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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Return of 55 002 KOYLI in two tone green

Hi   Not much been happening on the modelling front as it is the time of year to get our yacht ready to go back in water. A lot of hull preparation and not model sized!   However, having the chance to buy a Bachmann 55 002 in 1981 two tone green guise was to much to resist. I had one previously and had added an Express Models light kit but was not satisfied with my efforts so sold it. I have now installed the new body onto my Bachmann DCC Sound loco and mighty fine she looks and sounds. She

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

board and most of the track laying down !

good evening all it has been quite some time since i have updated on here and thought it was time for a progress report. I have sold my old layout (the circle line) and have made a start on a new layout with alot of help from my brother who loves doing word work and track laying so first of all many thanks go to him its much appreciated. The layout is fictional and will have overhead wires when i can get round to ordering the n brass gantrys that i need for spanning the three lines through the



First 4 baseboards made.

Hi all,   Thought I would update my blog, I have now managed to make my first 4 baseboards. As discussed previously I am using the polyfoam technique. The polyfoam was finally purchased from B&Q and measures 1200mm x 500mm Polyfoam Link. I braced the edge of the board using 32mm x 17mm wood. The first board I made the frame and then tried to attach the frame to the foam, this was not easy as the foam wasn’t 100% square. Therefore for the remaining boards I measured and cut each le



No Mojo

Well the modelling Mojo is at an all time low, so I have decided to tidy the shed and lock the door till it comes back.   If I get any minor interest to do anything I will probably just update my modelling blog, rjrmodels as interest in visiting forums is low at the minute too.   Enjoy life !   If you want to find me in the meantime I will be at rjrdaydreamer blogging about other things as the fancy takes me     I guess this image would be a fitting image to end to the blog for the tim



coombe junction - moorswater - Control Alt DELETE...

Update   For those wishing to see something upbeat, please look away now   I spent a few days scraping with a tooldriver and a little sanding in a bid to get things running again in the dries area. Nothing got past the turnout on first pass, so my initial thoughts of gentle scraping of crud turned to some quite severe scraping. Finally the class 25 ran up and down, but it was not great and even my 37 entered the dries area and the wheels parted company with the rails and performed in skatin



2FS: The postman knocks twice..

Well he knocked once really this morning, but he had 2 packages for me from the kindly elves at shop1@2mmfs association. One with the rail, jigs and PCB's and the other with a huge box of Easitrac plastic sleepers. The excitement was too much to contain and with childish zimto opened this all up at the breakfast table. I must say that everything was really well packaged and was very quick in arriving too, only sent the order off last week on Thursday,   So then I set about printing out my te



Town Planning and Rolling Stock

Over the past few weeks I had come to the conclusion that the main village on my layout was born out of lack of thought and that a few changes could be made to enhance the village and make it look similar to other villages and towns in the area it is meant to represent (The Limousin Region of France). So over the weekend I hacked away at a portion of the village and stripped it back. The intention is to create a small road that is on the level that runs paralell to the main road but at a differe

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Servos as Point Operators

As comment on my 8 March input under “Servo Motors as Point Operatorsâ€, ‘Penlan’, referred to problems of setting his system.   While ‘Penlan’ described his problem as related to changes in his mechanical linkage system due to the changeable conditions we meet under exhibition conditions, I considered that the problems I met were caused more by the servo being pulled from its true set position by the drag of the point tie bar.   Certainly I had more trouble with the double slip w

Dave at Honley Tank

Dave at Honley Tank

More work on the Gloucester 7 planker (7mm scale)

The photos show some of the progress described in the last post.   Another advantage of using these for new build is it's possible to give them a thorough clean while still in the flat. I was having some trouble getting the brass-blackening chemicals to work properly on the retro jobs. Then it dawned on me (it should have been obvious!) that they weren't clean enough. It's not impossible, but a lot harder, to clean the interior of a completed wagon with a fibre glass brush.   The Evo-stick t



"Hornby Clerestory Conversions - Part 2"

The next stage to the GCR Clerestory story, has been removing the curved Great Western style grab handles, on the outside of the doors. That was done with a scalpel, and some wet'n'dry paper, followed by some light brush strokes of black primer to check the smoothness of each area before progressing.   The roofs have also been filed down on each of the three coaches I am working on, and after a fairly abortive attempt at building it up to make the GCR curved profile, I'm back to square

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Shapeshifting in Limehouse

I've been having doubts. These doubts were a by-product of kittens. The appearance of the kittens was fuelled by the steep rise of a tankful. Amongst other things. The purse strings are now tuned an octave higher, and horizons brought considerably closer. These factors, and the nagging fascination with micro layouts, has fuelled the selective compression - a withdrawl if you will - onto the board singular you see below. This response aligns closely to Darwinian precepts, in that the



"Hornby Clerestory Conversions"

After a little prompting from a few friends on the LNER Encyclopedia forum, I've started work on modifying some Hornby Clerestories I got on the cheap into some pseudo Great Central Stock, to eventually go into carmine livery.   So here is one of the coaches before: And here it is after its been stripped back, tension lock couplings removed, and the roof filed down to the correct style:   I'm currently scouring the net for a source of roof vents suitable to fit onto the roof,

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Building a 2mm Class 09 - Part 3 - the chassis

20 Jan 2007: I started by cutting up bits of the axle steel into bits approximately 3.5mm long, using a vice and slitting disk. The gear muffs were drilled and reamed until the axle steel would push into them (1.6mm drill was used eventually).   I fitted the lay shaft with the gear at each end first, using a 1.5mm drill first, then pushing it through with one of the short lengths of axle steel. This method worked quite well. The larger gear was catching on the stretcher tab, so it was fi

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

Compression and slight redesign

As mentioned in previous entry I had found I needed to shorten the length of the layout, if you remember it is to be stored end-on in a cupboard space, which I had found to be slightly smaller than the board as built, whoops!   I'd thought a whole 'new start' might be neccessary, but thinking a bit more has led to deciding the following should be ok.   -sawn off board, the board will be cut along the length of the black line, slightly shortening the scenic section, but nicely matching a

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

A1 Models Hunslet Cab part 2.

I haven't touched this one for quite some time. A few 'problems' with it made me put it to one side for a while. However I got fed up with looking at it in the display cabinet unfinished and now I've decided that its time to look at it again. I have most of the parts to finish it so theres really no excuse. I'm not going to be able to make a great model from it but I'll try to make the best of a bad job. Its not going to be an 05, just a generic industrial (the 05's were based on a Hunslet indus



Cruikglen in N gauge – Why fictional Waverley?

I’m fortunate (or not) enough to be involved with two new layouts. Farnham and District Model Railway club’s N gauge group are busy planning for a new layout, as Basingstoke is showing it’s age, and my garage has been cleared of junk and is available as a railway room.   The club layout will be a prototype, and after new members were consulted it was not going to necessarily be a Southern prototype, as the new members all have interests which lay elsewhere. The predominantly Southern lo



Bodging Ben Alder

An apposite title in both sense, as this is a cobbling together of 54398 Ben Alder, the last Highland Railway 4-4-0, which was withdrawn in 1953 and set aside for preservation, only to be scrapped in 1967 as it had a replacement Caledonian boiler, so was deemed as unworthy of saving. A great loss to the Scottish preservation scene, I'm afraid.   Anyway, in common with a lot of modellers of my generation, I have a stache of whitemetal loco kits dating back thirty odd years, and also painful mem

Ben Alder

Ben Alder

And begin again...

Well the last design wasnt working for me as I had no room to extend. I have therefore decided to go for a two sided layout on four 3'x 15" boards (layout attached).   The board with the crossover will have a hill/Tunnel arrangement over it and control equipment inside the curve/railer on the siding.   I am still with the Kato unitrack because I have to much to get rid of - I did carefully consider it this time as it does lead to a larger curve radius requirement than other track types.  



Improving the breed - 7mm scale wagons, the ongoing saga

I have now started my first attempt at using the MMP etched interiors are they were intended, for new construction. Unsurprisingly perhaps I find it is a lot easier to use them this way. I would go so far as to say that instead of trying to retrofit them it's probably a better policy to sell your old wagons on Ebay (or here) and use the proceeds to fund new kits. It might cost a few bob along the way but it will save on frustration and produce (I strongly suspect) better models.   The first w



Back Scenes 3, This Time It's Hardboard...

I have finally got the back scenes on, but not glued permanently. Aside from one or two spots where I need to put some strengtheners i.e. on the joints and ends of curves, I think it has worked out quite well. Here are the 2 station boards.   Its made a big difference to how the layout flows, now its on to track weathering and fixing, plus wiring the bus and point motors! I might even get to start the engine shed thanks to help from you all with the measurements.



Note to self........

......laying gently curving track is a real pain in the....bottom!   Track laying has started at Ropley and the first issue to deal with was how to create the gentle curve of the prototype. I decided the best way to do this was to make up a guide which would be temporarily pinned into place and the track butted up against it before being fixed in place.     The first track to be laid was the point for the station loop. After giving some thought as to how to make the easitrac point base



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