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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

The real Ropley (MHR Spring Gala)

Hi all.   Visited the Mid Hants Railway for their GWR themed spring Gala on Friday and had a thoroughly enjoyable day! All credit to the team there for getting Pitchford Hall within a few days notice of King Edward I not being able to make it via the main line at Alton due to pathing issues.   It really is a lovely stretch of line and I'd recommend anyone who's in the area pay it a visit   Here's a few photos from the day.                         Che



Tramway de la Zones Humides

I've decided to rebuild my 09 "Wetlands Light Railway" as 0n16.5 and relocate it "somewhere in France". This is after some poor running problems with my 09 stock and, as I've got a reasonable collection of 0n30/0n16.5 stock, it seem the right decision. Consequently, I've renamed it "Tramway de la Zones Humides", which may or may not be a correct translation. No doubt someone will correct me. It is now some 21 feet in length, stil by its 1 foot width. Now to start on the tracklaying... Progre



Come in no 1 your time is up.......

LCC no 1 is perhaps my favourite tram, it ended up in Leeds because 2 Felthams were damaged, having looked closely over it at Crich it is a fantastic piece of history, the interior is basically as withdrawn in the late 50s and reeks of the period (not literally but you get my drift.!).     Weeks and months of hacking at bits of plastic had resulted in a part way there model intended as a master.     The one next to it is a borrowed model that despite a few flaws captures no 1 and I ne

Red Devil

Red Devil

Paint Shop Progress 4.

More work in the paint shop this week. The narrow gauge 48DS is now almost finished, its had its final coat of satin varnish and just needs glazing. The main body colour is Revel acryilic Bronze Green and the frames and roof Precision Dirty Black. A pic;     The Nonneminstre Fowler Resilient has had a coat of satin varnish as well. Main body colour this time is Humbrol Brunswick Green, again with Precision Dirty Black for the frames and roof. This still needs its interior painting and the b



Ratio Badger Beer Van

Whilst waiting for some parts to finish the slag ladle I knocked this together. Its an old Ratio pre-printed kit from, I think, the early eighties, found recently on e-bay (thanks to New Puritan for bidding for me whilst I was away). The livery is completely fictional but the van itself is Ratio's rather fine GWR 12T vent van. A couple of pics;       Ratio's plastic can be a bit brittle, the tie-bars between the w-irons were broken so I replaced them with .020" x .030" plastic section. I



Neptune Road - Inglenook Adventure

SHUNTING - TIDDLY ?   I have read several ideas with regard to shunting on an inglenook. Clearly there is the option of randomly shunting wagons from one siding to another, perhaps moving the wagons to end up with them in the reverse order to the order they started in etc. Then there is the tiddly wink computer or the playing card/waybill idea as featured in Model Trains International etc   I decided to use the playing card option and 8 wagons.   I was lucky to get a mini sized pack of pl



The first trial assembly.

First test bolt up to try out assembly procedure. Still several things to check before the final assembly method is approved.   This is the first time that we've got a 'feeling' for the project. When we add some ballustrading and refuges it really will seem like we're on our way!  



Shock... another March Update....

Well a Bulleid down and an N15 on the road to being finished.   34038 Lynton is finished and looking for a new home, there's a photo in my Bulleid Gallery, but here's another more frontal shot.     Also before I get on with another Bulleid, I decided to rename my other Sir Harry le Fise Lake to something else (way too many Sir Harry's on ebay ) With a couple of hours work when the plates arrived from Fox Transfers, Sir Arry became 30794 Sir Ector de Maris on a 70D (Basingstoke) shedcode



No news is bad news..

Greetings. I had intended by now to post the obligatory vidclip of an engine traversing my trackwork, but alas this has not yet happened! In the limited time I've had over the last week, Ive unsoldered all feeds and disconnected all the point motors to try to track down short(s) which have prevented the above. I am in the process of reconnecting and meter-testing and have now about 2/3 of the layout working. Unfortunately, during a process of adding and changing power drops, I have made a



coombe junction - moorswater - LACK of (or) inspiration?...

Update   Had an opportunity to do some modelling last night...but couldn't face it...need more time to think things through...things like whether to use easitrac or pcb for the new sidings...   So, during a trip to Ikea this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see a new entry in the LACK shelf family (really, I have no connections to Ikea)   As you may recall, I have an abundance of the 1100 x 260mm LACK shelves scattered at home and a few 1900 x 260mm too, and they make great layout



Finally getting time to do a little modelling

So the forestry commission moved in last night to deploy the first wave of trees. More and a few bushes are needed, plus a bit of paint for some of the slightly more luminous and cheap trees. As there will be about forty trees in the end its all from the cheap end of the market or special offers!     The class 20's are an It's N Gauge respray, one of which is going to end up as the sound system shortly.

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

N Gauge K40 full-brake in lined maroon livery (TPM kit)

This is my second attempt at producing an ex-GWR K40 full-brake from the TPM kit and a Dapol B-set as the donor. My first effort can be seen in my earlier blog and was finished in plain Crimson. I was fairly happy with my first attempt but I was sure I could do better having had a bit of practice.   This time I completed the full assembly before painting rather than trying to paint each part separately first. I found in my last effort that is was too easy for glue to spoil the finish. Secondly



Building a 2mm Class 09 - Part 5 - More work on the chassis

June 2007: I was unhappy with the worm gearbox. With just the motor and worm fitted (no gears) it was very rough compared to when the motor was out of the gearbox. Flexing the gearbox did allow the motor to speed up, but I just could not make it stay like that. Eventually I realised the gearbox had folded up not square. I removed the bearing from the far end and the worm rod was naturally hard against the side of the mounting hole rather than in the middle. I took the gearbox apart at the fold l

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

The sleeping giant (1887)

Farthing, 1887. The Great Western is a sleeping giant. The system is plagued by gauge inconsistencies and circuitous routes, and the Churchward revolution is yet to come. In the bay platform at Farthing, a Buffalo tank sleepily knocks a few wagons about.       For the past ten years the world has suffered from a global economic depression, but Workman P. Quince has never read a newspaper and is more concerned with the stinging pain when he urinates. Perhaps he should fi



More Building frustrations!

Having spent another evening of swearing, throwing things about the room and generally not enjoying myself I think I am coming to terms with the idea that the making anything more complex than a simple-ish structure from scratch is outwith my skills!   - In fact its taken me a couple of beers and a favourite relaxing CD to even get to the stage of being able to think about my problems!   Come to think of it this was the achilles on with the 4mm stuff and the station building was much more

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

O2.11 & bubble car

They both work!! Always a huge sigh of review when they move under their own power.   O2 Motor wired in and pick ups added. Over sprayed varnish to deal in transfers added. Buffer beams & final detailing awaiting, then weathering. Couldn't resist a photo opportunity for a Maunsell coach too! Bubble car has had a coat of primer to show up the blemishes. A bit of rubbing down is required and beading to the end window.



Standard Class 3 tank in OO - frustration and irritation

I've not had very much modelling time lately, for various reasons, and what time I have had, has been devoted to weathering the Bachmann chassis for 82044.   Tonight, I thought I would give it a good running-in on my circle of Lima track, which I keep specially for the purpose.   Prior to the start of running in, the chassis did exhibit signs of jerkiness, especially in one direction, but, ever the optimist, I hoped that this would improve with some running. However, after 90 minutes of cont

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

A Grey Day

Grey primer that is - it's a lovely sunny day really   Various chassis parts have been stripped down and given a coat of Hycote grey primer ready for some satin black     The loco and tender bodies have also been treated to a coat or two, but are hardening off in a darkened room



Class 22 - Part 7

The body gains its buffer beams, valences and roof panels.   ... and I promise to write about something else one day   Buffer Beams   As far as I can tell the method of assembly intended by the Worsley Works kit involves two false cab floors to be soldered to the main body and a separate chassis built around a floor unit with two cutouts, presumably for motor bogies. The floor unit and the cab floors have etched holes, so I guess that the idea is that they should be bolted together. The si



coombe junction - moorswater - blood, sweat and beers...

Update   Firstly, a big thanks to all the helpful comments and the PM received regarding my inlaid disaster in my last blog.   I had already made my mind up before I posted it, that it had to go...the questions were, when and how and what to replace it with?   Earlier today, armed with a screwdriver I began to scrape the clay away at the edges of the track. Despite all those cracks it had actually set rock solid and was difficult to remove. Enter the Hammer to the equation...and the scrapi



"Hornby Clerestory Conversions - Part 3"

The first of two packages I was waiting for, arrived today. They contained a few packs of Bachmann's standard round headed sprung buffers, and a pack of Hornby's standard disc wheels for coaches. Both were extremely cheap (a pound a pack!!!), and as this is being done on a budget, gratefully received.     The buffers are not correct by any means. The reason for my thinking here is thus. These coaches are going to be used as background coaches in my films, and will be bashed around a bi

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Building a 2mm Class 09 - Part 4 - Brakes

3 Feb 2007: Last night's session started by me having to free up the rusting worm tube and extract it from the bearing. I cleaned it up again with emery paper, and got everything running freely again, but left it dismantled this time. I must put some oil on it to stop it rusting again.   Having dismantled everything, this evening was a less-than-exciting session of drilling .35mm holes (the smallest surviving drill I could find in my toolbox). Twelve holes in the chassis, and another 18 in the

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

7mm coupling choice/ C&L points

I have just recently built a few Parkside Dundas and Slaters wagon kits. Quite pleased with them, however as I am new to O Scale, I am not sure about what couplings to use. I have already attached the springed chain couplings supplied with the kit, but just trying to find out what type of couplings are out there that will make it a little less tedious to unhook/hook on other wagons. Also if anyone can offer any advice on building C&L turnout kits/ points I would be glad to hear from as the C



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