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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Meridian goes large

Having completed a 4-car Hull Trains Class 222 in N Gauge, I thought that there might be some demand from the 4mm fraternity for a bigger version.   I purchased a rather shabby 3-car trainset example from eBay and set about the conversion. Essentially, it is almost identical to the N Gauge version - remove the roof air-con pods, repaint the roof and ends and stick on the sides.   The vinyls were totally re-drawn from the N Gauge versions, making use of the opportunity for extra detail that O




Tender is now black and waiting it's red buffer beam and lining out       Actually, the loco body is done too, as are the bogies and deflectors. Time to start stripping down the chassis methinks   EDIT:   Deflectors are now on   B)



Scalefour Armchairs Challenge (Part 4)

A brief update to report a little progress on the initial six wagons for the Scalefour Society's Challenge. The current state of affairs at the close of play yesterday evening is shown below.........six 16 ton mineral wagons all in different stages of construction.     Two Parkside standard Dia. 1/108 with W irons attached can be seen at the back. Top left is an old Airfix kit Dia. 1/108 with a replacement floor fitted. On the left is a Cambrian Models LNER 16 ton mineral wagon. In the cent



Modelling thoughts

I've recently gotten the bug and inspiration to get back into doing model making after a number of years out of the hobby.   Primarily I've an interest in Aviation modelling - WW2 and/or Cold War mainly - and the majority of my modelling output may well be in that direction.   However I've been thinking of seeing if there is a way to have a 60s to 80s era RAF dispersal diorama with some element of railway modelling to it, maybe for transport. Possibly a narrow gauge line bringing armament? I



"Hornby Clerestory Conversions - Part 5"

The first of the Hornby Clerestory conversions is nearing completion.     The roof has had very little done to it, apart from removing the beading and other related pieces, and carefully reworking the clerestory ends to look squarer and more GCR looking.   The torpedo vents were then added, and the roof finished off in Railmatch's Roof Grey. The result is as follows:     The next job will be adding glazing - I may, for ease of build, just refit the older plastic panels, bu

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Baseboard materials

Twenty years ago my layout was built on three boards each constructed with a four by three foot sheet of chipboard on two by one softwood frames. They were noisy, even with cork under the track, were incredibly heavy and warped out of true so much that I could never get reliable running over the baseboard joints.   Returning to modelling twenty years on, I’m older and wiser, and realise that joinery is not one of my skills. So I began to look into the use of alternative baseboard materials.



An Update

Hello.   I think its about time for an update, there are a couple of things worth mentioning..   Firstly progress on Highclere is slow but it hasnt stopped. I have, and still am working through the trackwork on the second board making sure that there are no obvious faults along its length.     Its difficult to make out in the above photogragh but I am now about 2/3 the way along the track on the board. Most of the track on this board has been replaced with only the point really left but



Layout Arrangement for a module meeting in July

In July I will held an module meeting with some friends. There will be a british arrangement with modern diesel traction and a heritage train. And there will be a continental modular arrangement with a harbour railway related theme. Here I show you the british modul arrangement. On the top will be Penzance station, then there will bei the stations Borve (Junction station) and Uig (terminus). There will be the halts Earlish (after the fiddle yard) and Romesdale (between Borve and Uig) and we wi



The story so far

I started chronicling progress on this layout on another blog, but have decided to move here, where people seem to actually read blogs. I will start by recycling what I wrote before, to catch up with the current situation.   24 Feb 2009: The 2mm Scale Association laid down their Golden Jubilee Layout Challenge to build a layout of 9.42 sq. ft. or less in time for their 2010 Expo. I then spent a year and a half thinking about it, leaving a year and a bit to actually build something.   The t

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

"Tidying up the Blog"

It has been a while since I've refreshed the look of this blog. Originally it used icons and subtitles such as this:     However the look of it is a bit off. So I decided to go for a more uniform, smarter look, and that involved using what must rank as one of the all time best looking liveries in British History: mixed traffic black:     Gill Sans type font, size 24, bold, was used for the lettering. Both the subtitles and the main header of my Copley Hill Blog Index - seen t

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

No news is un-news.

Well, just a brief update to say... nothings' really happened for the last three weeks I've got pretty much tied up with my writing, although I've bought some styrene strips to finish the running boards on the pacific Jubilee... I haven't had much chance to do anything with them yet. And I still haven't ordered the handrail knobs... Hopefully I won't have to wait till I've got one of my writing projects finished, if only because that's going to be about another five or six months.

Sailor Charon

Sailor Charon


This particular blog of mine doesn't get updated as much as the rest of mine, it being more a record of development than a working blog. As a result, it's been neglected a little bit. However, I have worked on bringing this blog back up to standard, at the same time as my main "Copley Hill Works" blog. The two blogs now share the style of headers.   The difference is that here, I have trialled a small picture above each section of the blog, to show the contents of each episode. I plan on doing

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Well!... Banff-ish layout taking a lie-down, boxfile diorama replacement for summer.

Thanks for all the the suggestions and general morale helping in respect of the frustration of the last entry, I'm not giving up on 'Banff-ish' but I am putting it away for a bit. Thanks also 'scanman' for the pm I will get back to you regarding questions/suggestions pretty soon. A decent day on the first day of BST has also confirmed 'modelling time' will be taking a bit of a hit- here's what its up against...       The baseboard has been mended (yes I did kick it across the room - a

Russ (mines a pint)

Russ (mines a pint)

Reworking Vitrains EWS Class 47

Hellow! Its been ages since ive posted on here -   I've been doing a 'quickie' project using one of Vitrains latest 47 releases - 47773 The Queen Mother This being reworked into 47790 - a nice distinctive EWS machine with its eliptical buffers and snowploughs 8) The printed names have been slowly and carefully removed with tcut - this left a little bit of a mark on the maroon paintwork but ive patch painted/feathered this in with some precision EWS maroon Ive lightly rubbed down th



"Hornby Clerestory Conversions - Part 4"

The next stage in the Clerestory build was trialing various shades of British Railways Carmine paint. I've settled on this shade, which is my own mix, making it up as I go along with various acrylics. I did try Railmatch's enamel paint, but didn't like the finish particularly.   I have, under advice from a few chaps at the Gamesworkshop in Bluewater (where I get all my acrylic paints for mixing up), undercoated the coach in Scorched Brown, on top of a base coat of Chaos Black. The result is th

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

Blog Restart! Building Bridges in N and T gauges

Hi All,   it has been a while since I posted a thing here, but due to an unusually quiet weekend.... some progress!   Firstly, Victoria Bridge in N....   Using a pillar drill with a 2mm drill bit, I finally got around to creating the precision holes for the structural toothpicks...         However, the holes have turned out rather too precise, the toothpicks fit too snugly into the holes and make it impossible to slide the bridge parts to the right spacing... or at least not wit

Will J

Will J

Getting Cross and Other Tales of Indiscriminate Destruction

I think (and hope) that the worst of the winter weather is behind us. The garage having recently been relieved of workshop duties, following a batch of home improvements, the layout is once again reassembled therein.   I'd been following Pete Matcham's progress on Moorswater with interest, especially his recent travails with inlaid trackwork; Brafferton requires a small amount of trackwork to be sunk into hardcore/yard muck. Having successfully used lightweight patching filler elsewhere, I hav

Tony Simms

Tony Simms

A milestone moment!

I'm feeling rather pleased with myself this afternoon, as it all appears to work! I've spent the last few modelling sessions constructing the axleboxes and their stirrups and fettling the equalising beams to fit.   After the test assembly appeared to be successful, I couldn't resist plonking the body on top to see what it looked like, and it looked rather good IMO.     Everything appears to be OK in terms of width across the bogie - nothing looks out of place there. There is an issue wi



Southeast Steam Railway - A Modern Interlooper!

Hi,   With alot happening with Hythe Parkway over the past 6 months, I have somewhat negelected Bigporth! But never fear, here is an update!   The Layout hasn't been used much since it was 'reopened' a while ago, but there's going to be a pick up in activity with engineering works on Hythe meaning most freight traffic is being diverted to Bigporth.   The First such service was 4O92, The 10:00 Birmingham - Hythe Parkway (diverted to Bigporth) Marsh Distribution intermodel train. This brough

St. Simon

St. Simon

A Visit From The Foam Office

The backscene has grown a little bit more vegetation, the fences are temporarily positioned to check the look and the greenery has extended. Carved a couple of blocks of foam to form the dip in the scenery to the front.   Need to let it all set then fit the point motor in the yard before I can progress the scenery any more.     Meanwhile the Gresley full brake has finally received its LNER lettering and numbers, a mere three months on.

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

Alexandra Palace 2011

Greetings. I spent a thoroughly enjoyable day at the National Show yesterday, in the company of friends. Great to see Mark's little O/F goods engine in the brass, so to speak; as well as Missy's now infamous Elvis. It was nice to see Totnes and Happisburgh in particular. I went with a shopping list which included one of those lovely Farish B1's, which will join my DCC "experiment" ( SWMBO speak), along with the Deltic, NCC controller and oval of Kato track! Also a little hold and fold BUG,



Standard Class 3 tank in OO - frustration has boiled over and now we're cookin'...!

Just a quick entry, this, because I have to get back to the hair shirt....   I managed to dismantle the Bachmann chassis for 82044 and found, after some cleaning and careful re-assembly of the side rods only, that the problem was in the valve gear. The basic 0-6-0 chassis ran reasonably well with wires directly soldered to the motor and the valve gear and cylinders removed. I found one of the connecting rods quite badly bent and twisted. They are of very hard metal, so it could not have been c

Captain Kernow

Captain Kernow

Start of the WCRC Charter rake.

Good evening all, I have done hardly any modelling for a long while and its about time i pulled my finger out and got on with some. I have just purchased among other things some of the beautiful Graham Farish MK1s with an intention to turn them into a charter rake used by WCRC. The first big change that had to happen is to replace the bogies with more modern commonwealth types, first problem is that you cant get them as spares so i have had to find the cheapest full RES brake coaches and stea



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