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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Detailing a Bachmann 08 in BR Blue

I recently purchased a BR blue Bachmann 08 from a certain on-line auction website for a very reasonable price, and I have now set about detailing and re-numbering it.   Originally it was numbered 08 763, with depot plaques on the body sides (applied by the previous owner) and the cab handrails had also been painted sliver. This wasn't really a problem as I planned to replace the handrails with wire ones anyway. I also intend to add the various pipes and details of my chosen prototype; 08 850



Neptune Road - Inglenook Adventure

A spot of track cleaning anyone?   Despite it's size - which in fact is a daft way of starting off a blog entry on such an important subject - the old nook depends greatly on very slow speed running. Slow speed running needs clean wheels and track. Despite the wonders of dcc there is no excuse. It's often a question i ask at exhibitions "what do you use to clean the track?" I recently tried Rail Zip 2. Soaked a cotton bud with it and ran it along the rail and left over night. Pretty good resu



E6001 finished

Slightly poor photos taken at half eleven tonight, but I've finished the class 73. It's in early 1970s condition, as per this photo.       Finished using HMRS transfers. I'm rather pleased with the result, but at the same time happy that I only want one 73/0 as the underframe needed an awful lot of work. Hopefully the 73/1 will be a lot easier when I get round to doing a couple of these.



A Fresh Consignment of Casks

nevard_110421_brewhouseQ_IMG_9786_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.         Brewhouse Quay: A recent consignment of ales casks litters the end of the yard near the cooperage. Many of these have come from the Black Rat Brewery in Saltash near Plymouth for refurbishment courtesy of Mr Sullivan MD of the brewery. Note the two rather large Hogsheads next to the building on the the right.   The follow this thread - take this LINK.    

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

MOD Depot/Transfer shed planning

As well as the narrow gauge module, there will be the depot/transfer shed module.   A rough outline of which i've drawn below:         Unsure whether it will stay quite like that, I may take one of the storage sidings (with blast shields) out and the engine shed perhaps.   So things are starting to get an image forming of how things will be laid out I think. Still very rough atm, not sure really on what buildings would fit.   Then theres the selection of stock that will be needed. N



Narrow Gauge module planning

Now almost recovered from Taunton I've been giving some thought to the plan of the narrow gauge module.   As you can see, it is pretty simple in design:     Really is just a couple of sidings and a bunker. One of the lines to the bunkers may well go to a fiddle yard off view, not sure yet.   The real Chilmark had a lot of natural surroundings to provide good cover, so plenty of trees and scenic items will be needed I suspect as the RAF/MOD basically let nature do as it pleased apart fro



Operation Mirror Image - Day 5

Op. M.I. Counter Time so far today - 3 hours split as follows: 1.5hrs - applying hanging basket liner 1hr - applying vegetation 20mins - spray painting concrete 10mins - forming beach at rear Running total - 14 hours over 5 days Today saw another flurry of activity with the continuing warm weather. These next set of images show the work completed. First, HBL was applied to the banks of the river. Then ground cover was applied around the banks and around the en



Herring MkIII

For all those when attended the excellent RMWeb members day down south this weekend, you might of seen me constructing an etch with a RSU (resistance soldering unit).   The etch in question was one of my own design of a GWR/BR Herring ballast wagon. So far, two years in development and it's finally getting somewhere near! Hopefully it's not far from it's first production run.    



Bishopthorpe Lane N.E.R - takes a turn for the.....

Ok so I couldn't resist having a go at the plan and having in the archive a suggestion from someone elsewhere I thought about the space issues and liked the idea of having a roundy roundy as trains could rumble through as shunting is carried out in the yard and then wagons could be added or taken away from the passing trains.. the more I think about this the more I like it as the space take would be around the same but be able to be made to fit in with the room rather than having to get the 'tra



Experiments with C+L track

Time to get some track in place for The depot. For a pragmatic modeller like myself, it's easy to dismiss finescale track as something for the purists only. A little too easy, perhaps! With this in mind, I'm currently taking a closer look at some of the C+L track components. The idea is to see whether this sort of thing works for me, and how much it adds to the overall impression of the GWR in the 1900s. It's still OO, and so far only straight track, as that is all I need for the scenic part of



More progress on D16/3 chassis

After an all to brief week in the Lakes (traveling north via Scaleforum North in Wakefield, obviously) I returned to work and the workbench this week.   First task was to build a combined keeper plate and spring assembly for the D16/3 chassis. Having cut the cosmetic springs off the bottom of the frames as I was fitting the hornguides I've now used some strips of nickel silver and some extra frame spaces to make a keeper plate that stops the axles falling out, it will ultimately be held on to

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Part 13: Kitbashed steam engine for my railroad

And now for something completely different I've always been inspired by John Allen and his layout; The Gorre & Daphetid RR. What some do not realize is that he built almost everything himself, including the locomotives. Many of them had no direct prototype for the model, but was built to suit his fictional railroads requirements . I myself have had a project that has had the time to mature for a little while (about 20 years .....), but now the parts that I needed to do it miraculously h

M Graff

M Graff

Change of Plan - an unexpected thing in railway modelling...

Well hoots mon etc! I can't believe that so long has passed that it actually took me a little while to find my way back to my own little blogette (I have a spurious nil entry blog set up by accident, and its not too easy to navigate beyond that one)   any hoo, time has passed and not much has seemingly happened, but its all been great fun. I've wrecked a few settrack points in my search for the elusive 'electro-frog' conversion, and instead, I've changed the parts to code 55 electrofrogs (a l

mr magnolia

mr magnolia

Operation Mirror Image - Days 3 & 4

Time so far today - 6 hours split as follows: 3hrs - applying modelling clay 1.5hrs - ballasting 1.5hrs - painting As some of you may have heard, yesterday didn't go very well today. However, today was a different story and as you will see with the following photos I have made some rapid progress. The grass in the second photo by the engine shed will need to be considerably toned down as it is just far too bright. The modelling clay will be sprayed with Plastikote Su



That old 1F it just keeps rolling along...

Quick update for anyone following this, before I disappear for a few days:     The motor is positioned inside the boiler and the chassis screwed back to check there is enough clearance. All is well, I think. When I return I will epoxy the motor to the chassis and connect wiring and then the moment of truth. I have been careful to keep returning the engine to the live track periodically to hunt down any shorts, so hope no surprises.   Chris



Weathering heights in the sun...

For all the latest SDR news and superb pictures-Please click Here!I finally managed to get a few hours at Staverton today, hoping to see the Dukedog in action before this weekends Cambrian gala. It was almost a shame to work as the sun shone down but I got out the paintbrush again to finish the shed door. I didn't bother to photograph that as there were historic works afoot. For the first time in at least 40 years the crossing gates at Staverton are being replaced. The new ones were made last



Class 22 update and layout plans

Uploaded photo of my class 22 to the gallery - now with windscreen wipers!   On the planning front, reconsidering the size of layout I'm looking at to replace Coombe Junction... maybe quite compact... say St Blazey, Luxulyan, Bugle, Goonbarrow, Newquay and a few branches.... much less than planned.... I have to allow space for a new stairway up to the attic! Groan! Had to reinstall Windows but now on Windows 7... still not quite got Xtrackcad fully back in order... when I have a new plan I'll




Now I have two angsts at the moment. The first is the height of the tender. There is a comment in the UK prototype forum about this. The Airfix tender is sitting to high. Having now looked at it I think that the moulding for the bunker is correct but that the additional roof makes it over height. The last picture published has th eroof missing. So as I have booked a visit to the NRM to spend a happy hour looking at the drawings of a BR2 tender. There are a large number of drawings but it see




Yesterday I came across this fantastic image, purely by chance. I have sent a copy to the MRS to see if anyone can shed any light on it. I can't think there can be any copyright issues with reproducing it. All I know is that it came from a local family collection, it was taken circa 1905, is somewhere in Long Eaton and get this : it is thought to mark the occasion of the end of shunting with horses on the old Midland. What interests me in particular, is that my maternal great grandfather was d



Taunton; and RAF Chilmark inspired Layout moves forward a step.

So, firstly Taunton   Wonderful event, glad I went. Long tiring drive there (for me 100+ miles is very tiring and painful), but by the time to go came, I left with a feeling that it was all very much worth it!   Having better access to the layouts to actually see them working and admire the handiwork of those who have lovingly created them was the best aspect. Shows such as Ally Pally and so on are great, but the sheer number of people who go means actually seeing and admiring or talking to



Track Plan for Bishopthorpe Lane

Ok so after some Templotting at the weekend I tested out the size of the plan and am quite suprised how bit it is and thats without the 3way so I am going to have to go some giggling to get this into a more managable size as there needs to be space for the fiddleyards/cassettes! but I think it is a workable plan and like the flowing curves allowed by hand built track. And finally a side on view of a Tank loco and 2 (ahem) Southern coaches!  



garratt fully painted

well sorry for the lack of updates been very busy - but just thought id put a final pic up on the garratt this has now gone to run in the USA !!!!! yes folks im not joking so maybe end up with no2 garratt starting at some point soon with newer chassis in! but we will have to see!     hopefully will have some new loco builds soon as working on a few new projects! cheers all regards ian.



First public appearance at Taunton

The first part-finished section of the viaduct made its inaugural public appearance at the RMWeb Taunton bash yesterday, including some powered running across it for the first time.   Many thanks to John for all his hard work in getting it to this stage, not without its trials and tribulations, and to Pete for his help yesterday. It was gratifying to receive some positive feedback and encouragement based on what we had done so far, but also a reminder on how much more there was still to do!



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