favourite locos from Irish 3' gauge lines.   Shutters sanded off the cab sides, and beading along tank tops removed - i'll be replacing this with plasticard strip which will go a slightly different route to that on the castings. The boiler



Plodding on

I managed to visit the Wyre Forest Model show at Worcester today to see Foundry Lane close-up, many thanks to Mark for being so welcoming and taking time to explain his construction to me when he was clearly very busy keeping trains moving for his audience. It was a treat to view close-up and inspired me to do some more baseboard construction when I got back. So in keeping with the principle of simplicity I fitted a brace/stretcher/end-piece/sector plate pivot board to the No.1 end. btw Only the



Graft and Italian food.

Hello again. Nobody told me that installing motors and wiring them up was going to be such hard work! I have spent a considerable time this week ( including another few hours this afternoon) doing exactly that. In addition, I've been adding droppers for planned isolated sections - this is going to be DC - not quite "ready" for DCC myself yet, haha! I would post a picture, but I don't think you would be very impressed with my wiring - it is looking like a box of spaghetti now, to be hones



Detailing Diddy Diesels

I've made a bit of progress on the '02', although it doesn't look vastly different from the last set of photos I took!     The bonnet and cab roof have been soldered in place (which has the advantage of making the body much stronger) and a start made on adding all the little details.   Buffers (from Nick Tilston at 'N Brass Loco') have been soldered into place, and the engine cover door handles have been added from bits of bent 0.3mm wire. The handrails on the front footsteps have been ad

2mm Andy

2mm Andy

Spring bounce

An appropriate title in a couple of ways, one, that the first of the production primary springs have taken shape this afternoon, and the coming of Spring has given me a chance to get on with this madcap scheme.   So, for starters, a view of the first bogie with one of the equalising beams in place, on the first two springs:   To the front left are some more springs in various stages of completion. The long coil of wire behind the individual springs is how it starts. This is 0.61mm soft c



Updating older wagons

Whilst looking through my collection of wagons, I discovered my old Hornby 'Red Arrows' box van, which I'd forgotten all about (bonus!) I took a look at it and thought it's make a colourful and unusual addition to the fleet for Whitborough, so I set to work improving it slightly. The modifications went as follows:   1. Remove tension lock couplings and mounting pegs 2. Fill resulting hole in frame 3. Remove moulded buffers (mainly because one was damaged) and replace with brass ones, from



Letting the grass grow under my feet ?

You may have noticed by the lack of posts that I haven't been doing much modelling recently ! Real life has kept me pretty busy and I've been spending more time messing with my other, non railway blog RJRdaydreamer. Last night I wandered down to the shed for a bit of modelling, during the course of the week I had picked up a packet of Noch grass clumps Individual tufts of grass. A pair of pliers and some wood glue were all that was nee



Here's one I did earlier...

This is one of my first attempts and it taught me a few things. One is that these etches are really best used for new construction. With retro fitting there are all sorts of difficulties to overcome and any slight fault in the original construction - for example if it has been assembled out of square - are cruelly highlighted. In this particular case the etches project ever so slightly above the wagon sides, and they should not. I hope to disguise this once the capping pieces are in place.   R



Winter Ends - Almost time to look in the Garage !

Winters more or less ended and I can at last spend a few hours in the garage without freezing ! Mind you , can't show what I'm doing there because it's still too early in the building stages for these hallowed walls !!   What I've enjoyed doing this winter is another diorama. What I like about these is the short span from start to finish. The ability to be creative with modelling ideas at minimal cost and little difficulty in finding somewhere to keep them. So here is an almost finished '



March Update - Two Sir Harry's, a squealing shunter and a Bulleid....

Back from my hols and back to trains. Finally completed is Urie (5,000gl) Tendered N15 30803 Sir Harry le Fise Lake - extremely dirty now and runs ever so sweetly     Here's Sir Harry with the 3,500gl tender so you can see the difference, this ones up for rehoming   Presently on my workbench is a Hornby 08 Shunter, that's a bit of a squealer, on investigation there's no lubrication present, so it's been lubricated up.   Up next is another West Country, in this case (Air Smoothed Cas



Class 222 Meridian in N

As GF have announced they are not doing the 222 ( a wise move, given that all the cars are different - the tooling costs would be horrific), I have decided to have a go myself.   A Farish Voyager was duly purchased and dismantled. As it turns out, apart from the different window arrangements, the front ends are virtually identical apart from the light clusters and buffer skirting.   When removing the chassis from the driving ends, make sure you unclip the front skirting first, otherwise you'



The etches

This is what the MMP etches look like before anyone has had a chance to spoil them. They include not just the (interior) floor, sides and ends but also capping pieces and the tiny capping brackets, wagon label holders and so on.   There is an awful lot of punching out of bolt heads to be done. Whether you find this frustrating or relaxing is down to you.



Muddling on with wagons...

This will be a slow blog, because I am a slow worker. There are all sorts of reasons for this, health mostly. Any road, I am trying to improve my stock of wagons. Some will be sold on (some already have been) to make room as I don't have nearly enough siding space. (My ideal layout would probably be a model of Dewsnap, except I'd need arms like a gibbon to reach over it, since no one has yet invented a 7mm scale working shunter.)   One of my first jobs is to make use of the etched brass wagon



"Codename: Industrial Saddletank." - Part 4

Sean's done a little more work on the front end - sadly we've both been busy with various other projects, but Sean is quietly confident we'll have a pre-production sample for tinkering with very soon. Note, the smokebox surround, reworked smokebox door, handrail and the running plate, all much improved from my original concept model.   Until next time!

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

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