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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

A new modelling tool I did not know I owned.

Curves have been bugging me for a while. How the heck do you cut them out? I've tried scissors, free hand with a knife, scoring with a pencil attached to a compass, scoring with a the pin end of a compass, and none have worked.   I was emptying the dishwasher the other day and it came to me. We've had pudding bowl hair cuts, so why not pudding bowl to create well cut curve.     I used a scalescene bridge as the template to create the bridge but adjusted the measurements as needed to creat



Chagford - Building the Baseboard

Hi all   The construction method for the Chagford baseboard is very simple. The top is made from 8mm MDF sheet. A circle was drawn using a ruler type compass. The circle was then cutout using a jigsaw.   Once the basic shape had been cut out, the edge was smoothed using a surform and the attachment blocks were located as shown below. The blocks then had a curved edge made using the surform too.   The edging strip is 4mm MDF cut into a strip and then placed in the bath to soften it,



Operation Mirror Image - Day 2!

So, another day is drawing to a close...   ...which means I have been busy on the extension! Well, truth be told it is not just me - it makes sense to use my dad's carpenter skills. Although I did do a bit of the carpentry, he did the vast majority. The turntable doesn't turn (yet!) but we'll be looking into that tomorrow I expect.   Op. M.I. Counter Time so far today - 3 hours 20mins split as follows: 3hrs - woodwork for the baseboard 20 mins - engine shed alterations Running to



Be Specific, an A4 Pacific....

As another Battle of Britain is the paintshop.   I started work repairing the slight beat up A4 Golden Plover I'd acquired off ebay. It needed bits replacing namely the tender chassis and front bogie, plus various parts sticking back on. Didn't take me to long to fix, fortunately she's a smooth runner so I did't have to start dismantling too much. After a few hours work she looks more like an A4, I've also taken the opportunity to fit etched plates which really bring it to life.     Next




]Went to the RM meet at Taunton today, a big thank you to the SWAG crew for organising it so well and to all the exhibitors for providing such high quality layouts. Thanks to all friendly RM web'ers for saying hi. What follows is only a few pictures, I am sure other more talented snappers will post a more complete set of pics. I did take shots of almost everything but not all were that good (my camera work, not the layouts!) so if I have not shown your work it is my lack of ability, not the asto



An assortment of activity

It has been a fair while since I blogged but there has been a fair bit of activity. My postlady must be getting sick of having to bring packages for me. Here are some of my more recent purchases: The Mikadotrain X73500 - A truly spectacular model! I have written a rather rudimentry review of it here . The Busch campsite which will be position adjacent to the lake I am going to construct on one of the new baseboards. A fantastic french building that uses a rather unique method of constr

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

Photting on a Sunday afternoon...

...might be a suitable title for the following set of images which I took on a spin in the country northwest of Frankfurt earlier today .     Here I was stopping over at Friedrichsdorf, which is served by the S5 suburban line as well as stopping services on the branch line between here and Friedberg. The train seen here is a Stadler GTW 2/6 type DMU owned by Hessische Landesbahn, who work the Friedberg-Friedrichsdorf line. The unit is standing by to work the HLB24562 service bac

NGT6 1315

NGT6 1315

55 002 KOYLI (two tone green) DCC Sound

My favourite 'real' Deltic has now returned from Jason's workshop complete with new tail and headcode lights. In particular the headcode looks superb and you can't tell the difference between it and the factory fitted 55 001 donor. Now that it is complete with sound, cab and marker lights I am extremely pleased with the result! Only thing still to be done is etched nameplates.     Chris

Tay Bridge

Tay Bridge

Some Maunsell coaches and a GWR Diagram C.54

Not updated this blog for a while now - I must get a bit better at doing it.   I've built a couple of Phoenix/Branchlines "Goldstar" coaches - a Maunsell Open third and one of the 1935 type brake composites.   I'm not a fan of the original BSL/Phoenix coaches - nasty stamped aluminium sides and some strange pressing that are supposed to be the chassis. However these are much better, having much thinner etched sides for starters.       I replaced the rather crude Phoenix bogies with MJT



Operation Mirror Image - Day 1!

Today saw the official start of Operation Mirror Image - from now on, I will add a tally of the time spent and how it was spent (as seen below) for the following posts. So at last, the extension is firmly on its way. The ply will be braced with softwood battens underneath and I will need to make sure I match the board heights correctly. I'm expecting that I will need a new backscene too, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it! Thanks for all your support, it really is highly appreciated



Point 4 - Finally completed one that works!

So today's effort was put into constructing point 4. I spent a little over one hour 40 minutes building and now as I know what I need and the order in which it goes I am speeding up a bit but still taking time to get things wrong I feel a lot more comfortable building things up now.   After a trip to BnQ today with a friend who has a car I got an off cut of thick MDF which I thought would make an excellent surface for point building but didnt reckon on the pritt stick gluing the template so t



Layout inspirations and layout ideas; Plus some scratchbuild ideas...

Tomorrow sees Natalie and myself heading down to Taunton for the members day. Very much looking forward to it, will be first time I've been to one as well. Looking forward to seeing various items people have said they're taking.   Recently I've been inspired a little to think of a very small format layout other than the Chilmark or Hilsea ideas that myself and Natalie are going to be working on. [Hillsea is Natalie's layout plan/idea, I was getitng myself confused].   I've come up with a few




Hi Gang, I have been told that I should get with it (daddyo). So here is my little blog. (No sniggering at the back) I am currently working on motorising an Airfix Mogul in EM.   The frames are Comet, wheels Alan Gibson. it has a mashima connected to a Branchlines gearbox. This week I got the motor wired up to the pick ups. It is always nice to see the thing under it's own power. Although it does jerk along the test track. Probably due to the uneveness of the track and having a solid chassi



The more I try not to...

The more the temptation is taking hold to do something based on the old railway through the valley.   After being out on a job yesterday, and taking a couple of shots of the old track area that ran through the middle of the farm I was working on, and out across a bridge, I'm staring at the local history pages and mumbling to myself (not a good sign, as when mumbles happen, so do crazy projects). And when the photos come off the camera like the one attached below, it doesn't sway the mind agai



Neoprene Rubber

nevard_110416_brewhouseQ_IMG_9735_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Brewhouse Quay: to the right, the latest scratchbuilt warehouse in the BQ saga (think of it as satellite telly, you can tune to another channel if you're as bored as I am).   I had to photograph a rather nice china clay works earlier today for the popular press and needed to dig out a small diesel loco in the form of this Bachmann 03 (or is it an 04?). With hindsight, it actually looks rather good here on the

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

1F first assembly

Spent a couple of hours this evening fitting conrods to the 1F and cutting out some of the inner footplate to allow them to turn freely. The photo above shows the chassis and body fitted together for the first time. The motion works nice and smoothly when pushed with a finger; the lead pushed into the boiler coming into play.     Before the motor is fitted I need to do a bit more fettling to make the rear end sit in a little more snugly, and add a few more details to the chassis. I al



Where's my Train?

These chaps got painted and made all dirty with black pastel tonight, all ready to crew the good ship Mikado     I've deliberately made the driver cleaner than the fireman and he sports a red neckerchief, the dandy   These are whitemetal (probably pewter) copies of the Hornby offerings that I bought off eBay ages ago. Will add a little more weight to aid traction



Anglicizing a German! - Part 1

Now, as you may have noted on my previous blog entry, I've bought a little NG shunter from Liliput. Today I decided on some surgery to make it look a little more British. I did away with the glazing and chopped off the window frame and gave it an initial coat of green. The paint is still drying in the photos, and it will need at least one more coat.   I have to say this is the finest locomotive I think I have ever boug



More CAD............

Whilst I'm waiting for the prints of LCC1 (7mm to follow soon) I thought I'd stick a pic up of the latest CAD work for the next tram in line, here's a teaser, more to follow soon     Hopefully you may recognise it from some earlier entries.

Red Devil

Red Devil

Magnetic Uncoupler Mechanisms for Freshwater

18 July 2010: Following the Expo, I can now get on with adding the uncoupling magnets. I had always intended using permanent magnets, following their successful use on Brunswick. I bought some small magnets from Merg, but they were nowhere near powerful enough to operate the DG couplers from below the baseboard. Now I have purchased 50 'rare earth' magnets via Ebay. These are really powerful for their size (about 5mm diameter and 3mm long) and come with all sorts of warnings. 'Rare earth' magnet

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

Things what I 'ave bought!

I finally got round to making some purchases! I've been umming and aahing about what I should buy for quite a long time now. After finally having made up my mind I decided to plump for the following:     Acquisition no. 1 Steiermischen Landesbahn diesel shunter VL6 is seen here after having arrived from Germany after a certain lack of motive power on the RAF NG Railway at Calshot. It is surprising to note that it is a brand new engine although it looks like some modifications may have to be



Update on 1F

I was beginning to wonder whether I should stick with N gauge after my recent experiences with 2mm FS. But the I took out a piece of code 55 and immediately returned it to its box. Now I understand why it is called the Dark Side. There really isn't any going back, is there?!   As Don pointed out earlier, fitting gearboxes to spit frame chassis is not for the faint-harted. I have certainly had to conclude that gearboxes and me don't mix very well - perhaps I would need to extend my knowl



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