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  • SouthernRegionSteam

    Coastguard Creek - 15 months of planning!

    By SouthernRegionSteam

    Hold on to your socks - this is going to be a lengthy one! (In fact it's so long, I've now split it into 2 separate posts - the next will be up soon...)   I think it's fair to say that you are all long overdue an update on Coastguard Creek. Due to other commitments, no real progress has been made since the last post way back in March 2021; almost 15 months ago! If anything, things went backwards for quite a while, as I kept finding more and more inspiring locations that I really wanted

Track Repositioning

Hello again,   After hacking up the track, I have now managed to get the main passing loop installed in the station on the main baseboard. It is looking a lot better than it did before, although I am not too pleased about the track running straight into a tunnel so I am considering changing the freight sidings and the depot side around, although I am really unsure about this right now.   Anyway here are some pictures: The track soon after it was layed. Some test trains. I can now ge

SNCF stephen

SNCF stephen

All change please...

No matter what I seem to do, or what my best intentions are, life just seems to constantly get in the way of modelling.   For each minute of actual modelling I manage to get done, I must spend 100 minutes thinking about it. As I'm sure many of you will testify, this is a dangerous trait for us modellers. Thinking about modelling should probably be banned, or at least limited, because it always seems to lead you away on tangents.   These excesses in brain function coupled with the inevitable

Modelling Mike

Modelling Mike

A little update...

Hello.   Its time for a little update to tell you all about what I have been upto...   Firstly I have now started a new job which is good and a bit of a relief! Of course the down side is it has taken a large slice of my spare time so right now modelling time is limited mostly to weekends.   The trackwork on Highclere is nearlly there. I have spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out a problem with the MERG servo controllers though which has been slowing me down. For some reason at th



Layout progress and Taunton RMweb members day

HI all,   well after a picture of my new 2mmFS layout was put up in the Taunton thread i thought i had better do a little entry on progress.   The layout its self is a 4ft 6" dia circle and will have two main lines on the front and a four road fiddle at the back. The board folds up in the middle and this will provide proctection for the layout and i am toying with the idea to find some boxes that will sit on the rear half and these will hold the stock for the layout so it can be transported



Trio or Medley?

Here we have a 'trio' (gosh, that's so very BBC Masterchef) of wagons posed on the brewery. Of course I could have used 'medley' instead but that sounds more like a microwave meal.   Ok, to the point, I have a huge collection of second hand wagons that I'm slowly refurbishing. I acquired them about 10 years ago, but they probably date back to the 1970's and 1980's. Most of them I can identify, but these defy me, so I'm turning to you the as ever informed reader.     Wagon 1 (click to

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Time to open it up on two fronts...

Recently, I've been getting hammer about building something for the local arts fair in November, seeing as I'd been entered; however, my 'saving grace' was the fact that my board was a foot over the allotted size, and the other thing is, my idea was not locally representative...   Last week, I'd got an 'urgent' to do in Barcelona, so my idea was in and out and then go over to the sheds in Martorell for an hour, and then have a wander across Montserrat to the rack railway museum, just to get so



Footplate and Bogie for D16/3

A productive day, first up the bogie for the D16/3. I've not made a bogie for loco before so took a look at the CLAG website for ideas. The PDK Kit has a fold up bogie etch and two 'strengthening' pieces (according the instructions) which are actually the equalizing beams (I think). I elongated the holes on the main bogie etch and then used handrail knobs and spring steel wire to spring the equalizing beams off them. The result can be seen here, fitted temporarily with some wagon wheels just to

Fen End Pit

Fen End Pit

Chagford - Going Round in Circles

Hi All   Today I have been building the new cassette location and electrical connection for the train cassettes on Chagford. Despite the new electrical system being much more straight forward, on the first attempt I got the wiring cassette wiring reversed and found a complete short when I tested it.       This done I next wired up the section of track to the left of the cassette which had previously been unconnected. Then did some rectification to the point wiring and added the point



Operation Mirror Image - Days 6 & 7

Just a quick note while I remember: I hope you like the new look of this blog's sidebar NEWS Woodgreen Model Show is coming up and will be held in the village hall on 30th April - 2nd May. Calshot will be in attendance so come and have a chat and I hope to see you there! I am now booked to appear at the Four Marks Exhibition on 21/22nd May (run by the scout group) Using a quick bit of editing, here the pelmet and backscene have been magically attached! [click



Part 14: Pics of the finished 2-6-4t

Here are some pics of it as it stands today: Still some small details left.... This is how it looks like with the warm white LED on: I will add some small details on it and maybe a brakeman on the pilot. This was a real satisfying project, and I will try to find more scrap locos to modify in the future, any known ones out there? B)

M Graff

M Graff

Making the freebie easier to build

Last night I realised that it would be a lot stronger if the ends had tabs that folded round and could be glued down the middle of the sides (as a sort of 3 layer sandwich). The goings on in the corners will be hidden by the overlay bits anyway.   So here is rev 2. I've also added an explicit creative commons license to it so people know it can be reused and how   The previous one will work on thin card, this one won't as the thickness is only going to work for paper. If you are using thin c

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

Get outside, it's a lovely day...

nevard_110422_brewhouseQ_IMG_9812_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Before I take advantage of the nice weather outside (probably doing dull things like gardening which I hate; Astroturf and plastic shrubs would be ideal - actually full sized static grass would get my vote too), here's another quick snap of the overgrown rails on the wharf after a zap of the Grasmaster. The lightly laid (code 55 flatbottomed) section here being inlaid in ash and clinker between the cobbles, so af

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

No Buffers

nevard_110422_brewhouseQ_IMG_9816_web, originally uploaded by nevardmedia.   Brewhouse Quay Update: Rather than end the sidings here with buffer stops, a gate suggesting the rest of the world and large sliding doors to another warehouse/workshop has made a more interesting 'end'. Hopefully the effect will suggest that this is only a tiny section of a much bigger brewery complex. The temporary lack of casks give the effect of a closed brewery - maybe Whitbreads have bought it out and shut the

Chris Nevard

Chris Nevard

Royal Wedding Freebie

I've been meaning to draw up some templates for making paper wagons for the Peco chassis for a while as its a great way to knock up all kinds of fun wagons, and if you overlay the strapping with black painted plasticard etc can look really good.   This one is just a paper build on a Peco 10ft chassis     If you want to make your own then the artwork is below, print at 600dpi and have fun. The tiff one is the best quality and most likely going to just print right, the jpeg is there too jus

Etched Pixels

Etched Pixels

Class 22 - Part 8

Progress continues on the class 22, albeit rather more slowly now that the days are longer and I'm often out and about enjoying the nice weather for more of the evening.   This posting is rather an interim update to say that "I'm still here" rather than a blow by blow account of particular bits of the model, mainly because I don't think that I've done much that is really 'finished' since last time. No photos either, because the appearance really hasn't changed noticeably.   Attention has now



76009 the Tender

Well after frightening myself about 76009 not being at Eastleigh in 1960...it was, so the money spent on the etched plate is not wasted.   Right, work on the engine now comes to a rest. I have adjusted the pickups and now the engine purrs along the test track quite smoothly.   For those interested I have three tracks on the test board. The first is a straight track with a few lumps on it so that you can detect if the chassis is square (it will jump off the track) or if, as it goes over a hu



Chagford - My New Workbench

Hi All   Last night I completed building my own workbench, up to now I've been working on the kitchen table. Currently I get the power supply from a extension lead on the top of the bench, hopefully I will soon have the 4 way attached to the side of the bench instead.       I also need to fit a side and back to the bench to prevent items and tools from falling off, and getting lost.       Lisa    



Nearly There .....

Quick photo of the 2-8-2 before fitting of the brakes and rigging.     Tender needs coal and a coupling, but that's about it really.   Went a bit mad with the Brit detailing pack I got off eBay, fitted the screw link coupling and backing plate (if that's the word?) plus the steam heat pipe as well as the cylinder drains that I bought it for. The rest will go to the Duke of Gloucester that is to come B)   Wonder if it still works?   UPDATE:   Couldn't resist taking this pic of the



Ballasting Freshwater - Trials and Tribulations

28 October 2010:   It must be the season for ballast laying. With all the track laid, wired up and painted, and a successful two days operation at the GJ Expo in Oxford I just needed an opportunity to have the layout set up for a few days to allow the ballast to be laid and for the glue to dry.   I followed the method used on previous layouts, applying the ballast dry, painstakingly moving around and removing it from sleepers and flangeways, then spraying water with a couple of drops of wash

Ian Morgan

Ian Morgan

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