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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Chagford - Designing 2mm Trainset Curves

Hi All   When making sharp curves, i.e. sub 800mm radius I have found that the standard way of producing 2mm track by using the track jig to produce a herring bone does not work.   I output the template from the track design package without the sleepers showing. This is because the package does not work correctly when the radius of the curve is sub 400mm radius. The template was cut out and fixed to the baseboard using masking tape.     I marked the mid point between the rails at eac



"Midland Region Suburbans, Part 1"

From this, a very dark liveried London Midland & Scottish Railway suburban...   ...to this, a British Railways Carmine liveried example:   The coach was disassembled into its constituent parts: roof, glazing, seating, coach body and frames.   The lining and lettering on the coach body was removed using careful application of nail varnish remover, on a cotton bud. Wet'n'dry paper was used to clear up the residue.   The coach was undercoated with a layer of white acrylic (Skull

S.A.C Martin

S.A.C Martin

PLN: 2mmFS Micro tester

One of my many! backofanenvelope plans surfaced the other day whilst going through a old hard drive and thought that this would do for my first venture into 2FS layout building. It will be a test bed for many things and is going to be around four foot long-ish. Based on a NER fictional location named after a place I lived in many years ago it will have a simple track plan apart from a 3 way point at the eastern end of the yard. I am going to have a go at Temploting this later tonight if I get th



2FS: Point number 3

Well with another iteration comes more progress and I have now a reasonable looking point that has most of the right things in the right places, hopefully.. I have the stock rails and the straight closure rails on and one of the filed down point blades. I am going to see if I can make a better jig than version one which is a bit ramshackle and rough although it seems to have done the job properly. After some advice I tried to create the L shape profile on the rail to give a bit more stability at



Deltic photoplank update (Napier Lane sidings?)

A while ago I posted an entry covering my attempts at knocking together a short photo plank upon which to pose my Deltics. This has served its purpose, but with the opportunity to exhibit these publicly looming, I felt that the display really ought to have a bit of a backdrop against which the locos could be viewed. The shelf that the board sits on is quite limited in height (95cm), and whilst this limits dust gathering, it also limits the height of any attached backscene. I opted for a brick wa



Bit of a Bain to build..

Some more modelling done despite the weather. The SR USA tank now has glazed front side windows and the buffer beam corrected, the next Balloon trailer is under way (and in SR green this time) and I started building a Bain Clerestory. This latter one is a shrink from a 4mm PC models etch so a bit fiddly. It also has sides with folded in solebars and overlays that join to separate ends and various cross pieces for the buffer beam and underframe bits.   In the end I assembled the ends, buffer be

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

Starting again...

Since life hasn't been stable for me over the last ten years or more with university and work, there hasn't really been a way to put down a permanent layout, what with moving from one end of the UK to the other, and then finally to Spain. But now things have settled down, and I've enough room in my office for a small layout. I could have gone bigger, but as I've been away from modelling for so long, and also having trouble finding things (more on that later), a 4 x 1.5' plan was devised just t



A New Chapter

It has been quite a while since a post has been made on this blog, for a number of reasons. Firstly, there has not been a great deal of work on the layouts since Yamanouchi Oshika attended Abingdon, and secondly because there has been a great deal of change within the club.   Whilst not wishing to bore everyone with internal procedure, the upshot is that Weyford-on-Sea is no longer a club layout, and now belongs to one of our members. Relations are good, and I am sure that a couple of update p



Dynamis & Coal Stage

I haven't posted any updates for a while, I've been a busy boy, but here's a round-up of what I've been up to model railway wise for the last few weeks...   I've upgraded from a Bachman EZ-Command (it gave me the bug but can't cope with my expanding roster!) to a Dynamis system. In it's basic form it's not the most complex of systems, but I do feel it's a simple step from what I had to what can be expanded to quite a complex system. And at just £98.00 at Cheltenham Model Centre, it was a barg



A Right Old Carry On

nevard_110410_brewhouseQ_IMG_9665_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Brewhouse Quay: There is still much to do with the layout still evolving, and this is an example of spur of the moment model making.   The gate ‘to the rest of the world’ seen here in its embryonic stage, is the result of seeing just such a gate in the movie 'Carry On at Your Convenience' and thinking out loud "that's just what I need". Being able to ‘pause’ live video on a Sky + box allowed me to mak

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

The whole story

Back in 2001, I was working in Luxembourg on a short term contract. I found the local model railway club (AMFL http://www.amfl.net ) meeting in the station at Walferdang, just north of the city. I started helping with some scenic work for a quarry and narrow gauge feeder for their large, permanent HO layout, but not being knowledgeable about railways of Luxembourg, there was not much more that I could do.     Then one day, they mentioned their annual exhibition, which was five months away. B

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

Just one loco? That's so lame, man!

Afternoon all!   Having run my errands for today, I was meaning to show you these images I snapped yesterday while patrolling Frankfurt Central Station for anything out of the ordinary...     And there was something out of the ordinary indeed, waiting at Platform 19. Unfortunately, it was much too long to be photographed in its entirety... This was the combined IC 1990/1959 service to Berlin Südkreuz and Leipzig Central, whose formations were joined up till Fulda. This resulted

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

2FS: Aaahhhhhh :)

Ok so I carried on working on point 2 this morning and got as far as putting one of the switch rails in when I became unhappy at not only the quality of the work but also the fact that I had failed to file the switch blades, Doh! So after pacing up and down a bit and having a cuppa tea to calm the nerves I decided to embark on Point 3. What has become apparent is that I need a number of things to assist the smooth running of this point building operation. Firstly I need a proper FLAT surface to



Wiring the Layout

6th June 2010: This week saw the completion of the track wiring, and the successful test running of trains all over the layout. Copper tape bus bars run beneath the tracks, and small 'dropper' wires link the rails to the tape (two per length of rail). There was just one missing link wire found. Wiring up the point operating servos is still to be done. From the photos you can see one Merg Servo4 board mounted under the baseboard. Two more of these will be fitted to control the remainder of t

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

Bespoke Nameplates

nevard_110408_narrowplanet_DSC_1917_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.     Earlier today a bespoke 'RADSTOCK' Narrow Planet nameplate arrived for this Hornby J94 Austerity seen here posed on Brewhouse Quay. This loco has yet to be detailed up, so the plate is only tacked temporarily in place for this snap.   Find out more from here:www.narrowplanet.co.uk/   Thank you to the kind souls here on RM web who alerted me to this fabulous service        

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Chaford - Dead End cassettes

HI All   The cassette design I have been using has proven to be a dead end design, but hay I had an idea but it did not work out in practice. Half the fun for me of working in 2mm is the problem solving aspect!     Part of the reason for the problems was one of the connectors / locators was 0.2mm too near to the right hand end of the cassette. This despite careful measurement and allowing for adjustment after assembly.   The cassette worked one way around, but it didn't work when t



Making progress

I've made some progress since my last blog post. The tracks laid, wired up and tested. A big challenge was the the 3 way point. Perplexed on how this works and how to wire it up I turned to rmweb to steer me. Fortunately others have been equally perplexed by this, so I soon found the answer. I have to admit that I read the explanations a number of times before finally getting a handle on it. A trip to maplins the next day and we were good to go. I will probably re-wire the layout just to tidy i



Neptune Road - Inglenook Adventure

RAIL ROVER   Cheers Mikkel for the comment. Are you going to try a lump of the insulation foam stuff?   Here's a pic of Rover, sitting in his fave spot on the PW trolley. He likes sniffing the diesel fumes - don't we all   Roger



Cooperage Services for Harrap, Farmer & Maddocks Devon Brewers

nevard_110406_brewhouseQ_IMG_9620_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   With the weekend ahead, now's the time for a little 'Friday feeling' sillyness.....   Brewhouse Quay: Looking across the canal wharf sidings at the little ex-Midland Railway Johnson 1P 0-4-4 which has just opened up the regulator to blast over the wagon turntable.   In the brewery it was frowned at to run anything bigger than an 0-4-0 over these little turntables, so the unwritten rule was to open the regulator a

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

The Rails of Spring

It sure is good to be having some nice weather during the last week of my term break, so I broke out the camera and went outside – intending to take a look at the Riedberg light rail lines in the north of Frankfurt, which I described on this blog last autumn and winter.         Construction work is still going on in most of the designated residential areas up here and the greenery planted along the tracks are displaying the first signs of sprouting buds and leaves as well . Here, car 6

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

2FS: Midnight oil

Ok so decided not to allow current events to stop me I set about building point 2. Decided to tidy up a bit and found a bit of hardboard to protect the desk and also to be able to see bit n bobs more easily.   This time I started with a number 6 as I thought this is what I will be using So first I soldered up the frog after filing down the rails, I really need to get a better file for this and with York coming up another item to add to my shopping list. Then I set out the sleepers that I hav



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